Fake You Out (Pete's POV)

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"We gotta go," I yelled up to Patrick.

"Be down in a second!" he responded.

I sat on the couch and took my phone out as I waited for Patrick to finish getting ready. Brendon, Dallon, and Emily had left. They took Emily with them because she asked and since Patrick and I were going to the doctor, that worked our perfectly.

I'm so, so scared to be honest. Never in a million years did I think both Patrick and I could have the same thing happen to us. Never, and what if I am? What'll happen? What will Emily think? The guys? The fans? Patrick?!

"Ok, I'm ready," Patrick said as he jogged down the stairs.

"Good, now lets go," I said as I stood up, put my phone back in my pocket, and then grabbed the keys.

I walked out the door and Patrick followed after me, shutting and locking the door behind him. We got into the vehicle and drove off. We finally arrived at the doctors a long fifteen minutes later. I was quiet the entire time we drove, but Patrick was singing away and smiling. Maybe he'd be ok with this if it's true... I hope anyway.

Patrick and I got out of the vehicle after I parked it. We walked in and Patrick said he'd let the person behind the desk know that we were here, so I went and sat down after I said ok. Patrick came and sat by me about a minute later and he grabbed my hand.

"Hey," he said gently as he made me look at him. "You don't have to worry, ok?"

"I'm scared," I admitted. "Like how is this even possible?"

"Well, when two people love each other very much..." Patrick started saying.

"Smartass," I said as I smiled a little and chuckled.

"There's that smile," he said.

"You're so weird," I said.

"Hey, look at me again," he said.

"What?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Everything is going to be alright," he said. "I don't care if you are or if you aren't. I'm still going to love you no matter what."

I just looked into his eyes and then hugged him tightly. How I ever got so lucky as to have someone as good as Patrick, I will never know. And also how I deserve it is a big question to me. I don't deserve someone as good as him, but he loves me and that's all that matters.

Patrick and I got called in a few minutes later, so we followed the lady down the hallway and into the last room on the left. She asked me the typical questions that they do before the doctor comes in and I gladly answered all of them without any trouble. After that, she left and said that our doctor would be in soon.

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