Chapter 19

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It's been a little over a year since I've seen her last. I went to every place I could think of to visit her. I keep getting told she'll find me when she is ready. What if she will never be ready? What if my beloved Tress was waiting for me to make the first move? Well finally after a little over a year I got the chance. I got the chance to see her again. She was graduating today from her high school.

So that is where I'm headed now. After a painfully long year I might get the chance to see her again. I've changed in a year. I started my own business in the city. Yeah I hit it rough for the first few months but I was now thriving. I finished my first year of business on college and then decide I wouldn't go back. Especially if Tress came back. I would want to spend all my time with her.

Sure my business had a lot of women in it. A lot of them flirt with me. Though I don't flirt back. Some have even gotten fired for trying to flirt with me.

I still work on the farm every now and then to help my dad out. My father is getting old and can't keep up with it. I now live closer to the city. Because I'm the Ceo of my business. Blade Co. No we don't make blades. I guess that's what throws people off.

I pulled into the school parking lot. It was full already. I remember high school. It was painful. I had a girl every other week. Yeah I'm not proud of it but it happened. I haven't had a girlfriend since Tress and I were together. I don't know if we aren't together anymore or not. One day she just stopped texting me back. She never showed up to the farm again. The clubhouse was all but forgotten by her. Spirit would leave me little notes at the clubhouse every now and then. I cleaned it daily.

I was directed to sit in back. I wasn't happy about it but at least I'll get to see my Tress. My Tress, Essa Gold Stevenson. I knew her face by heart but slowly it was fading. That voice so rich so powerful. Those blue-ish gray-ish green-ish eyes. That showed every emotion she had. Especially that day she thought she lost me. The girl who would stay by my side no matter what is gone. She is graduating high school. She left me a year ago. My heart is still so empty with out her. My heart is still not full.

Slowly everyone quieted down. Then names started to get called. One by one. Until it was her turn. She walked on stage like she was glad this was finally over. She was skinner then I remembered like she hasn't been eating. Her eyes were a little red like she's been crying. They were black circles under her eyes like she barely slept at night. She looked horrible but at least I still got to see her. At least I would have my chance to get her back today.

We locked eyes and the world seemed to stop. She looked so sad, so tired, and so surprised. She recovered slowly. She kept looking around. Her eyes didn't meet mine again. She took her diploma and practically ran back to her seat. I walked back to the bottom of the bleachers. I was afraid when they get dismissed she would make a run for it.


It's been over a year a terrible terrible year. I don't sleep at night. I don't have money to eat. Mostly I cry a lot. Today is my graduation. I cried because it's an event he missed.

It was my fault after all. I stopped texting him. I stopped going to the farm. I stopped going to the clubhouse. I knew he would be there and my heart just couldn't handle it anymore. I kept up to date with him now. He was like a celebrity.

He also texted me every day. Some days I would ignore them. Other days I'd would read them then cry. My heart missed him so much.

He always texted me what he was doing and what was going on in his life. On TV when they asked his relationship status he would always say 'It's complicated but I'm definitely taken'

I didn't have television or Internet.  I couldn't afford it. Spirit always seemed to keep me up to date. Spirit will always download the interview onto her phone so I can watch it. As much as I tell myself I don't love Shadow I truly do.

I love him more than anyone. I didn't date anyone since we have been apart. Some guys would always ask me out. I guess I looked easy to them or something.  I never said yes.

My name got called. I scanned the crowd to see if my mother showed. She didn't. That's when my eyes met his. His beautiful green eyes. Eyes that didn't look like he lost sleep nightly. A body that doesn't have to worry about food. He looked happy.

I couldn't stand seeing the happiness that was in his eyes. Of course he was happy with his new girl. Why was he even here? He must have an alternative motive. He wouldn't be here for me. Would he? My heart said yes. My depression said no. I didn't know what to think.

I was ready to run once we got dismissed. I played with my promise ring. I never took it off. I couldn't bring my heart to do it. I always wore it. I have never taken it off once since he has put it on my finger. I have memorized what it says on the inside.

It read I Shadow promise myself to you, Tress. He didn't use our real names but we used those names enough they could be our real.

"Okay graduates you are dismissed." They didn't finish before I bolted. Someone grabbed my arm as I passed the bleachers. I looked and it was him. I wanted to cry again. The one person I hoped I wouldn't run into I ran into.

Author's note: what do you guys think. Vote and comment. I'm so in love with these characters. I would love to know what you guys think.

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