Fall Away (Patrick's POV)

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Well, on the brightside of things, Pete's labor is kicking in again, but the downfall is that I have to see him go through all of this pain again. If this is what Pete felt while he was watching me, I feel terrible. Just hearing him scream in pain makes me feel absolutely terrible. I mean, I ddi this to him. This is my fault. I'm making him go through all of this horrible pain. It's all me.

"D-Do you want to go back in the bedroom?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah," Pete said as he scrunched his face in pain.

"God," I said as I allowed a tear to escape my eye.

"Baby," Pete said as his expression saddened. "P-Please don't cry."

"I just hate seeing you like this," I said. "I did this to you and it's making you hurt this much."

"Baby, it's not your fault," he said as he walked over to me.

"Yes it is," I said.

"Hun," he said as he finally made it over to me and hugged me. "I'll be fine."

"I hope so," I said as I hugged him back.

"I wi-," Pete said before he hugged me tighter and screamed into the crook of my neck.

I hugged him tighter as well and rubbed his back and tried to help him ride our the contraction. Despite his labor stopped for a little bit, his contractions were already pretty damn close to a minute long. I was hoping nothing else happened and that everything was going to go the way it was supposed to from here on out.

After his last contraction passed, I finally was able to help him back into our room and he instantly sat down on the bed and started to regulate his breathing again. I sat beside him and just watched him, not knowing if I should rub his back or let alone even touch him.

A few minutes later, Pete moved his hand from the bed and tighty gripped my hand and he screamed again. Throughout the entire contraction, his grip on my hand only got tighter. It even made me whimper a little bit, but I knew it at least somewhat helped Pete, so I dealt with it. His contractions were now every six minutes.

"Pete, baby," I said as his contraction ended and he let go of my hand. "I think we should go."

"G-Good i-idea," he said.

"Here, come on," I said as I got up and helped him up.

"T-Thanks," he said as he stumpled to his feet.

I was holding onto Pete the entire time I helped him downstairs. His face was scrunched in pain the whole time, but at least we were getting to the hospital so this pain he's having will go away soon.

Once we finally got downstairs, Pete had another contraction and nearly fell to floor, but didn't, thank god, because I was holding onto him still. I helped him out to the vehicle after that and I made him sit in the back so he'd have more room. I wish I could be back there with him, but I didn't want to cut this closer than we already are, or as close as we did with me.

"Patrick, baby, are we almost there?" Pete asked through his heavy breathing. "I-I don't know how mu- Shit!"

"We're almost there, I promise," I said as I looked at him through the rearview mirror.

His last contraction finished just before we got to the hospital. I parked the vehicle by the entrance and quickly got out and opened the door so I could help Pete out. I finally got Pete out and I helped him inside the hospital and towards the front desk. I told the person there what was going on and she said she'd let someone know right away. Right after she had us follow her down the hallway, Pete had to stop me as he had another contraction. He tried not to scream and he didn't, but there was whimper after whimper escaping his lips. I'd rather him scream, honestly. Hearing him whimper like that sounded like he was in more pain than when he screamed.

After that contraction subsided, we were brought to a room and Pete had to change into one of those gown things and the whole time, the doctors and nurses were getting everything ready for his C-section.

A few minutes later, they gave Pete some medicine to make him a little out of it so he wouldn't feel the procedure. After that, it was time for our baby to be delivered into this world.

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