Chapter 5

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Tris pov

"Your getting so big" Tobias says looking at my belly.

We're sitting on my couch just talking. I didn't go to school because I wasn't feeling good so he wanted to make sure I'm okay. Good thing Lauren didn't come. She would have made my day even worse.

"I know" I giggle

"Has the baby kicked or moved around" he asks

"Yeah but he never kicks when your around. If he did I would let you feel" I say and he chuckles.

"So we're having a boy" he asks smiling at me

"No. Well I don't know. I just say he because what else am I suppose to call the baby" I say

"Let's call it chip for now" he says

"Why chip" I giggle

"Because Chips are like all you eat now a days" he says and I giggle

"Oh my your so right. I don't even notice" I laugh

"So chip it is" he says

"Yeah I like it" I say and I feel chip kick my stomach.

"Tobias come here. Hurry. The baby is kicking" I say excited because I really wanted him to feel this.

I grab his hand and put it on the spot where Chip is kicking.

"Wow chip is a little soccer player" he says and  we laugh

After awhile of kicking he takes his hand off of my belly and sits back where he was.

"Can we talk about something" I say

"Sure. What do you want to talk about" he says

"Lauren" I say

"Here we go" he says a little annoyed.

"Tobias I'm not trying to start an argument but I really want you to know that she's-..." I say but he interrupts me

"She's my girlfriend. I know you two hate each other but you especially you have to just deal with it" he says

"Me" I say shocked "she's the one that starts everything.

"Maybe if she was nice or polite to me I wouldn't have a problem with her but she really is a bitch and if she really keeps messing with me I'll make sure that you won't watch our baby when your around her" I add and he gets up from the couch

"Fine you want to be like that. Then I'll also make sure you won't get to have full custody of our baby. You don't just get to make the rules on when I watch our baby. I can watch the baby whenever I want and with Lauren around" he says

"This is my baby I make the rules" I say

"Let's see what the court says. Now that you want to be the bad guy I'm taking you to court for custody as soon as the baby is born" he says and walks away to leave so I stand up too.

"Fine but just letting you know I'm going to win" I say and he walks out slamming the door.

I fall back onto the couch and place my hands on my belly.

"Fuck what did I just do" I say to myself while rubbing my belly.

I grab my phone and call Christina. She answers on the 3rd ring.

"I'm so stupid. Why did I ever have sex with him. This would have never happened if I was just smart." I cry to her

"Calm down Tris, what are you talking about" she says

"When the baby is born four is taking me to court for who gets custody over the baby" I say

"I thought your relationship was fine. What is making this happen. What changed his mind" she says

"Lauren" I cry

"Lauren changed his mind" she ask

"No I brought up Lauren and things just went bad." I say

"What did you say" she ask

"I said I didn't want Lauren around the baby" I say

"Tris why did you say that. That's his girlfriend of course he's going to get upset" she says

"I know but I don't like her. She's mean to me and she says that this is her baby too. Ugh she's so annoying" I say

"Awe Tris I know you don't like her but you just have to deal with her. If you want this court thing to stop you have to apologize and take back what you said" she says and I roll my eyes knowing she's right

"Your right. I'll talk to him tomorrow at school" I say

"So did anything good come out of today" she ask

"The baby kicked and four felt it. We also nicknamed the baby chip" I giggle

"Can I ask you something" she ask

"What" I say

"Do you hate Lauren because she has four and you like him or do you just hate Lauren" she says

"It's a mixture of both" I say

"But I really do like him. Lauren treats him so bad sometimes. She makes him buy her stuff and I think she cheated on him once" I tell her

"But I already know he doesn't feel the same way towards me. I don't even know what I'm thinking, four would only ever see me as the mother or his child" I say

"That's not true. You never know things happen" she says

"Yeah" I say

"Talk to you later have homework to finish" she says and I giggle telling her bye.

The next morning I see Tobias and Lauren at his locker kissing. Ugh great now I have to break them up.

I pretend to cough and they pull away. Tobias sees me and he looks a little upset. Lauren like always just rolls her eyes at me.

"Can we talk" I ask him

"Anything you need to say to me can be said in front of Lauren too." he says and I sigh.

"I wanted to apologize about yesterday" I say "I overreacted and I never should have said that"

"I knew you would come around" he says

"Yeah so are we okay. I don't want you to be mad at me" I say

"I get to watch the baby whenever I want and Lauren can be around too" he says and I close my eyes and nod.

"Yes. Fine." I say

"So are you still mad" I add

"No" he says smiling and giving me a hug.

"I also want to apologize for getting you upset. I know we were both wrong at some point yesterday" he says and I smile.

The bell rings so we all go to our different classes.

This chapter was kind of longer. I hope you enjoyed! Love you's!! 

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