Chapter 10

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It's been a few months since Shadow and I went out on our date. Its been a nice few months. Nothing major happened. It's my birthday in a few days. Right after Halloween. There is a Halloween dance at school. Shadow said he wouldn't go with me neither would Stefan.

I still haven't heard anything back from Spirit since that day. Normally I don't go to the Halloween dance but she's going to be there and I miss her. I have texted her everyday but still no response. I know I'll wait for her as long as I can but it still hurts.

'So who are you going to this dance with?' It was Stefan. I'd love if he took me but first of we've never met, second of like Shadow he's busy. Funny thing is neither of them well tell me what they're doing. Oh well.

'By myself. I normally don't go but it's a chance to see my friend.' I texted. Stefan knew about my problem with spirit he just didn't know her name. I don't know why I've kept that from him.

'Sorry I couldn't be there but I'm too old for school dances anyways. And if I did your boyfriend would kill me.' Stefan said. I told him about shadow without saying any names I just say my male friend.

'Like I said, He is not my boyfriend. Sadly. He hasn't asked me yet. Last time he asked me we fought. A fight I still don't remember.' I texted him. My costume like always was 80's punk goth. I wish sometimes Shadow was my boyfriend but other times I'm glad he isn't. He's just never found the courage to ask me. I feel as if he's been waiting for something.

'How do you not remember a fight like that. What if he hasn't even told you what the real fight was about?' Stefan texted. Honestly I don't care. Shadow isn't like that though. So I have nothing to worry about.

Spirit sat across from me. We were sitting in the cafeteria. She acted like nothing happened. She was sitting at the table I normally sat alone. I almost squealed. Maybe I didn't have to go to this stupid dance. She looked at me. Then she left. What the hell was that.

'Sorry I've been such a horrible friend.' It was a text from Spirit. I frowned. Why couldn't she of told me that in person. I was mad at her now. This whole time I knew she was having a hard time but to sit down then leave me like I disgusted her or something broke my heart.

'Stefan, Spirit the friend I've been having trouble with just left me. Then she texted me sorry. I don't know what to do. You're the only person to talk to right now.' I texted him. I was mad I knew what I was going to do. I wouldn't be able to stop myself. I walked straight up to Spirit and talked to her.

"What is your problem. I've waited patiently for months for you to talk to me. Months might I add that weren't easy. You wouldn't know because you've been ignoring me. I was waiting patiently. I was even going to the stupid dance tonight in hopes you would talk to me. Then you sit down at the table and leave like it was an accident. I've been very understanding of what you've been going through. I'm upset. You texted me not even having the guts to apologize. I'm done. Next time apologize to me in person and I might forgive you. Also I'm not going to the dance anymore." I told her. I didn't yell I wasn't that type of person but I was furious.

I didn't even care about school at that moment I went home. Not just home but to our spot. The clubhouse was already finished but I sat outside.


'Stefan, Spirit the friend I've been having trouble with just left me. Then she texted me sorry. I don't know what to do. You're the only person to talk to right now.' She texted me. Wait was Essa Tress. She was wasn't she.

I'm already broken. Is what they said. Now they both are friends with Spirit. Neither of them remember that night that me and Tress fought. Both of them were going to a stupid Halloween dance tonight or at least were planning to. They were both going alone. Essa said she lived with a guy after her mother abandoned her. Tress lives with me after her mother abandoned her. They both were having trouble with Spirit. Oh my gosh. They were really the same person.

I had no words to confront her. I walked to the spot. I had a feeling Tress, or Essa was there. She was.

"Shadow. This place is beautiful." She said as she entered the club house. It was finished after working on it constantly for the last couple months.

It had a bench, a table, and a bed. With lighting fixtures and a bathroom included. Although I had to hire a contracter to help with a plumbing. Then had to get an inspector. The inspector was impressed. It didn't have heating though. It even had appliances

"I thought maybe you or Spirit could stay here if either of you needed to get away." I said. She smiled a sad smile.

"I kinda got mad at Spirit today." She started.

"What happened?" I asked sincerely. I was curious. She sat down on the bed and I sat down at the table. It wasn't big. Barely but it was enough room for two people.

"Well she sat down at our table. I was happy about it. Then she left in a hurry like it was an accident. After that she apologized to me in text." Tears were coming down her face. "Shadow I don't know what to do." She cried. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"It'll be okay Tress." I said. After she was done crying there was a knock on the door. I knew it must've been Spirit. I opened the door to see a woman look just as hurt as Tress.

"Is she okay?" She whispered. I walked outside and talked to her.

"She's really upset that you left her at the table." I said.

"I Know I've been a terrible friend. I went to her house but her name isn't on the list anymore. What happened to her?" She asked. I took a deep breath to remain calm

"She's sleeping now but go in there and make it right. I normally don't say this about people but I care about her. If you hurt her again I don't know If I'll keep helping you be around her." I said. She just nodded knowingly. Before she entered she spoke.

"I know I've been a terrible friend but thank you. Thank you for being there when I couldn't. Thank you for everything I couldn't of seen at the time." She said. I knew she had her own problems. Everyone did. Now it was my turn to tell her. The longer I waited the worse it was going to be.

Tress came into the house feeling better. I ended up making dinner but I didn't mind. My dad and I understood.

"Tress can we talk?" I asked her. She nodded and we went for a walk.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for helping me with Spirit." She said. Dammit I didn't want to ruin her good mood but I knew if I didn't tell her it'll make it worse.

"I have to tell you something. It's not easy." I said taking a deep breath. She looked confused. "Here goes nothing. I'm actually a billionaire." I said. Her smile went into a frown. Before back to neutral.

"I understand why you don't tell anyone. You don't want people who only want you for your money around. I get that so why did you tell me? That's the part I don't understand." She said. She handled that surprisingly well. I wonder how she's going to take me being Stefan.

"I care about you. That's why I told you. I understand if you're mad about it or what not." I said. She looked puzzled. "I love you." I said after awhile. Well I more blurted it out but I meant it. I mean it.  "I love you." I said again quieter

She just hugged me. I'm thinking she still has no idea on how she feels about me. Though I'm pretty sure she cares about me I can see the way she looks at me.

"I'm not ready for a relationship but I care about you too." She said quietly. I was now super happy. I almost kissed her. I didn't though. I didn't want to push her. Especially not until the whole Essa thing gets solved. Not until I tell her who I am.

Author's note: you guys deserve a long chapter. Enjoy. Especially after a short last chapter. I keep having trouble with Wattpad on my phone so thank you for putting up with me.

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