Chapter 22: Jason And Rainbow Get Very Startled

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We followed the spooky boobs through the nighttime forest.
Yeah, you heard me correctly.
"How much farther? I can't really see the dome from under these trees, not to mention it's still dark out," Quentin asked, trying to hide a smile. He was loving this. It was his idea to put the invisible Jerome in a chestplate, after all.
"Uh," Jerome, or the space above the leather tunic replied, and the chestplate seemed to shoot up into a tree.
"Wha?" Applejack asked, staring at the spot the floating leather chestplate had been a second ago.
"He's a Bacca. He is very good tree climber," Mitch said in the 'Too Strongk' accent.
The leaves above rustled, and the spooky boobs fell down with a slight thud. They didn't touch the ground, meaning Jerome hadn't landed on his face or something.
"It's pretty close, actually," he reported.
"Good, I'm beat," Jordan sighed.
"Wheezy," Adam muttered.
Jerome kept walking, and we kept following, until after a couple of minutes I could have sworn I saw a flash of pink ahead.
"Here we go!" Jerome declared, and at the same moment something smacked me hard in the face, and suddenly I was lying on my back on the ground, my head pounding painfully.
"Jason?" someone called.
"Ugh..." I groaned and got up into sitting position, looking around.
"Jason, you okay?" It was Ian, bent down and looking concerned. Everyone else was standing up around him. We were still in the forest.
"I think so...what happened?" I asked, rising to my feet, wobbling slightly.
"You walked right into the dome," Bodil said, failing at trying to hide a big goofy smile. "Hey, good job buddy!" Jerome praised me.
Now that he knew I wasn't dead, Adam burst out laughing hysterically. Most of the others, including me, joined in.
"Dude, this is you," Bash said with a laugh. He took a couple steps, then stopped suddenly, jerking his head back. "BONK," He yelled as he threw his head back and pretended to fall over.
I snorted, then stopped myself. "Wait, Bash?" I asked confusedly.
"Oh yeah, while you were out cold we met up with Bash, Pinkie and Luna waiting for us," Ty explained, beckoning to a player-sized hole in the glass dome, where Pinkie- pony Pinkie for some reason, and a large dark blue mare wearing a dark cloak with the hood pulled back to reveal a waving blue mane. I didn't know her, but I was guessing she was Luna, and that she wasn't a bad guy.
"Jeez, how long was I out?" I asked, wiping dirt off my iron leggings.
"Well, let's see-two, three, four...about a minute," Adam replied, pretending to count a time unit.
"God, you scared me there, Adam! I thought you were gonna say, like, five hours," I exclaimed. "I startled you," Adam corrected. I let out a laugh.
"So, how'd y'all get all pony-like in Minecraftia?" Applejack asked Pinkie and Luna.
"Luna protected herself from becoming minecraftian with some magicky spell when she came, and when she found me she cast a super-awesome spell on me that made me pony!" Pinkie explained happily.
"Oh, well, ya think you could, uh, Princess...?" Applejack asked Luna, trailing off. Luna was a princess, too? Celestia, Twilight, Luna, how many princesses did Equestria have?
"Of course," Luna replied, and blue light beams shot from her horn in different directions at Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow and Fluttershy. In a couple of seconds, the magic subsided and they were ponies instead of minecraftians. The strange thing was that any armor they were wearing was still on them, but fitting for a pony.
"YAH!" Rainbow yelled. She ran out of the hole in the glass wall and shot up into the sky, now having wings again. A rainbow trail followed about five feet behind her.
"Don't worry, she'll be back in about three minutes," Rarity said assuringly with a dismissive wave of her hoof, to Jordan, Bodil and Bash, all with their jaws hanging open. I forgot they had never seen her fly. I remembered when I was a pegasus. I won't deny it: being a flying pony was kinda fun.
"She must really like being able to fly again," Fluttershy acknowledged.
"Nah, I just scared her," Jerome said, and I realized that he was now visible, leaning calmly against a tree where Rainbow had been standing seconds ago.
"Jayroome!" Adam exclaimed with mock disapproval.
"She did it to me," Jerome said defensively.
"Oh yeah, remember when she jumpscared him in the caves?" Quentin recalled.
"No," Jordan said flatly.
"Well, she did."
"Thanks, Quentin."
"Don't mention it."
Jordan rolled his eyes at the mudkip and smiled.
"Anyways. We need to find Twilight and get her away from Herobrine," Luna said, stepping up and walking outside the dome. We all followed.
"Twilight's here?" Fluttershy asked hopefully.
"Yes, when she was executed from the Hero Games, she was teleported to somewhere underground the arena. I don't know where, but I can sense her magic," Luna explained.
"Okay, so why do we need get her away from Herobrine? I mean, of course we have to, but is there a specific reason?" Ian asked.
Luna looked warily in the direction of the dome. "It is believed that Herobrine seeks Twilight's power, to use for his own. My sister and I think he wants to use it to take over all Minecraftia," she said ominously.
"Sister?" I asked Applejack next to me.
"Celestia," she replied.
"How are we gonna find her?" Mitch asked.
"There's a big underground stadium underneath the dome," Bash suggested. "Yeah, there's a bunch of other tunnels that lead to who knows where down there, too. When we were captured we saw a lot of them. It's a whole system," Ty added.
"Twilight must be down there somewhere!" Rarity said.
"Pinkie, Bash and I know how to get into the staduim," Jerome offered. "It's gotta be connected to the tunnel system Ty was talking about."
"Alrighty, then! We know what we gotta do!" Applejack exclaimed. "Get into that stadium without bein' noticed, and save Twilight!"
"And I think I may just have a plan..." Adam said with a devilish grin. Never a good sign.
And that was when Rainbow hit the ground in front of us, landing on all four hooves and skidding a little with her wings still up.
"Hey, Rainbow," Jerome said passively.
"Nice one," was all she said, with a side smile.

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