Chapter 20: InvisiBacca

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I was the InvisiBacca.
And the InvisiBacca had no idea where the crap he was going.
I wandered around the pine forest, looking for any actual signs of life. Through the trees I could see the square half-moon rising in the sky. It was almost in the center.
Maybe I'll be able to see something if I'm in my natural habitat, I thought with a grin at the idea.
I casually leaped up an grabbed a tree branch in one hand, hoisting/swinging myself up. I grabbed another branch up, then another, until I was on top of the tree.
I could see a little better with the moonlight not being blocked by the tree leaves above.
I couldn't see the entire inside of the dome, but I was guessing that most of it, if not all of it, was a forest, because that was all I could see.
The sound of a large explosion of some sort seemed to come from everywhere, scaring the living daylights out of me and making me fall off the tree.
I landed on my feet, but it still hurt, a lot, and I winced as the pain subsided. I straightened up and looked around, alert although I was InvisiBacca.
I knew that sound anywhere. It was a cannon. You know, the kind that goes off when a tribute dies.
Oh no.
I tensed waiting for more cannons, but nothing sounded except for a scream from somewhere north. Bodil, I assumed. I began to head in the direction of the scream, wondering if everyone was together in a group or scattered in small teams or on their own. Probably the latter, right? Otherwise, why had only one person died?
You didn't die for good in the Hero Games, right?
You didn't die for good in any Minecraft-anything that I knew of, but I questioned if it would be different with Herobrine.
I tried to push the anxious thoughts of who the cannon had gone off for out of my mind as I continued to make my way to the direction of the scream.
Was that a light I saw up ahead?
I went faster, hoping to find someone, someone alive, there.
Eventually I had caught up to it, and even though I was invisible I still hid behind a tree trunk as I made out the scene.
It looked like everyone was there. Of course, someone had to be missing but I didn't know who yet.
The light was coming from a torch in Ty's hand. Most of everyone was crowded near him, but Jason, Mitch, and...Rainbow? were standing facing them. Well, Jason and Mitch, at least. Rainbow was kinda facing the ground. She was sprawled on the floor. I wondered if the cannon had sounded for her-she didnt have any seen injuries, and minecraftians usually disappear with a puff of white smoke when they die.
"...He wouldn't want to loose his only...connection, I guess you could call it, for good," Mitch was saying. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I listened on.
"So what in tarnation do we do now?" Applejack exclaimed.
"We need to get out of here, and get Twilight, too," Jason said, and everyone got determined looks on their faces.
Had Twilight died? I asked myself, unable to see her in the crowd. Probably...she better have respawned...somewhere.
I realized with relief that even though someone had just died, they all seemed to be on the same page about getting out of the dome, which was good. Maybe Twilight had died on accident?
"Now, we need to get Fluttershy and Rainbow up..." Ty said, and the crowd started to break up.
Now, I thought, and walked into the clearing, no one noticing me of course.
I walked over to Mitch, who was gazing at a loot pile with the face I knew as the 'Mitch Is Thinking Very Hard, Sir' face.
"Knock, knock, biggums," I said, walking up to him. Mitch's head snapped up and looked around.
"Oh, god..." he moaned to Jason, who was still standing by. "I think I'm starting to hear voices in my head, too. And it's Jerome, out of everyone in the world."
Jason looked around. "No," he said cautiously. "I heard it too."
Everyone besides the two of them were out of earshot to hear me, so only Jason and Mitch were doing confused 360 turns. I loved this. No wonder Rainbow jumpscared me back in Equestria.
"Jerome?" Mitch said cautiously.
"Hey buddy," I replied, lightly hitting his arm with my fist. "Punch," I said.
"Punch," I said, hitting him harder on the cheek this time.
Mitch's hand shot up and grabbed my arm, his eyes darting everywhere.
"What the butt? Biggums, what are you doing here? And why are you invisibru?"
Jason walked over and waved his hand in the air, eventually making contact with my shoulder.
"Holy crud, it is Jerome," he said, dumbstruck. "Hi Jason," I replied.
"Hey doods!" Mitch called to everyone. "Jerome's here!"
Everyone looked up at Mitch. It was funny, he was still grabbing my arm so he knew where I was, so it just looked like he was grabbing nothing.
"Mitch, go home, you're drunk," Adam said uninterestedly, examining his butter axe.
"Are you feeling alright, dear?" Rarity asked.
"No, seriously! He's invisible! Jerome, say something," Jason explained, looking expectantly to his right, around the area I was.
"Something," I said.
Everyone's eyes widened.
"Where's Pinkie and Bash?"
"Why are you invisible?"
"Did Herobrine get you?"
Everyone started questioning me excitedly.
"Uh, okay-I can't explain everything now, and I have to get you guys all to this hole we made in the dome to get you all out," I told everyone.
"You broke the dome?" Ian asked. "How?"
"We'll explain once we get back, but come on!" I broke free of Mitch's grip and started to walk away in the way I had come from.
"Jerome," Applejack sighed.
"Oh, right. I'm InvisiBacca still," I remembered, and walked back.
"InvisiBacca," Bodil chuckled.
"How is an InvisiBacca going to lead us out?" Ian asked.
Quentin smiled. "I know."
He ran over to the loot pile and pulled out a leather tunic.
"Oh, my god..." Ty said, trying not to laugh as Quentin held out the tunic to the air. I walked over and grabbed it, and put it on.
"It's the spooky boobs!" Mitch exclaimed.
"Spooky boOoOobs," Quentin echoed.
"Follow the spooky boobs!" I declared, and led the way.

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