Chapter 16

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"Tress, I see a wonderful future. Though the problem with it now is I don't see you in it." He said. He grabbed my hand "Essa would you be my girlfriend?" He asked nervously.

"Yes!" I said. I didn't even have to think about it. I just acted. I've wanted this for a long time. I just didn't know I was missing it so much. My heart felt complete. "Yes, yes, yes!" I said again. He looked shocked. He recovered slowly after the second time I said it.

Once he recovered from the shock he hugged me tightly and gave me a kiss on the lips. How I missed the feeling of his lips on my. How it sent electricity down my spine. Everything we did my heart would beat a little faster.

"I'm so happy. Tress you've made me the happiest man alive." He said before he kissed me again. "I have something for you." He said when I realized where we were walking to. I was surprised. It was his workshop. He unlocked it and grabbed my hand. He lead me to the workbench when I saw a box. He handed me the box.

"What is this?" I asked. He seemed nervous. I wondered what was inside. Was it something he made? What was it for?

"Open it." He said. I slowly opened it to see two small things in there a wooden butterfly and a small box. "The butterfly was for your birthday. I'm sorry I didn't get it done in time. The box is engraved with today's date on it for it being the day I asked you to finally be my girlfriend." He said.

I smiled. The butterfly had a little hair clip piece attached to it so I could wear it in my hair. The butterfly was plain and glossed. The box on the other hand was painted careful blues and greens all carefully designed.

The box was small like all it could hold were rings or other small jewelry like earrings. I opened it to see it designed to hold rings with velvet on the inside. The lid was engraved to say 11-12-16 the day you became my girlfriend. Though that was not the first thing that caught my eyes.

The first thing to catch my eyes was a promise ring with the infinity sign on it. It was engraved on the inside to say I Shadow promise myself to you, Tress. I started crying I was so happy. I couldn't explain it.

I thought he wasn't going to get me anything for my birthday and I was okay with that. I tried to wipe away my tears but they kept coming and coming. They wouldn't stop. I eventually gave up. I didn't mind though I was really happy. I've never been this happy.

"Tress, I want you to know I promised myself to you so I got you a promise ring. I want you to be happy. I want you to be in my future. Please accept this present." He said. As he slipped the promise ring onto my ring finger. I just smiled. Then nodded.


I was nervous about the promise ring. I was so nervous. What if she didn't want me. What if everything went wrong. I got the ring a few days ago from the cities. I was super nervous. I even got it engraved for her. I didn't know what I wanted to say so I tried something. I wanted something that would mean a lot to me.

"Tress, I want you to know I promised myself to you so I got you a promise ring. I want you to be happy. I want you to be in my future. Please accept this present." I said as I slipped the ring onto her ring finger. She smiled then nodded. She was crying like crazy. It broke my heart to see her crying but I was so happy that I finally made her so happy.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me full on the lips. Her lips were soft and smooth. There were fireworks like always. I loved the feeling of her lips. I loved the way she tasted. I loved her.

"I want to tell you about my dad." She said. It was late we were in my room cuddling. No we didn't have sex we were just enjoying each others company wrapped in each others arms.

"Oh?" I questioned as I raised an eyebrow. I could sense it was a tough subject for her.

"When I was little he died. I was old enough to remember him. He was everything to me. I keep his wedding band around a chain around my neck." She seemed to chock on her words. I could tell it was sensitive topic for her to talk about it.

"How did he die?" It just slipped out of my mind. "Wait you don't have to answer that." I added. I didn't want to push her. It's already been an emotional day.

"It's okay," she took a deep breath. "He was picking me up from a friend's house. I was supposed to be spending the night but I was really afraid to be away from home. It was raining really hard that night. He lost control. The car crash. I was in the backseat at the time. The car squished him a-and and he died instantly." She stuttered a little but it was to be expected. I would've to if my mom died right in front of me like that. "My mom blamed me for his death, she blamed me for never getting the chance to have a son." She said. She was fully crying again. I wrapped my arms around her.

I could see why she never talked about her father. I hugged her tightly in hopes I could take away all of her pain. That I could undo the past. That none of it had to ever happen. That I could control the past.

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