Chapter 32

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Tris pov

"I thought what I was going to tell you was bad but this is worse" Tobias tells me.

"How could you keep that a secret from me for so long" he adds

"I'm sorry Tobias" I say as tears spill from my eyes. He lets his arms fall from my waist and moves away from me a little.

"The baby is mine right? It's not some other guys right?" He ask me

"Of course it's yours. Why would you ever think I would cheat on you" I say

"Because your a slut" Evelyn says that and it really hurts my feelings. She keeps calling me that and it hurts worse every time. I cover my face with my hands and cry. Before my mom can defend me Tobias says something.

"Mom that's enough. You and Natalie can go now" he says angrily

Evelyn storms out of the house and into her car and drives away. My mom does the same.

"Tobias I would never cheat on you" I tell him

"I know" he says

"I just can't believe you would keep this from me" he adds

"I was doing what I thought was best. I wanted to wait an-..." I start to say but he interrupts me

"Wait for what" he questions me

"Wait to see if I had a miscarriage or not" I say

"You can't base every pregnancy on what happened with Emma" he says

"But I do. You never know what could happen" I say

"I don't care if your worried about having a miscarriage, you have to tell me these things" he says

"I wasn't keeping this a secret to hurt anyone's feelings I was just trying to protect everyone from getting hurt again" I say

"Well you failed" he says

"Now everyone's mad at you. Even me. I'm not even sure if I want to marry you anymore" he adds

"I made one mistake so now you don't want to marry me" I say

"Yes Tris. I'm really not in the mood to marry you anymore. How am I suppose to trust you" he says and I take a seat on the couch.

We sit in quiet for a few minutes until I break the silence.

"What did you want to tell me that you thought was so bad" I ask him

"I lost our wedding rings" he says

"What?" I question him

"Oh calm down Tris you act like you never lost anything" he says

"Those are our wedding rings your talking about" I say

"And name one thing that I lost that was so bad" I say giving him attitude

"well for starters you lost our baby" he says back with attitude

"Wow that really hurt" I say getting up from the couch and start walking to the front door.

"Oh my god Tris I'm so sorry I didn't mean that" he says running after me.

"You told me that the lost of Emma wasn't my fault but now I know it is" I say crying

"I think we need a break" he whispers to me

"Me too" I whisper back crying. I don't want to have a break. I love Tobias.

He grabs his keys for his car and packs a bag of  clothes real quick in a bag. I watch as he does everything.

Then he's ready to leave. I'm still standing by the door crying.

"I'll be by to visit Logan everyday and help you with him but for now on we just need to be in separate houses" he says and tears continue to roll down my face.

"So this is it. We're not getting married. We're calling the wedding off" I say

"This is just not the best time for us to be getting married. Let's just try to work on fixing our relationship" he says and I cover my face with my hands and cry.

I wipe my tears and nod.

"Okay" I say and he sighs. He pecks my lips and walks out the door. Christina walks into the house with Logan. I don't want Logan to see my like this so I run to the bathroom.

This chapter was hectic but I hope you enjoyed, love you readers. I'll update soon bye!

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