Chapter 6

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Tris pov

I try zipping up my dress but I can't reach because my belly doesn't let me do anything anymore. I'm 7 months pregnant and I'm really big now.

"Hey are you ready" Tobias says walking into my room.

Today is our baby shower so Tobias picked me up to drive me to our venue that our nice parents paid for.

"Almost can you help me zip my dress" I ask him.

I'm not naked or anything. The dress covers my butt and my back is just exposed right now till I get my dressed zipped. I'm not wearing a bra because my bras don't really fit and because this dress has a little padding.

I feel Tobias zip my dress up and keep his hands on my shoulders as we look in the mirror.

"Thanks for that. I'm too fat to do anything anymore" I say and I grab his hand because chip is kicking. I place it on my belly so he can feel.

Today at the baby shower we are also revealing the gender of the baby. We had our two friends either order a blue or pink cake and when we cut it whichever color comes out is the gender. Blue for boy and pink for girl.

At our last doctors appointment we told the doctor to write the gender on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope so we could give it to our two friends.

We wanted to be surprised and wait for the baby shower because we just wanted to be surprised and shocked with everyone besides our two friends that already know.

"So do you think we're having a boy or girl" he says to me.

"I don't know maybe a boy. I feel like it's a boy. That's why I wore this blue dress" I say and we laugh "what about you" I ask him

"I'll say girl" he says

"Really" I say

"If we had a girl I would spoil her" he says

"If we have a boy you would still spoil him with everything" I giggle and he laughs too.

"Yeah your right" he says

"We should get going." I say

"But chip hasn't stopped kicking yet. I want to keep feeling. It's so cool" he says

"I know you do but we should go because chip isn't going to stop for quit awhile" I say

"Okay" he says grabbing my hand and walking to the car with me.

"Did you tell Lauren about how I wanted the balloons" I say as we drive to the venue. My legs start bouncing a little. I hope Tobias doesn't notice.

All morning Lauren, our friends, and parents have been decorating the venue. We told people to get us either gift cards or things that could either be for a girl or boy. With Tobias and I's family we have about 90 guest coming. Everyone wants to be involved.

"Yes. I told her" he says grabbing my hand again.

"Are you nervous" he ask me chuckling

"Yeah a little" I say

"Why? This is a fun day" he says

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