March to the Sea (Patrick's POV)

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Well, good news! Pete is, indeed, pregnant! I'm so happy! For him and our family now. This is going to be an interesting road to go down again, but I'll be here for Pete no matter what.

After Jackie cleaned Pete up and everything, we met with the doctor again and congratulated us again. After that, we made our next appointment and then left and drove back home, but about halfway between the doctor's office and home, Pete decided that we should go tell everyone now, just to get it over with. I said it was a good idea, so Pete made his way to Joe and Andy's place.

"Are you ready?" I asked Pete as we pulled up to their place.

"Yeah," he said as he gave me a small smile.

We got out of the vehicle, well more like Pete-got-out-and-I-tripped-and-fell-on-my-face-- kind of got out of the vehicle. As Pete helped me up, we were both laughing hysterically as we walked up to the door. Joe must have seen us throught the window or something, because right when we got to the door, he opened it and we were still dying. I was crying from laughing to hard.

"Are you like drunk or something, Patrick? That was an interesting fall you had," Joe said as we stumbled in.

"No!" Pete said.

"Definitely not!" I said.

"Want to know part of the reason we're so fucked up?" Pete asked.

Yeah!" Andy said as he appeared by us.

"Should we tell them?" Pete whispered to me, but he basically yelled it because we were still laughing.

"Yes! You said you wanted to!" I said.

"Ok!!!" he said. "Guys, guess what."

"I thought the whole point of this was for you to tell us, not us guess," Joe said.

"You're so impatient!" Pete said. "Ok fine!"

Yes! Tell us!" Andy said.

"Ok, what would you guys say if I was pregnant?" Pete asked.

"I'd say no way," Joe said.

I'd say you're smoking pot with Joe again," Andy said.

"Dick," Joe said.

"You know you love me," Andy said as he hugged and kissed Joe.

"Well yeah," Joe said.

"What if I said he wasn't lying? What if I said that we both magically had the ability to get pregnant?" I said.

"Wait, you guys are fucking serious, aren't you?" Joe and Andy asked.

"No fucking shit," Pete said.

"Oh my god!" Joe said. "You guys!"

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Andy said

You guessed it. Huge ass group hug, of course! After that, we talked for a little bit longer and then they hopped into the vehicle with us and we took off towards Brendon and Dallon's place. Once we got there, I made sure I hopped out of the vehicle carefully. We all ran up to the door smiling and talking extremely loudly. Pete knocked and the shushed everyone, but it didn't work. He even wound up laughing again as soon as Dallon opened the door.

"You guys here to steal your little girl back?" he asked as he smiled and ushered us in.

"Well, that and we have something to tell all of you!" Pete said.

"You'll probably shit a brick when they tell you," Joe said. "I think Andy and I did."

"Ok, now I really want to know!" Dallon said. "Brendon! Em! Spence! We've got company!"

"Coming!" Brendon yelled from upstairs.

Shortly after, Emily ran down the stairs and into mine and Pete's arms. She was followed by Spencer and then Brendon. Brendon had makeup all over him... I don't even want to know... On second thought, maybe I do...

"What'd you need to tell us?!" Dallon asked as he sat on the edge of the couch.

"Oh! I like to know things! Things are fun to know!" Brendon said.

"Knowing things makes me feel special," Spencer said.

"First of all, are we all like high or something today?" I asked.

"Probably," Dallon said. "Anyway..."

"Ok!" Pete said. "What would the three, well four, of you say if I said Patrick and I both had the ability to get pregnant?"

"Wait, what?!" Brendon asked.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?!" Spencer asked.

"Pete! You too?!" Dallon asked.

"Yes!" Pete said "We just got back from the doctor."

"How far along are you?" Spencer asked.

"Uh, Jackie said about ten weeks," Pete said. "Still pretty early, suprisingly."

"You guys! I'm so happy for you!" Brendon and Dallon said. "Jinx!"

"You guys are so weird," I said.

"What do you think about having a little brother or sister?" Pete asked Emily as he grabbed her and hugged her, then put her on his lap.

"I think it'd be pretty cool!" she said, which made us all laugh.

"I do too," Pete said as he hugged her tightly again.

We all stayed at Brendon and Dallon's for a few more hours and we even had supper there. It was good to just hang out for once. After that, Pete and I took Emily, Joe, and Andy and left. We brought Joe and Andy home and then we went home. We got there around ten and Emily was passed out in the backseat. I smiled when I opened her door. She looked so cute! I gently grabbed her while Pete shut the door behind us, then ran ahead of me to open the front door. We all walked in and I brought Em up to bed right away. After that, I came back down and ran towards Pete silently. I wrapped my arms around him from behind, gently resting my hands on his stomach. He turned his head and smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"I'm excited," I said.

"I am too," he said.

"Good," I said. "You're a great father now and you'll be even better after this."

"You are too," he said. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," I said as I kissed him.

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