Chapter 11

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I felt as he wasn't done talking as we walked back to the house. I didn't want to end this moment. I missed him. He's been waiting to tell me about his money for awhile I can sense.

"Shadow?" I asked. He looked at me with a big grin. I'm glad I can make him happy. "Thank you for telling me. I'm not interested in money but I can tell it's important to you to tell certain people." I said.

"Thank you Tress, you mean a lot to me. Thank you for not running away." He said. I laughed a little. He was worried I'd run away? That was a little funny. I just gave him a big hug. He wrapped his big arms around me. We walked back to the house.

"Good night Shadow." I said as I went into my room.

"Tress you forgot something." He said with a smile.

"What did I forget?" I asked. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night Tress." He smiled and walked away.

'Good night Stefan' I texted Stefan. 'Good night bestie' I texted Spirit.

'Essa tell me about your boyfriend.' Stefan texted her.

'Good night babe. Glad everything worked out. I missed you. Let me know when you figure mystery boy's name out.' Spirit texted me. We decided we were going to try to get it.

'He's not my boyfriend. Like I told you. But I really wish he was.' I texted Stefan. I wasn't in it for the money but after tonight I realized how much he cared about me. I wanted to see him look that happy again and again. I want to be the one to make him happy.

'Okay then tell me about your not yet boyfriend? What's he like?' Stefan texted. He was impossible.

'He's funny, handsome, very handsome, well built. Most of all you can see the love in his eyes when he looks at me. I want to make him happy. He looked really happy tonight and I want to see him like that again.' I texted him. I knew Stefan wouldn't understand.

'The way you talk about him you must like him. Anyways it's starting to storm here I got to go.' He texted. I knew Stefan lived out in the country somewhere so when it stormed bad he lost cell service. When it storms bad here we almost lose everything.

Thunder and lighting hit at the same time. I freaked out. I've never liked thunder or lighting but I can deal if I'm already asleep. I knew tonight was going to be a long night. The second and third of thunder and lighting hit and we were out of electricity.

I grabbed my flash light and headed upstairs. I didn't even know what I was doing until I was in front of his door. What if he's sleeping? I don't want to wake him. What if he is busy? What if he has another girl in there? What if he's not home? I stopped thinking of what ifs and slowly got the courage to knock on his door. The first knock was soft. I didn't think he'd hear it.


I hear a soft tap at my door. I cleaned up my room a bit and put what I was working on away. I opened up the door to see Tress standing there about to knock again. She looked scared. The thunder cracked again and she jumped. She must be scared of thunder.

"Um.. you must be busy I'll go back downstairs never mind." She said all in one breath. She was just about to go when I grabbed her arm and gently pull her into me.

"It's okay Tress, really. When it comes to you I'd do anything. Now what was it you wanted?" I said trying to clam her down. She was shaking and cold.

"I was wondering if I could sleep in here with you for tonight. You make me feel safe." She said quietly. I almost didn't hear what she said. I kissed the top of her head.

"Come on it's cold in the house." I said. I laid down in bed and moved over so she would have room.

"Thank you Shadow." She said as she laid next to me. She curled up into my arms. We seemed to fit perfectly together. She fell asleep in no time. I fell asleep watching her. She was the most beautiful thing.

I woke up with my arms around Tress. She was leaning into me. Her hair was a little messy but I knew all of this was her. She still looked like an angel.

"Good morning." She grumbled. She must be half awake.

"Good morning Tress." I said. She seemed to wake up.

"I need to go get ready, I'll see you at breakfast." She grumbled. She must not be a morning person. She walked down stairs. Probably to her own room.

I got ready. It probably took me longer then she did. I walked down stairs to smell food. So it did take me longer to get ready.

I walked into the kitchen to help her but she just shooed me out. I sat down at the table. "Did you hear the storm last night?" I asked my dad

"It wasn't planned. The paper didn't say there was going to be one. Power should be back by this morning." He said. Well good thing we had gas stove or Tress wouldn't be able to cook. She always looks so happy cooking.

Dammit I still have to tell her about being Stefan. I still have no clue how to tell her. Do I nonchalantly say it. Like hey by the way the guy you've been talking to over text, Stefan, well that's actually me. I didn't figure it out until yesterday.

Maybe I should ask her on a date as Stefan. Saying I want to meet her. No that sounds creepy. Maybe text her. Hey Tress it's really me Shadow. No she wouldn't like that. She's has shown she likes the truth and in person.

I walked into the kitchen. I didn't want to ruin her mood but I didn't want her to be mad about me not telling her.

I took a deep breath." Hey Tress I need to tell you something but I'm not sure how to say it. So I'm just going to say it and hopefully it doesn't come out badly. Tress I'm Stefan the guy you've been texting for months."

Author's note: so what did you think? Was it the right way to tell her. How do you think he should've told her? Cliffhanger. Sorry about that just thought It'll be appropriate to stop there.

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