House of Gold (Pete's POV)

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Well, Patrick was right. He told me about two weeks after we found out that I was pregnant that I'd start showing in about two and a half or three months. Little fucker was right. I'm now about three months along and I have the slightest baby bump. It sticks out just a little bit, but if I wear baggy clothes, it's not noticeable at all. It's kind of cute to be honest...

Today though, Patrick and I are meeting up with everyone for a much needed hang out day. Brendon, Dallon, and Spencer have been away for about a month and a half for a band tour with a few other bands. They got home about three weeks ago, but they've been having to do other things too and they've been exhausted. I have to say that I'm really proud of them though.

"Hey!" I said as I opened the door.

"Hey Pete!" Sarah, Mikayla, and Elisa said as they all walked in.

"Thanks for coming over to babysit Emily, guys," I said as I gently hugged each of them. "Patrick! The girls are here!"

"Coming!" Patrick yelled from upstairs.

A few seconds later, Patrick came running down the stairs with Emily right behind him. Emily smiled instantly when she saw the girls and ran to them. They all embraced her in a huge hug and laughed.

Patrick walked over to me and hugged me, stretching my shirt slightly. I hadn't put my sweatshirt on yet, but I didn't think it'd be a problem. Like I said, if I wore baggy clothing, I didn't appear to have the baby bump at all.

"Oh my god!" Sarah said. "Pete, can we talk to you guys?"

"Sure," I said as I laughed.

"We'll be right back, Em," Patrick said.

The girls practically pushed Patrick and I upstairs and into our room. Patrick and I sat on the bed and laughed while we watched them freak out.

"Are you guys going to calm down anytime soon?" I asked.

"Ok, he's got the sassiness," Sarah said.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"Attitude, check!" Mikayla said.

"Ok?" I asked.

"Stand up," Elisa said.

"Alright," I said as I stood up.

"And baby bump!" Elisa said as she pulled my shirt so it tightened around me.

"Pete! Your're pregnant again!" Sarah blurted out.

"What makes you say that?" I asked as I chuckled.

"Pull up your shirt and try to deny the fact that that's a baby bump," Mikayla said.

I pulled my shirt up slightly and stuck my stomach out even more, which made all the girls squeal and Patrick just laugh.

"Ok, fine," I said. "We're expecting again."

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Elisa said.

"Me too!" Mikayla said.

"How far along are you?" Sarah asked.

"About three months," I said.

"Only you guys and Emily know," Patrick said. "You can't tell anyone else!"

"Yeah, we want them to figure it our for themselves," I said.

"I promise!" they all said.

"Thanks girls," I said. "Now we've got to get going."

"Yeah! Look at the time!" Patrick said.

The girls and Patrick and I walked back downstairs and said goodbye to Emily and the girls again and then we left. I made sure I grabbed my sweatshirt first though. Patrick and I hopped into the vehicle and took off.

"Well, we got three more people out of the way," I said.

"See? I told you it won't be hard to figure it out," Patrick said.

"It is when I'm wearing a sweatshirt," I stated.

"But you're not wearing it the whole time we're there," he said.

"I know," I said. "I have a feeling this is going to be a fun day."

Patrick just laughed and took my hand in his. We finally arrived and Brendon and Dallon's place about five minutes later. We got out of the vehicle and walked up to the door. I zipped up my jacket right before the door opened. Patrick smiled at me and then we got attacked in a hug by Brendon.

"Hey you guys!" he said.

"Hey!" Patrick and I said as we laughed.

"I'm so glad you guys are here!" he said as he pulled us in.

"Now the party don't start 'til they walk in," Dallon sang.

"I didn't know there was going to be Ke$ha at this party... I'm leaving," I said as I turned around.

"I'm kidding!" Dallon said as he ran to me and pulled me back.

"Whoa!" I said as I laughed.

"Careful now!" Patrick said as he grabbed me and pulled me into his arms.

"Lets get this party started rightttt!" Joe said.

"Hell yeah!" I said as I threw my hands in the air.

All of us stood in the kitchen and talked for at least an hour until I said that we should go in the living room. They all agreed, but really I just said that because my feet were fucking killing me. Patrick knew that, so he gave me a small smile and walked behind me towards the couch. As we all sat down, I took my sweatshirt off and then rested my feet on the coffee table. Joe gave me a weird look, but he seemed to brush it off.

"Hey, anyone want drinks?" Brendon asked.

"I'll hit that up, baby," Dallon said.

"Me too!" Joe said.

"Me three!" Spencer said.

"Pete?" Brendon asked. "Patrick?"

"I'll pass," I said.

"You of all people?" he asked. "Come on!"

"Seriously, I'll pass," I said.

"I knew it!" Joe said.

"Knew what?" I asked.

Joe stood up and walked over towards me. Shit.

"Well, for one, when you took your sweatshirt off, your shirt looked a little strained, second, you instantly put your feet up when you sat down, and third, you're now passing up on a drink," Joe said. "There's only one conclusion to what's going on. Pete, your pregnant again."

Everyone looked at Joe, except Patrick and I. We looked at each other and kind of didn't know what to do. After they had broken their stare from Joe, they all stared at Patrick and I.

"You know what?" I said.

"What?" they all asked as they literally sat on the edge of their seats.

"You're right," I said as I stood up.

"You're pregnant again?!" Brendon asked.

"Yeah," I said as I pulled my shirt up and showed off the baby bump more.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Dallon and Spencer said.

"Oh my god! Me too!" Andy said.

"I am good," Joe said.

"We wanted you guys to figure it out for yourselves," I said.

"Whore," Joe said.

"Love you too!" I said.

"No but seriously, congrats you guys," Joe said as he hugged me and then Patrick.

Well, at least we got that out of the way now. The rest of the night we spent with them was really fun actually. We laughed, acted like idiots, sang, danced around, and then sat on our asses and watched tv. It was the most fun I've had with them in a while. Good times!

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