Chapter 24

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Tris pov

It's thanksgiving and my mom and Tobias mom put all the pressure on me to make thanksgiving dinner at Tobias and I new home we just moved into a few weeks ago.

With another baby on the way and Logan getting bigger we decided to get a new home to live in just us without our parents.

Logan walks over to me but on his way over to me he falls but gets back up. He just turned one and is getting so big.

"Juice, mommy" he says and I giggle

"Okay but don't make a mess you have to keep your clothes clean for thanksgiving dinner" I say filling his sippy cup with apple juice and giving it to him.

I sent Tobias to the supermarket to pick up some last minute things. While he's gone I decided to work on the turkey.

I take the turkey out of its packaging and put it on a pan. I spread butter on it and season it with salt and pepper.

I have no idea what I'm doing. I fill the turkey with gravy and put more gravy all over the turkey. Now I have to figure out how long it stays in the oven.

I grab a knife and cut the wings off of the uncooked turkey, so I just cut the turkey in half and then cut it in half again.

Tobias walks in the front door with two grocery bags and sees me in the kitchen.

He puts the bags on the counter and wraps his arms around my body from behind.

"I don't want you to get upset but I think your cooking the turkey wrong" he says and I groan

"I knew I was doing it wrong" I say pushing the turkey away from me.

"I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know how to cook" I tell him

"It's okay, we can figure this out" he says

"No I quite. Let's just forget the turkey and pick up a rotisserie chicken at the store" I say

"We can't do that, it's thanksgiving" he says, so I turn around and lay my head on him.

"This is too much to handle" I say

"Want me to help" he ask

"Please. Your probably so much better at this than I am" I say and he helps me fix the turkey up and drain the gravy because I wasn't suppose to put the gravy on the turkey yet.

He puts it in the oven and we let it cook for about three hours.

My parents and Tobias parents sit at the dinning room table while Tobias and I bring out the food.

"Honey let me help you with that. You poor pregnant thing has been cooking all day, your feet must be killing you" Evelyn says grabbing the bowl of rolls from my hands.

Tobias sets the turkey in the middle of the table and my mom gasp.

"Tris that looks beautiful" my mom says

"Don't let me get all the credit, Tobias was really the one who made this turkey amazing" I say

"Can we eat already" my dad says

"Sure" I say

Tobias pulls out my chair and pushes me in closer to the table when I sit.

"You're such a gentlemen" I say pecking his lips.

I make Logan a plate of food to eat and give him one of his baby forks. He's sitting in this height chair with his sippy cup in his mouth.

We haven't told him about him having a baby brother or sister yet because we don't really know If he'll understand.

I finally finish my plate of food and am getting ready to eat when my phone rings. I check who it is and it's Zeke.

I get up from the table and walk to the kitchen so I'm not disrupting dinner.

I answer the call and am greeted to a very nervous Zeke.

"Tris, where's four I tried calling him but he won't answer. I need my best friend and I need him now. I'm freaking out and have no idea what to do" he says

"Zeke what's going on" I say

"Shaunna's having the baby" he says

"That's good are you on the way to the hospital" I say

"She's having the baby In the house, in the bathtub. She wants to push but we have to wait for the ambulance" He says

"What?" I yell

"When is the ambulance coming" I ask

"They said there on their way but Shaunna can't hold it in any longer, the baby just wants to come out" he says

"She's screaming and crying, Tris I don't know what to do. Her and my parents are out of town this week because their bonding in Hawaii for Thanksgiving" he adds

"Okay we're coming over right now" I say

"Please hurry" he says and I sigh and hang up.

I go back to the table and tell everyone what happened. My parents tells us it's okay to leave so Tobias and I grab our stuff and rush over to Zeke's house.

We get to his house and knock on the door. Tobias checks to see if it's unlocked and it is. We find Zeke in the bathroom with Shaunna who is screaming.

I walk in first and Tobias follows.

"Oh wow Shaunna is very exposed right now, her legs are wide open. I was not expecting that. I'm just going to wait outside the bathroom. Tell me if you need anything" Tobias says closing his eyes and walking out of the bathroom.

"Hey Shaun. How are you feeling?" I say knowing that she's feeling completely terrible right now.

"Tris something feels wrong. I want to push so bad but I can't because I have to wait for the ambulance" she says

"Ahh" she yells squeezing Zeke's hand

"I have to push. This baby has to come out already, it's hurts. It hurts a lot" she says

"The paramedics will be here any minute just wait a little more baby" Zeke says to her

"I can't. I can't wait anymore" she says crying and sweating.

"It's okay Shaunna just breathe" I say and she breathes with me.

"Oh no" she says

"It's happening" she adds

"The baby's pushing it's way out" she says

I fill the tub with water as she pushes the baby out. She can't hold it in any longer. I grab a towel from a shelf in the bathroom and wait as the baby comes plopping out into the water.

Everyone hears a splash and the baby is out. I pick it up and wrap it in the towel. I hand the baby to Shaunna and Zeke then the paramedics come barging in.

As Shaunna and the baby are getting wheeled to the ambulance Shaunna and Zeke thank Tobias and I for being there for them.

It's crazy knowing that sometimes we can't wait to go to the hospital when our waters break. My labor took hours. Shaunna's took 30 minutes. Her water broke and she was ready to push.

Now with our new baby coming I hope everything goes okay just like Logan did.

Hope you liked this crazy thanksgiving chapter. I try to make it interesting and different.

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