Chapter 29

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Tris pov

I hear Tobias talking to Zeke in the kitchen. I don't interrupt them. Just listen to what they're saying.

"So are you excited about marrying Tris" Zeke ask Tobias.

"She's great and everything but I'm just marrying her because we have a kid together. Marrying her is the right thing to do for Logan" Tobias says

"So you don't love her" Zeke ask

"I love her but only in a she's my 'child's mother' type of way" Tobias answers back

"Then dude don't marry her when you could marry someone you actually love" Zeke says

He doesn't love me...

I wake up and sit up in bed. It was only a dream. I put my hands over my face and sigh.

Tobias rubs his eyes and sits up.

"What's wrong" he says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"It's nothing. I had a bad dream" I say

"Want to talk about it" he says and I unwrap his arms from my waist and get out of bed.

"No" I say

"Are you okay" he says

"I'm going to check on Logan" I say ignoring his question.

"It's almost 6 o'clock in the morning. He's still sleeping" he says

"Well maybe he may be up" I say quickly leaving the room.

I crack Logans door open and see that he's still asleep.

I close the door quietly and walk to the kitchen to make some coffee.

A few minutes later Tobias walks into the kitchen.

"Why didn't you come back to bed, Logan is sleeping" he tells me

"I'm not tired anymore" I say

"I know something is bothering you. Whatever that dream was about it's bothering you" he says and I scoop sugar into my coffee.

"Go back to bed. I kind of just want to be alone" I say

"We can talk about what's ever bothering you. It's okay I'm here to listen" he says

"Tobias, I don't want to talk about it" I say my voice annoyed.

"Tris if we're going to be married you have to be open and honest with me. I can't be married to someone who can't trust me" he says

"Do you even want to marry me?" I ask

"What are you talking about. Where is all of this coming from" he says

"I had a dream that you only wanted to marry me because I'm Logan's Mom and you thought marrying me was the right thing to do" I say running my fingers threw my hair and crossing my arms over my chest.

"Come here" he says opening his arms out for me to go in them. So I do.

He lays my head on his chest and wraps his strong arms around my body.

"I don't just want to marry you because your the mother of my child. I want to marry you because I love you, so so so so much. I love everything about you and I don't want to be with no one other than you" he says and I smile.

I look up at him and peck his lips.

"I'm sorry I lashed out on you. That dream really scared me" I say and he smiles down at me.

"Don't apologize it's okay" he says

"I love you so much" I say

"I love you too" he says and gives me a kiss.

I kiss him back and before anything becomes to serious Logan wakes up and cries for us to go get him out of his crib.

Ahhh sorry I haven't updated in forever. I'm so so so sorry. But I will be writing a lot these upcoming days since I'm on winter break. I love you readers! Thanks for 3k reads 🙌

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