Kitchen Sink (Pete's POV)

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Well, Brendon and Dallon, they've got to have at least one bottle of alcohol, right? I mean, why wouldn't they? I got up from the couch and meandered into the kitchen. I went through their cabinets and I finally found a bottle of whiskey in the last cabinet I looked in. That's two things I have in common with Patrick. The ONLY two things. When we're both upset, we drink, and when we drink, we drink whiskey.

I grabbed the bottle and made my way back to the couch and collapsed down on it again. I opened the bottle after I turned the tv on and then drank a little bit of it. As I was drinking the bottle, I was flipping through the channels on the tv and on every channel, well it seemed to be anyway, there seemed to be some show or movie about love. I totally don't need that right now.

I finally finished the bottle off about an hour later and then searched for another bottle of alcohol. I finally found one and finished that one off in another hour after that. I've built up a tolerance for alcohol over the years, so I was drunk, but not as drunk as you'd think.

If you might have guessed, I searched for another bottle and sadly, this was the last bottle I could find. I sat down and had that one gone within forty five minutes. After that, all I remember was passing out on the couch and then nothing but black.


The next thing I remember doing was being woken up, but it wasn't by anyone. I had the feeling of nausea come over me and there sure wasn't any way I was getting all the way upstairs before I blew it. Their downstairs bathroom was being renovated, so I ran to the closest thing: The kitchen sink. I completely emptied my stomach into it. After that, I quickly drank some water and then cleaned up. After I was done doing that, I decided to go up and get some sleep because, even though I just slept for probably a good three hours or so, I was tired as hell.

I walked out of the kitchen and then up the stairs. I went up to Brendon and Dallon's room and crashed on their bed. I don't care if it was weird or not. I needed some place to sleep and their couch gets uncomfortable.

I woke up the next morning around eleven. I got up, went to the bathroom, and then went downstairs. I instantly closed the curtains because the sunlight hurt like hell. I have a major hangover. I sat down on the couch and turned the tv back on. Everything I did was what I normally do, besides the hangover, but there was something off about today. Ever since I woke up, I was having really, really bad back pain. And I mean bad. This hurts like hell and I don't know what's going on, but I tried to get comfortable to make it go away. It didn't work, so I just sat there and dealt with it.

I was finally just getting comfortable again about an hour later, but then I had to piss. Again. Lovely. I groaned and then got up and walked upstairs again. Well, more like I stumbled, but I eventually made it upstairs and walked into the bathroom. I did what I needed to do, but then I freaked the hell out. Can someone please tell me why the hell I'm pissing blood?

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