Chapter 22

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I smiled as I remember the events that happened a few months ago. It seemed just like yesterday that he asked me to be his wife. Soon I would be.

His dad accepted me into the family and said 'its about time.' We laughed at that. Shadow, which I still call him even though we'll be married soon, and I moved to the city. It's been a little rough that he's semi famous. He's not only rich but a ceo of a big company.

Shadow says that he doesn't need a personal assistant that he'll just seem stuck up or something. So I practically manage him like a personal assistant expect I don't get paid.

"Tress?" He asked

"Yes?" I responded.

"Do you want to get married tomorrow?" He asked like we were talking about what to eat for lunch. To say the least I was shocked. He patiently waited for an answer

"Okay." I said. I wouldn't care if it was now or a few years from now. I wanted to be with him.

"I'll let everyone know." He said. I just smiled. I never imagined a big wedding. I already had my dress picked out. We both agreed we didn't want a big wedding.

Just a few people. His dad, Spirit, and a few others that I didn't really know. We didn't have a lot of people we wannted to attend planned.

The next day we went down to the court house to get married. Just Spirit and his dad showed up. Not that we minded.

We all went out to eat afterwards. We were all a little over dressed but I didn't mind. I was still in my wedding dress.

"I love you." Shadow wispered before we entered the restaurant.

"I love you too." I said back. I didn't have to think about it to know it was true.

We decided to go to New York for our honeymoon. I didn't really want to leave the country and he had to be back to work soon.

It was a perfect week. I look down at my wedding band I still can't believe that I'm married now. None the less to someone as perfect as Shadow.

"I had an amazing week with you Shadow. I love you, I love that I'm your wife." I said as I cuddle into him more. We're just sitting at home watching movies.

"Do you want children?" He asks suddenly.

"I don't really care. If you want children I'd love to but if you don't being with you is enough for me."

"Lets have children someday." He said. I just nodded. I love when we have talks like this. He sounds so serious but yet so happy and content.


It's been ten years since our wedding. That was a fantastic week her dress was beautiful. Since then we've had two kids.

Amanda our daughter is 7 and Cole our son is 5. They are the cutest little kids ever.

"I'm home." I shout as I entered our home. This is the place me and Essa have been since I asked her to move in with me. We found a great house right away just outside the city. We could always expand if needed but it's been working just fine for our family of four.

"Daddys home! Daddys home!" I hear Amanda and Cole screaming as they run to greet me at the door. I hurry to get my shoes of before they attempt to tackle me. I see my beautiful wife follow behind them just not as fast.

"How was work?" Essa asked me. A few years ago I started to call her by her real name. It was akward when people asked why I called her Tress. She swiched to my real name too. We still use our nicknames for each other every now and then.

"There are my two little devils. I hope you two aren't getting into too much trouble. Work was good would've been better if you were there." I said the last part to Essa honestly. "You know how much I dread my meetings. It's worth it to come home and see our family in the end" I added. I put both of my Children down and kiss my beautiful wife. Her hair is now longer not as short as it once was.

"Why don't you get the art you guys did today and show dad." Essa said. After 7 years I still like being called dad.

My kids race each other to the play rooms and back showcasing their beautiful art work. Which is some scribbles but you can make things out of.

"Wow thats amazing." I said. I enjoy my time with my family completely. I was so happy when Essa first got pregnant. We were both a little scared but in the end we're happy.

Author's note: thanks everyone for reading. Thank you if you've been with me since the beginning. Its been a hard few months. I know I started out publishing everyday but I learned I run out of ideas faster that way. This is my first book on Wattpad so thank you for reading. It means a lot to me. Please vote and comment your thoughts. I'd love to know what you're thinking right now.

P.s. this was the final chapter of the book I don't know if there will be a sequel or not. Comment if you want one

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