Screen (Patrick's POV)

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Well, Pete's now about eight months along and the whole pregnancy up until this point has been great! Him and I have been getting along great too. We haven't fought nearly as much as we have in the past. Things are great!

Pete and I actually went to the doctor yesterday, and as with me as well, the doctor told Pete that he could have this baby anytime now. Like with me, male pregnancies are harder and often men can't keep the baby full term, so Pete was put on bed rest for the next few weeks. He's allowed to walk around and be active for a few hours a day, but other than that, he has to stay in bed, which he doesn't like, and I completely understand. Most of the time though, Emily and I stay upstairs with Pete and watch tv up there with him and keep him company. He likes that and I love being with him. That, and if something happens, I want to be right there.

Even one time, everyone of the guys came over and we literally had a freaking party in our room. Everyone brought chairs upstairs and we talked and laughed and watched tv. It was a fun day actually! And Pete seemed to enjoy himself.

"How are you doing today, babe?" I asked Pete as I stuck my head into the room.

"Ok," he said.

"You sure? You need anything?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. "And nah. I'm fine."

"Alright," I said. "Yell if you need anything, ok?"

"I will," he said. "Thanks baby."

"No problem," I said.

I turned around and walked back downstairs. I really hope Pete was telling the truth. He seemed a little off ever since he woke up, but he won't tell me what's up. But that's Pete for ya. He doesn't really like to bother others with his problems, but this is serious. I mean he's pregnant, for Pete's sake! Haha... Pete...

Anyway, like I said, I wish he'd tell me. He seems to be in pain or something. Like the doctor said, he could have this baby any day now, so I'm worried and I keep checking up on him at least every hour. He's making me nervous! Even Em asked me what's wrong with daddy. I just told her that I wasn't sure, but I'd find out. I definitely intend to find out, trust me!

As I got back downstairs, I took my place back on the couch next to Emily. Before I went to go check on Pete, her and I were down here watching a bunch of cartoons. It was Saturday, so what better way to spend a Saturday than watching cartoons with your daughter? It's pretty fun actually.

"Is daddy doing better?" she asked as she crawled onto my lap.

"A little," I said. "I think anyway. If something is wrong, he's not telling me."

"I hope he gets better soon," Emily said.

"I do too, hun," I said. "At least on the brightside, you get to hang out with Uncle Joe and Uncle Andy!"

"I almost forgot!" she said. "When are they coming to get me?"

"Should be here any minute!" I said as the doorbell rang. "Speak of the devil."

I grabbed Emily off of my lap and put her on my shoulders. I walked to the door and opened it and Joe and Andy stood there.

"Emily!" they both said. "You seem to have gotten taller..."

"She definitely passed Pete and I up!" I said.

"Smartass," Joe said as he chuckled.

"Here's the little princess," I said as I lowered Emily down from my shoulders and put her down.

"We'll have her back same time tomorrow!" Andy said as Joe and Emily already took off towards the vehicle. "Hey! wait for me!"

"You guys have fun!" I said as I laughed and then closed the door.

I meandered my way back to the couch and sat back down. I grabbed my phone and looked through Twitter for a little bit, then eventually put my phone down and turned the channel on the tv. I watched something on the Food Network for a good hour until I dozed off.

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