Migraine (Patrick's POV)

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Thank god he's finally gone! I've fucking had it with him! All he does is complain, complain, and complain! I couldn't take much more of it! I've been getting headache after headache from him lately. I didn't even complain this much when I was pregnant! What gives him the right to?!

This seems like a good time to do the one thing Pete and I have in common: drown my feelings with alcohol. I always say that I'm going to take one more shot then I'm quitting forever, but does it work that way? No.

I walked to the kitchen and went to the cabinet. I opened it and gladly took a bottle of whiskey out. After that, I brought it with me and sat on the couch. I flipped the tv on and then opened the bottle. And so it begins...

After about an hour or so of drinking and watching stupid shit on tv, I finally polished the bottle off, so I got up and grabbed another bottle or whatever else we had. I came back into the living room and wasted no time drinking that one either. The last thing I remember was mumbling something about the show I was watching and then nothing but black.


A few hours had passed, I think anyway, and I was shaken awake by someone.

"Patrick! Wake up!" the person shouted.

"Wh-Hm?" I mumbled as I opened my eyes.

"Dude, wake the hell up!" the person said again.

All I could make out at this point is that it was a guy's voice. I couldn't recognize the voice, but that's probably because I was drunk off of my ass. I blinked my eyes a few more times and then a figure came into view. Ah, it was Joe, and Andy was beside him.

"Dude, what the hell?! We called you at least five times and you never answered. What the hell is going on? And why the hell were you passed out from being drunk?" Joe asked.

"I-I think P-Pete and I had a-a fight or something l-like that," I said.

"You think?" he asked.

"Y-Yeah," I said.

"So let me guess," he said. "You drank away your feelings again?"

"You're so fucking smart, Joe," I said.

"Don't bring the attitude back and start it with me," he said.

"Why can't you just leave me alone? I'll be fucking fine, ok? God!" I said as I grabbed the second bottle again.

"No. No way," Andy said as he grabbed the bottle from me and brought it into the kitchen.

"God, fuck you guys," I said as I got up.

"Where do you think your'e going?" Joe asked.

"Upstairs," I said.

"Oh no you're not," he said.

"And why's that?" I asked.

"You're coming home with us. There's no way we're leaving you here by yourself to drink even more than you already have," Andy said.

"No fucking way," I said as I turned around again and walked towards the stairs.

"Yes," Joe said as he walked to me and grabbed my arm.

"Oh my god! Fuck off!" I said as I pulled away from him.

I flipped them off as I walked up the stairs. I got to mine and P- Well, my room and locked the door. I walked to my bed and plopped down on it and instantly fell asleep.

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