Chapter 19: Twilicide

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I awoke instantly and bolted upright. It was still dark out.
"What's wrong?" I called out, feeling for my bow while my eyes adjusted.
"S-she...I don't..." The voice of Jason, the person who had screamed, replied, seeming at a loss for words.
By now I could make out the shape of Jason not far away, standing up and looking at something on the ground. Everyone else was already up and alert, too.
Ty lit a torch, and the light illuminated the scene for all of us.
Everyone gasped. Someone (Probably Rarity, Fluttershy or Bodil) screamed.
Rainbow was lying motionless on the floor, with no visible injuries. A little farther away was a heap of random items. The kind that forms when someone dies in the games, and their loot goes everywhere.
"Where's Twilight?" Jordan demanded, his eyes darting around behind his shades.
"She...died," Jason said quietly, as in as much shock as the rest of us.
Fluttershy fainted with a thud.
"What do you mean?" Ty asked with wide eyes. I was already reaching for an arrow.
Jason took a shaky breath. "R-rainbow and I were guarding, and out of nowhere Twilight jumped out and smacked Rainbow unconscious on the back of the head with her sword. I ran over and disarmed her right before she stabbed Rainbow, but then she grabbed my axe and..."
He didn't need to finish.
"You're saying Twilight killed herself?" Adam said with raised eyebrows.
"I'm as confused as you are," Jason said, raising his empty hands slightly as a couple of people raised their weapons. I had already put my bow away, however. I think I knew what was going on.
"Guys, look," I said, walking over to stand next to Jason.
"It probably sounds really weird that Twilight would just commit twilicide here. But think about it, did Twilight really do it? Was there nothing going on with her, nothing suspicious telling her what to do all the time that was probably evil?"
Everyone, even Jason, seemed to dawn with realization.
"Oh my god," Ian said. "Edit?"
I raised my eyebrows meaningfully and looked around. I had always had my doubts about Edit, but I would never call Twilight out about it, especially when we were both high suspects of being the traitor. But now, it made so much sense. We were all so busy with these freaking Hero Games, we had kind of forgotten about Edit, really.
"You think Edit was...telling her to do this?" Rarity said with pure fear worn on her face.
"Maybe he had like, taken control of her or something. Made her a zombie or something," Quentin suggested. Fluttershy, who had regained consciousness and was getting back on her feet, fainted again.
"Probably something like that," I said, thinking hard. "And if Twilight, or Edit, killed Twilight, then you probably don't die for good in here. I mean, if Twilight was killing herself and she was the traitor, it would make sense to get herself out of the game quickly if she was going to be alright. And if Edit knew, he wouldn't want to lose his only...connection, I guess you could call it, for good."
"So what in tarnation do we do now?" Applejack said, glancing around.
Jason looked at the pile of Twilight's loot, then turned back to everyone.
"We need to get out of here, and get Twilight, too."
Everyone's faces became solid determination, and they nodded. We had lost a friend (in the games, at least-we were pretty sure, but still). We were going to get her and get out, whichever of the two came first.
"Now, we need to wake Fluttershy and Rainbow up..." Ty said.
And that's when I started hearing the voice inside my head.

A/N short chapter, sorry, but another short chapter will be posted after this one, on the same day, so it's like one full chapter!

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