Chapter 2: Robber Dash

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Rainbow Dash

I sat up in bed and rubbed my forehead. I had this nasty headache. I suddenly remembered the Heart's Warming Eve play was today, and jumped of bed, only to realize that I already had performed at the play, yesterday...right?
An image flashed in my mind of a black hole in the middle of the stage, dragging me and my friends in...
Oh. Right. Now I remember.
Not until then did it dawn on me that something was very wrong here. For starters, I had stood up out of bed on two legs. And it didn't feel weird at all.
Also, I was not in my room. I was in a small dimly lit room with mossy stone walls and bars on two opposite sides of the room, one showing the night sky but no ground visible in the dark, the other showing more small rooms like this on the opposite side of a large staircase.
Lastly, I seemed to be trapped in here.
I looked down and realized with a gasp that I looked nothing like myself-in the dim light I could see that I was standing on two blocky legs, wearing a plain red shirt and blue pants. I instinctively fluttered open my wings in shock, only to find that I couldn't feel my wings.
Oh, no.
I cautiously reached behind my back with my strange blocky front hooves-or are they hands? I thought, remembering the time Twilight had gone to another world and mentioned these 'hands' before, and felt around for the familiar feathers on my back.
There were none.
"Gah!" I cried out in shock, an practically tripped over something on the ground.
Something alive.
I whipped around to see that something groan and rise to its hind hooves (or 'feet?') and look at me warily. In the dim lighting I could make out her pale yellow hair, her orange skin, her confused green eyes-
Applejack seemed to recognize me, too, for she jumped back in startled shock. "What in tarnation? Rainbow?!"
"Applejack! What happened to us? Where are we?" I asked her.
She shook her head in hopeless confusion. "I reckon it had to do with that portal from the play," she muttered.
Just then, we heard startled gasps and screams from the next cell over.
Applejack and I froze.
"Hello?" I called out warily.
To my surprise, a familiar voice responded with a note of fear in her voice. "R-Rainbow? Is that you, darling?"
"It's Applejack and Rainbow. You all right in there, Rarity?" Applejack called.
"Y-Yes," Rarity's voice answered. "Fluttershy is here, too," she added, followed by some nearly inaudible whimpers that could only be Fluttershy.
"Are you guys trapped in there, too? Do you see Twilight and Pinkie anywhere?" I asked.
"Yes, and no," Rarity replied after a moment. "Maybe we could try calling for-" she stopped abruptly as footsteps echoed through the large, empty hallway outside. We all froze and listened in silence.
The footsteps grew louder, the shuffling of many feet, and I could make out many voices chatting and laughing excitedly. I wondered how anyone could be like that in this gloomy atmosphere.
"Okay, now get in your cells," a voice ordered from below, and the sounds of doors slamming could be heard.
"Okay, so today we're going to be doing a special round of Cops N' Robbers, with two cops!" someone announced from below.
"What should we do?" I hissed to Applejack as the voices chattered on excitedly.
"They don't sound like trouble, at least. Wanna try to call for help?" she asked. I shrugged and nodded. What else could we do?
"Hello? Anyone there?" I called out loudly, and the voices downstairs stopped abruptly.
"Who was that?" someone muttered.
"I ain't scurred of no ghosts."
"Ooo, they want your soul, Jordan!"
"Shut up, Adam."
The voices downstairs mumbled quietly. I frowned. Adam? I remembered six months ago when a pony who called himself Adam had traveled to Equestria with six friends. It couldn't be, I thought, but I was already starting to put the puzzle pieces together in my mind.
"Uhh, Quentin, go check upstairs."
"Why me?"
"I'm gonna shoot your fish face if you don't."
"Hey! Fine..."
One of the ponies who had traveled with Adam's name was Quentin. Some of these voices did sound familiar...
"Applejack! You think..." I hissed and turned to see that she was thinking exactly what I was thinking, telling from the look on her face.
Footsteps grew louder as someone walked up the stairs closer to our cells.
"Rainbow...?" Rarity asked warily, and I knew she was having the same thoughts as us.
Our suspicions were confirmed as a blocky figure like us appeared from the top of the stairs and blinked at us in the same surprised look that we probably wore on our own faces.
He was wearing a gray suit, and his face was a deep blue with a white chin, orange cheeks and a lighter blue fin on his head.
He was the splitting image of the Earth Pony Quentin that I had met six months ago.
Besides the whole blocky, standing-on-two-legs thing, of course.

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