Chapter 21

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I forgave Shadow. I knew I would. That was weeks ago. I'm so glad that high school is over. I won't ever have to go there again.

I began thinking about college but I'm not sure. I don't know what its like and I wasn't motivated in high school how is collage going to be different.

"Hey, beautiful." Shadow said. I haven't left his side since he got me back. Sometimes I'm worried he will get sick of me. He always reassures me that he won't.

"Hey." I said shyly. I still respect his space. I never go into his work shop without his permission. We're staying with his dad for now. Shadow took a few weeks off from work. I had a feeling he was going to ask me something important but he still hasn't.

"You want to come to my workshop with me?" Shadow asked me. I was surprised. I just nodded. He had his hand held out for me. I took it silently and followed him. His hand was kinda sweaty but I didn't care. Was he nervous or something? "Close your eyes?" I closed them. I wondered what he was going to do.

There were a lot of changes this last week. His dad was ever so grateful that I was back in their lives. I now shared the same room with Shadow. It was a little awkward at first, but I enjoyed waking up to him every morning. I always woke up in his arms. It was a great feeling.

"Can I open my eyes yet?" I kept walking. I knew where we were going. I didn't know why my eyes had to be closed

"Not yet." He said into my ear. I never got sick of his voice. He seemed to be in a hurry. His hands were covering my eyes. I guess he didn't want me peeking. I heard a door open. I could tell we were in his workshop. I could smell at the different types of wood.

"Can I open them now?" I asked. Shadow removed his hands.

"Yes, go ahead." I opened my eyes and I was lost for words. It was beautiful. "Would you like to sit down?" He asked. I nodded. I followed him to the table where their was a beautiful dinner and candles lit.

There were red roses and taper candles. And candles all around the table. As cheesey as it is it was a dinner right out of a romance novel. Somehow it was better because it wasn't a romance novel this was for me. I was left speechless.

"It's beautiful." I whispered. It was so beautiful it was all I could think to say. Now I see why he wanted me to go in to town today. So he could set it all up.

"You like it?" He asked now nervous. I wondered what else he has plan. Although this was perfect enough.

"I love it. It's perfect. Thank you so much for doing this for me." I replied. He pulled out my chair for me. All the candles were already lit. He too a seat across from me. Dinner was already served. With what I think was sparkling red grape cider in wine glasses.

"Anything for you." He said he smiled. He was too perfect. Sure we've had a few fights, a few scares, and a few cries. Although right now this is no other place I would rather be then with Shadow, my Shadow.


I've been nervous all day. What if I ask her and she says no? What will I do then? I couldn't be okay without her. Sure I lasted a couple months without her. But it felt like years. I never want to go through that again.

We finished our food. We both took our time but time seem to go to fast. I wish it would just slow down. I almost lost her once. Not again.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" I asked her as she finished her cider.

" I'd love to." She said. I took her hand and I walked down the familiar path to her clubhouse. It was perfect out. Not too warm but no where near cold.

She looked beautiful she was wearing a yellow sundress. I was in my nice pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. Her blue eyes sparkled. She looked happy.

We were outside of her clubhouse house. I turned over the small box in my pocket.

" It's a beautiful night is it not?" We stopped at the spot where I first saw her. That day she was crying. She almost looked like she was crying now. Was she that happy over dinner?

"Yeah it's beautiful." I said gazing at her. She was beautiful nothing more then her that I wanted. I wanted to wake up to her everyday. I wanted the world to know she was mine.

Slowly I took her hand out of hers. She faced me with a worried expression on her face it was now or never. I took the box out that held my mothers ring and opened it for her to see.

"Essa Gold Stevenson, I love you more than anything in the world. Would you do the honor as my beautiful girlfriend to become my beautiful wife. Tress, will you marry me?" I said nervously.  She had tears in her eyes then she nodded I let out a breath I knew I was holding in. I was worried she was going to say no.

"Yes, yes yes yes. I will marry you Stefan." She nearly shouted. I placed my mother's ring on her finger and stood up and hugged her so tight. She hugged me back just as tight. I spun her around.

"You look so beautiful Tress." I kissed her with all I had. She kissed me back. Meeting the same urgentcy that I had.

"Lets go tell dad" she said. As we started walking back to the house.

"I have one more question for you. Will you move in with me in the city?" I ask her nervous. What if this is moving to fast for her?

"Okay. I will." She said. She was crying she must've been that happy. Everything in the world could go wrong but I now had her for the rest of my life.

Sorry I haven't written in a long time. I was going to update this yesterday but never got around to it. By the way happy holidays everyone.

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