Chapter 14

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He opened his eyes. It was weird but at the same time I was overjoyed. I loved him. I really did. I guess I never realized this. Who could love someone like me. I knew what ever we faced we would get through it. He closed his eyes as fast as opening them.

Seeing his beautiful green eyes made my smile and cry at the same time. I know now that he'll wake up. It's like he had to reassure me that I wasn't alone. I felt thankful for that. I kissed him on the forehead and mumbled some sort of thank you. I laid with him. From then on I wouldn't leave his side unless he told me so.


Essa got released from the hospital. She was safe in my arms. I brought her to my workshop it was my special place. She was my special place. I got down on one knee. "Essa Gold Stevenson, I love you more than anything in the world. Would you do the honor as my beautiful girlfriend to become my beautiful wife. Tress, will you marry me?" I asked her. She was crying slowly she just nodded. "Yes, yes yes yes I'll marry you. I love you so much." She said. I put the ring on her finger. Then got up and picked her up in my arms. I spun her around. My gosh she looked so beautiful. Straight out of a magazine. A few weeks passed. Then was our wedding. We didn't want to wait to long to get married. "Do you Stefan Clark Blade take Essa Gold Stevenson to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold to cherish until death do you part?" He said "I do." I was happy to see her smiling. Her hand in mine. Her soft skin touching my rough skin.

"Shadow. Please wake up now. It's my birthday today and I want to spend it with you." She said as she kissed me on the lips. She sounded hurt. I responded and put my arms around her waist. I pulled her closer. I loved feeling her warm soft lips against mine.

"Good morning beautiful." I mumbled.

"Good morning Shadow. I'm glad you're back in time for my birthday. You've been out for four days almost five." She told me. She must've been up for awhile not grumbling like the last time we shared a bed. That or simply she was excited.

I took in my surroundings. Everything was white. I must've been in the hospital. I couldn't give her the present I made her. I didn't have enough time to finish it. Plus no way was I getting out today.

"What am I doing in the hospital." I asked. She laughed a little.

"That lame excuse for a doctor said you were in a coma. She didn't know when you would wake up. I called her a jealous girl. She got mad and stormed out." She said. I laughed at that. She must not like others looking at what was her's. Simply I was her's no one else's. "I'll go get your dad." She said.

"Wait." I said. I pulled her close to give her another kiss. "Okay." I said and she left to go get my dad. They both came in after a few minutes.

"Stefan, you scared me. Never do that again." My dad said. He acted like I had control over the coma I had. I knew he cared. I know he does. I'm all he has left after mom died.

"Sorry dad." I mumbled. He heard me. Tress sat in bed beside me. The biggest thing I worried about was her. It always was her. I don't care about what happens as long as my family is safe.

"I'll go talk to the doctor." My dad said. I laughed. I remember what Tress told me what happened with the doctor. They walked in.

"I'm glad to see you up Stefan." She started. Tress shot her a glare. I already didn't like her.

"Mr. Blade" I corrected. I didn't like the way she looked at me or Tress. She looked way to comfortable using my first name. She gave me a look like she was claiming me. She gave Tress a look like she was some woman who sold her body.

"So, Doctor what caused my son's coma?" My father asked. I could tell he didn't like her either. So why were we all putting up with her.

"I couldn't tell you. Coma's are caused by sever physical problems. As Mr. Blade had none." The doctor said. It was because I was severely stressed out and didn't want to wake up. Though I don't think it actually works that way.

"When do you think he'll be released?" Tress asked. I was silently hoping for today. So that way Tress didn't have to spend her birthday in the hospital with me.

"Tomorrow maybe. He needs to be watched over." The doctor said. What was this evil doctor trying to say. Was she trying to say that Tress wasn't fit to take care of me. Oh how I wish I could ask for a different doctor

Tress looked heart broken. I motioned for her to lay down next to me. She seemed to notice. I wrapped my arm around her. I could tell she need comfort. I rubbed her hair with my free arm. I knew I could comfort her. I always did. It was normal that I did it. I never even thought about it.

She evidently got the clue none of us were going to acknowledge her. Especially not me. I had Tress that was the only woman I needed in my life.

"Happy birthday Tress." I whispered into her ear but she must already be asleep. She was curled up at my side. A place where she fit so perfectly.

"Do you love her son?" My dad asked. I laughed quietly at that as not to wake Tress up. I just nodded.

"Very much so dad."

Author's note: so what do you guys think. I don't know how much longer I can keep the story going. If I stop publishing everyday it's because I'm so stressed out about school or because I'm suffering from writers block. Please vote and comment. I'd love to know what you guys are thinking.

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