Chapter 12: Hero Games

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"Get up!" someone shrieked, the voice echoing all around the dark prison.
I blinked my eyes open and looked around wearily. There was no way of telling the difference between day and night, since there were no windows in the prison (pretty sure we were underground. Great.), but I had started to get kind of tired and must have dozed off. (FYI, being in prison is very boring. You're welcome.)
Looking out my cell window, I saw everyone else looked as tired as I felt in their cells. At one of the far ends of the large obsidian hallway stood the one and only Mama J, looking as mean and annoyed as ever.
"I said, GET UP, MORONS!" she shrieked.
"Five more minutes, Mama," I called and pretended to fall asleep again.
Giggles echoed throughout the cells, but were quickly subsided when I opened my eyes just in time to see a glass bottle shatter against the bars of my cell. Red liquid the color of blood splashed against my face, and instantly pain seared throughout my whole body.
I yelped in pain and squeezed my eyes shut until the pain quickly ebbed away.
I scrambled to my feet and looked at Mama J, who was standing in front of my cell with a malicious grin on her ugly face.
"Next time I'll use a Potion of Harming II!" she scolded. "Now follow me." she flicked a lever on the outside wall of my cell and the iron door flew open. I glared at her as I walked out. Note to self: Look out for Mama J's potions.
Everyone else was let out of their cells, too, and we followed Mama J out of the prison in a silent single file line, with the two wither skeletons from 'yesterday' guarding the back of the line.
"You okay?" Ty muttered from behind me.
"Yeah," I said quietly, so Mama J wouldn't hear.
We walked out of the gloomy, dark obsidian hallway into-drumroll-another gloomy, dark obsidian hallway, except smaller without cells.
Everyone walked in silence, our footsteps echoing off the walls. Mama J led us through many twists and turns, all in obsidian hallways, for what seemed like hours.
Finally, we stopped at the end of a long, straight hallway. Mama J tapped her foot twice, and the wall split in two, both sides sliding back into the walls to reveal a large, empty circular room with walls made of stone, for a change.
Once everyone was in the room, the doorway slid back into place again with a bam that echoed throughout the room. On the opposite side of the room, another door slid open, and to our surprise, a wither skeleton decked in iron armor and a diamond sword walked in, followed by Twilight, looking frustrated and tired.
"Twilight!" Rainbow called out from the back of the line. One of the wither skeletons grunted and have her a stern shove. She glared at it, then turned around to watch Twilight.
"We had to separate this one, because she had something that belonged to the boss that needed to be returned," Mama J explained with a bored expression. The boss, I thought. She must mean that the had to take Herobrine's Amulet, I realized, noticing it was no longer around Twilight's neck. "Now everyone, step on a plate." Mama J ordered. She clapped her hands once, and thirteen holes opened up in the ground, with stone slabs rising out of them.
Everyone stepped onto a slab. What else could we do?
"Twilight! Are you okay? What happened?" Fluttershy whispered frantically to Twilight on the plate next to her.
"There will be time to catch up later, girls. Shut up and stand still!" Mama J scolded. She took out a wooden stick from her hat and pointed it at the plates we stood on. Slowly, to our surprise, the plates started to rise.
That's not a stick. That's a wand!
I looked up and saw that the ceiling was now dotted with openings that the plates were rising up to. I could see the night sky at the top.
"Have fun," Mama J said, and cackled, and the plates suddenly shot up into the openings. I lost sight of the others, but quickly rose to the top of the tube and saw everyone again on their plates. There were glass walls on all sides of he plate so I couldn't escape. Everyone was in a widespread circle around what looked like a normal forest. The night sky was slowly fading into dawn above us.
With a pang of sudden dread and realization, I looked at the center of the circle of plates and saw a small heap of chests.
I looked around and could tell that everyone was having the same thoughts as I could by the dreading looks on their faces, besides the Equestrians, who looked generally confused.
A loud laughter boomed throughout the forest, sending chills up my spine. I recognized that laugh.
"Welcome, everyone," the voice of Herobrine said, "to the first annual Hero Games!"

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