Chapter 33

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Tris pov
2 month later

When we called off the wedding people were surprised. Tobias and I are still on our break but he still comes to visit Logan everyday and help out.

Evelyn after a week at being mad at me personally came and apologized to me. She said that she didn't mean what she said and that She hopes Tobias and I can find a way to work it out.

Her and my mom also made up.

Everyone made up but me and Tobias. I miss him like crazy and for the past 2 months I haven't really been sleeping well.

Today's my birthday. My 21st birthday! If I wasn't pregnant Christina said she would have taken me out to get wasted and drunk.

Last month we found out we're having a girl. Tobias went with me to that doctors appointment. We were really excited.

I stand in Logans room and fold his clothes while he plays with his toys on the floor.

I don't have anything planned for my birthday and I don't think anyone else is planning anything either for me. All my friends called earlier this morning to wish me a happy birthday and so did my parents but I think that's all I'm going to get today.

I put Logans folded clothes away and start to get hot so I pick my hair up in a ponytail.

"Come on buddy lets go make some lunch" I say to Logan. He drops his toys and holds on to my hand as we walk to the kitchen.

"Mommy I want to watch Tv" he says

"Okay only for a little. Your dad should be here soon" I say turning on the tv in the kitchen and putting him in his chair at the table so he can sit and watch tv. I decide that for lunch today I'll make Logan chicken nuggets.

"Want some apple juice while you watch Tv" I ask him and he nods

"Yes please" he says in his cute baby voice. I giggle and pour him some apple juice in his sippy cup.

The front door opens and Tobias walks in with balloons and a cake.

"Daddy" Logan yells when he sees Tobias walk threw the front door.

"Hi buddy" Tobias says hugging him and kissing his head.

"Today is mommy's birthday" Logan says to Tobias and I smile at how cute Logan is.

"Today is mommy's birthday oh wow, mommy's getting old" Tobias says to Logan so I throw a rag at him and he laughs.

"I'm only kidding" he says and I sigh

"It's true I am getting old" I say

"No your not. We're the same age now" he says and I shrug going back to making Logan lunch.

I put chicken nuggets on a plate for Logan and give him a side of apple slices. I set the plate in front of him and he smiles.

"Thank you mommy" he says

"Your welcome buddy" I say ruffling his hair and go to the sink to start cleaning the dishes.

"Let me do them" Tobias says standing next to me

"It's okay I got it" I say

"So what are you plans for today. Doing anything special?" He asks

"I have no plans for tonight. I was just thinking about having a movie night by myself when Logan went to bed for the night because no one has called me or asked me if I wanted to do anything like go out for dinner. Nothing. I guess no one wants to hang out with the pregnant 21 year old who can't go out and drink" I say

"That's not true" he says

"I'll hang out with you" he adds and I finish with the dishes and dry my hands.

"Well I'm assuming you were planning on hanging out with me since you brought a cake and balloons" I say

"Oh those silly old things. Those aren't for you, that's for Logan" he says and I laugh.

"Right" I say and we laugh. He stands closer to me and kind of traps me with him.

"You don't have to do anything for my birthday. It's fine, honestly. Your not even here to be with me your here to be with Logan remember. We're on a 'break'" I say putting quotations around the word break.

I step out of his trap and walk over to Logan and get his plate. He's done eating.

"Now go be with Logan, he likes when your around" I say

"Okay but when he goes asleep for the night it's just you and me. I'm going to make your birthday amazing the best that I can. Your don't deserve to watch movies by yourself on your birthday. How about we watch them together" he says and I smile

"Okay. I would like that" I say

"Logans asleep" Tobias says walking into the kitchen.

"Now we can celebrate" he adds.

I'm in the kitchen cleaning up the mess that Logan made of cake.

"Here go sit. I got it" Tobias says putting his hand on top of mine that holds the rag I'm cleaning the table with.

"Fine" I say taking my hand from his as he cleans the kitchen table. I sit on the kitchen counter and watches as he cleans.

"I know your angry" he says

"Please can we not argue right now" I say

"I don't want to argue" he says

"But it always ends up us arguing" I tell him

"Tris I'm sorry. Sorry for hurting you and getting so mad at you when I just should have seen where you were coming from and why you did what you did" he says

"You really should have done that" I say

"I hurt you I get that but you really hurt me" I add

"It's hard being without you. For the past 2 months it's been hard to sleep and even though I see you everyday I still miss you and want you back." I say

"I know and I'm sorry" he says throwing the rag in the sink and walking to me.

"I miss you too" he says holding my hands as I sit on the counter

"Can you please come home. Can this break please be over" I tell him

"Yes it's over. I'll come home" he says and I smile. I give him a kiss and he pulls away and whispers "I'm sorry"

"It's okay" I whisper back

"I'm sorry too" I say and he kisses me again.

Yay fourtris is back!

Give me some ideas so I can write later tonight. Winter break is ending for me tomorrow so tonight is my last night to really write.


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