Chapter 5: Parkour Pie

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Twilight Sparkle

What's the point of this? We're not getting anywhere, I thought frustratedly.

Don't worry. It ends soon. You'll find the person you're looking for anytime now, Edit said.

I was almost getting used to having a voice who talked to me like I was having a normal conversation with a person.


I mean, I bet if you had a nickel for every time you got a Minecraftian Spirit stuck in your head that helped guide you through a strange new dimension you know hardly anything about, I'd take a wild guess and say you'd be broke.

A couple jumps ahead of me, Pinkie was acing the parkour, landing every jump perfectly like a mountain goat.

This part of the parkour 'map' spiraled upward in a tower made of red, orange and yellow blocks forming spiral patterns.

We were almost at the top of the tower, and as I stopped to look up to measure how much farther we had to go, Pinkie made a series of leaps without stopping on any block she landed on and reached the top in about twenty seconds.

Why don't we just re-name her Parkour Pie already?

I see what you did there, Edit commented.

"Oooh, hey Twilight! Come look at this!" Pinkie called from the top of the tower. I sighed, and made my way up, miraculously not falling like I had done many times before, in about a minute.

"Whoa, what?" I muttered as I looked over the top of the tower. There was a waterslide to ride down the tower to get to the next course, except there was no next course. And the waterslide was only halfway to the ground.

Because someone was down there, building it.

"Let's go say hi!" Pinkie said, and hopped off the tower and ran down one of the side rails on the waterslide that kept the water from flowing over the edge before I could stop her.

Seeing I had no choice, I followed her down.

"Hello! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's your name? Did you build this map? It's great!" Pinkie exploded with questions as she reached the person working on the waterslide.

"AH!" he cried, and spun around. "What are you doing here?! How did you get in?!" he asked bewilderedly. He wore large, dark sunglasses, a black suit with a yellow and orange striped tie, and he had short black hair.

"Oh, we just woke up on a purple platform with a bunch of signs on it and one of those signs said that this place was called Epic Jump Map and I totally agree because this was an epic map and there was a lot of jumping involved and the sign also said that this map was made by someone named Bodil 40 and-GASP!!! ARE YOU BODIL 40?!?!" Pinkie practically screamed.

The person looked dizzy, and I didn't blame him. Pinkie could speak at the speed of light if she wanted to.

"Er...yeah, I'm Bodil 40," he said, looking at us with confusion. "Is someone trolling me or something?'

Trolling? I thought.

Minecraftian speech for joking with or pranking, Edit the Minecraft Dictionary said.

"Er, nobody is trolling you, Mr. Bodil 40," I said politely. "We, uh, don't know how we got here. You see, we're not from here, and we just happened to wake up at the beginning of this map."

Bodil raised an eyebrow.

He doesn't really believe you, Edit told me. Wait...but he knows the minecraftians that you also know. Yes, he's friends with them. Maybe he can guide you to them.

Why? We're looking for our friends that came here with us, I thought.

Oh, did I forget to mention that the prison they spawned in when they came here is also where your minecraftian friends are, too? Whoops.

Well, thanks, Edit.

"Um, do you happen to know here the Cops N' Robbers prison is? We need to get to there," I told Bodil.

Bodil frowned. "Yeah, why do you need to get there? The two of you are going to play Cops N' Robbers, just the two of you?"

I sighed. "No, some of our friends traveled to Minecraftia with us, but apparently they spawned in the prison."

"Maybe you could just take a teensy weensy little break from building this EPIC Epic Jump Map and lead us to the prison? Pretty please with CAKE on top? Cake is awesome," Pinkie asked.

Bodil thought for a moment.

"Well, cake is awesome," he said finally, and laughed.

I tried not to chuckle myself when I heard his funny laugh. "Is that really how you laugh?" Pinkie said with a giggle, laughing with him, not at him.

"Yeah, people always say that I have a funny laugh," Bodil chuckled. "Sure, I can lead you guys to the prison. Let's go!"

And with that, he jumped down the waterfall that flowed all the way to the ground from the unfinished waterslide, and we followed.

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