Chapter 15

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I remember waking up in the hospital next to Shadow. More like cuddled to his side. He seemed to enjoy it. He had a giant smile on his face even in his sleep.

A few days had past since then. Shadow got released on the 5th of November four days after that witch of a doctor had said he would've been released.

Shadow told me to go home even. Then he saw the look of worry on my face. He said I could pretend to be his wife in order to stay and I did. I promised not to leave his side again. Since that promise to myself I haven't left his side unless he used the bathroom or something.

I didn't leave his side unless he told me to. He always came back within a reasonable amount of time. That way I didn't have to worry. Once we were home I stayed out of his workshop. I respected that was his private place. Plus I myself also had things to do and I didn't want to be clingy.

Even with the urge not to be clingy. I still didn't leave. I just finished making grilled cheese sandwiches. Like every other day Shadow was in his workshop so I brought him his lunch. I knocked on his workshop door as I held the basket of food that I brought him when I wasn't at school.

"Tress, I have something for you." He said. He looked excited about it. "Well actually it isn't done yet so I'll give it to you after dinner. Okay?" he said. He seemed to be happy. Although anyone would be in his position. Being home and in his happy place.

"Okay. Are you going to eat with us?" I asked. Of course he was he always did. Every day he made time for his family. It's only been a little over a week since he's been released but we were already back into a schedule.

"Of course Tress, thanks for lunch. See you latter." He said as I turned to leave. We haven't kissed since the day he woke up in the hospital. I think he's waiting to make it official between us before he does that sort of thing. I feel as if he's still waiting for something before he asks me to be his girlfriend.

Maybe he doesn't like me and doesn't want me to be his girlfriend. If that was the case then wouldn't he have told me so by now. My hair was short and dully brown. Sure I had golden highlights but they made my hair look to light.

"You're welcome." I said as I headed back to the house to clean up. If he didn't like me he could've just told me so. Stop it Essa you're over reacting and over thinking. There was a reason smart people didn't date. They over thought things like crazy.

No, he loves me. He's said it hasn't he? He's said it. Well more blurted it out. In the end he still has said I love you to me.


I sat down at my bench to eat the wonderful lunch Tress brought me. How do I know it's wonderful? Well everything she makes is perfect. Its always super delicious. Everything even her grilled cheese.

She brought me a water and some applesauce we made last week. We had a few apple trees. We also had some pear and plum trees.

I ate quickly so I could finish my present in time for Tress it was still a surprise for her. This time I painted it blue and green. I just needed for the gloss to dry which takes forever. Okay I'm exaggerating just a bit. It took a few hours.

It was finally dry so I put it in a box so I could give it to Tress. I set the box down on the workbench. It's all I've been working on since I got home was her present. I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Tress telling me dinner was ready. I opened it to see her.

"Hey, shadow, dinner is served." She said. I loved that she never seemed to leave my side. I can always look around and see her by my side. Well she never enters my workshop.

"Okay thank you." I said. She waited until I was done in my workshop before we walked together to the house.

We all ate and talked about our day. Tress was busy helping around in the yard and cleaning all day. It was Saturday so she didn't have school. My dad worked hard on the farm to take care of the animals. Myself was in my workshop all day.

Like every day I helped Tress clean up or at least sat in the kitchen. She washed the plates, then the silverware, and lastly the cups. She always had a smile on her face even doing chores. She always hummed some song that I never knew.

"Tress would you like to take a walk with me." I asked her once she finished her chores. I offered to help her with them but like so many other times she wouldn't have it.

"Of course." She said. She always seemed to look forward to walking with me. She always seemed to look forward to being around me no matter what.

She smiled. I grabbed our coats. I helped her into her coat. Today was the day I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend. Today was the day I was going to put all her worries away. I loved her and I was ready. I was going to ask her on her birthday but something stopped me.

"So was there anything you wanted to talk about" she asked. Of course there was I wanted to talk about us. Our future and hope she would accept.

"Tress, I see a wonderful future. Though the problem with it now is I don't see you in it." I said. I grabbed her hand and I could feel the sparks. The sparks that always were there. They way my heart beat faster. I was so sure of this. "Essa would you be my girlfriend?" I asked so nervously.

Author's note: cliffhanger sorry. I hope you all are continuing to read even with the cliffhangers. Please vote and comment. I would love to know what you guys are thinking. Also sorry I didn't upload yesterday I was super tired and didn't get home until late.

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