Chapter 18: Team Not Happening

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"So what's the plan for getting into the dome?" Jerome asked Luna.
I was surprised to see an actual ponified pony in minecraftia. I mean, I knew Pinkie and her friends were supposed to be ponies, but...were they all this big?!
Luna took a nervous glance at the dome as the sun began to set in the sky.
Jerome and I had made a small but legitimate house from wood from the nearby swamp trees. (Yeah, we were still in a swamp biome, but the land under the dome was regular forest! I mean, what the balls, right?)
It was supposed to be like a witch's hut, but instead looked like a giant...wood block, I guess. Either way, it would be safe if any mobs were around and happened to attack us...
Well, the zombies could eventually break the door down...
Or light the house on fire somehow...
Oh, god...
"I could try a spell on the dome that would allow a small opening in the forcefield surrounding it and causing the blocks to be unbreakable. I do not think I would be able to destroy the whole field for good, but we could have one or two of us sneak in while the field is down, get everyone out, and get out."
"But there's a problem," Jerome said. "Herobrine's watching the dome. He would see us go in, right?"
The dark blue mare thought for a second. "Perhaps I could cast an invisibility spell as well. You would still be able to grab the attention of the others, but it would be hard-not impossible, but hard-for Herobrine to spot you in the arena from where the mobs watch the games."
"It's probably the best we got," I said, looking around at everyone.
"What do you think?" Jerome asked, looking at Pinkie.
Pinkie gave a small grin. "Well, you know, I'm an Earth Pony-in Equestria, that is- so I don't know a lot about unicorn magic-I DO know a lot about friendship magic because I'm an Element of Harmony but that's a different story, but with unicorn magic I think that Luna would have to first cast an invisibility spell on whoever's going in, then charge up her magic to have a small gap in the forcefield come up to allow the invisible person to break a hole in the dome and THEN she can stop holding the forcefield open because we've already broke it but she should keep making the invisible person invisible as they get our friends out of the dome thought the hole that we broke before and then we can all get together and we can defeat Herobrine and have a Defeating Herobrine Again Party! But again, I'm no expert on unicorn magic!"
Jerome blinked. His fault for asking. "Well. I guess the plan has been Pinkie Approved," he said, turning back to Luna and I. "Ooh! I like that! I approve of lots of other things, too! Like cake," Pinkie added.
"Er, yes, what Pinkie said. Not the cake part," Luna said, blinking. "Oh! I almost forgot! Here," she exclaimed, and out of nowhere blasted Pinkie with a light blue unicorn laser beam from her horn.
Jerome and I jumped out of the way, startled. "Gah, what?!" I yelled.
The laser stopped, and Luna looked up from pointing her horn at Pinkie.
Where Pinkie had been standing a moment ago was a bright pink pony-wait, it was Pinkie!
Except, she was an actual pony, like Luna. Not a minecraftian!
Pinkie looked down, and bounced up and down excitedly. "Ooh! YAY! I'M ME AGAIN!"
Strangely, she was still wearing iron armor, except it was different from minecraftian armor, suited to fit her pony form.
"Wow! Pinkie, you're Pinkie! Das good!" Jerome said, eyeing Luna's horn.
"I figured that you would like to be pony again," Luna said with a smile, and Pinkie nodded frantically with a bigger smile.
"So, um, for the plan, who should go?" I asked, not taking my eyes off Pinkie. I had never really seen a...pony before. Well, besides Luna, but I hadn't first known Luna as a minecraftian!
"I'll go!" Jerome volunteered. "Gotta take one for the team!"
"Team?" I asked.
"Yeah! We can be Team PABAJAL! Pinkie And Bashur And Jerome And Luna!"
Luna raised an eyebrow. "How about, Team Not Happening?"
Pinkie gave a big smile. "Even BETTER! Great job, Princess Luna!"
I wondered if Pinkie actually understood what was happening around her.
"Yeah, so I'll take one for Team Not Happening," Jerome said with a laugh.
Luna sighed. "So, shall we go to the dome?"
"Let's do it!" I declared.
"Jerome, stand over here," Luna ordered. Jerome walked over to the dome wall and stood next to it.
Luna closed her eyes and aimed her horn at the glass wall next to Jerome. "Bashur, when I say, run over and break a hole in the glass," she told me. "Okay," I said with a nod.
We watched as her horn began to glow a pale blue, and suddenly shot out at the wall.
When it made contact with the glass, it stretched out into a large, light blue vertical oval.
"Now!" Luna said with a hint of strain in her voice. I quickly ran over, avoiding the magic laser beam, and punched out two glass blocks in the blue oval. To my surprise, they actually broke.
The magic stopped, and Luna shook her head, looking up. "The forcefield was much more strong that I expected it to be," she said with...was that fear in her eyes? "Herobrine is strong."
"He's too strongk?" Jerome asked.
"Not too strong, but more powerful than I expected," Luna explained, clearly missing the inside joke.
"And now Jerome's gotta go invisible!" Pinkie piped up.
"Oh, yeah," Jerome said, and quickly took off his armor. When he would become invisible, the armor would still show if he wore it.
Luna closed her eyes and aimed her horn at Jerome again. Blue magic formed on her horn, and shot itself at Jerome. Except instead of a straight laser beam when she had opened the forcefield, it was more of a mist that made its way towards Jerome. When it reached, he became surrounded in the sparkly must and slowly faded away.
Luna's magic subsided and she looked up.
"Did it work?" the space where Jerome had disappeared asked.
"Yup! I can't see you now!" Pinkie confirmed.
"Alright! I'll be back," Jerome said, and we heard his footsteps go into the dome and slowly fade away.

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