Chapter 7

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Damn, a week now and no one has accepted me for any jobs.

Nervousness has been a daily thing now. I've been doing worse and worse at my interviews. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've been calling Mitch a lot lately, he's been trying to calm me. I don't know what it is, just this feeling at the bottom of my stomach. It won't go away, I haven't eaten much for the last few days.

I went through my emails finding one unread.

Kate Carswell,

We are sorry to say that you cannot be working with us in the future. Please do not take this personally. The position was taken by someone more qualified. Thank you for your efforts in applying for this job.

The abc daycare centre

That's it. I raged. 6th one this week, I don't get it. Why won't anyone take me. Even a daycare centre won't take me as a caretaker.

I texted Mitch asking where his house was. The house was humongous, I understood Mitch and his friends were famous but I didn't know they had this much money. I knocked and Mitch opened the door. I flung my arms around him.

"What was that for?" He asks laughing.

"I dunno, I just need a hug" I mumble into his shoulder.

I hear a voice from behind him.

"Well what do we have here" said Jerome.

I let go of Mitch.

"My god.... Is that you Kate!?" Jerome yelled.

I ran up to him and gave him a hug too.

"Damn u got really hot!" He exclaimed.

"Jerome!" Mitch yelled.

"You flirt" I said with a wink.

Jerome had to go because he was meeting up with friends or something. Which left me and Mitch at home. We sat down on the couch. I sat sideways hugging me knees, Mitch sat where my feet were up on the couch.

"Any luck with jobs?" Asks Mitch.

"No" I said quietly. "I'm practically broke, I have no idea what I'm going to do, Mitch."

He didn't reply. I looked over to him and he had a thinking face on.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Well, you see the real reason I'm in California is because I'm moving here, with the rest of team crafted." He explained.

I nodded thrilled to know that Mitch was going to be living in California.

"I was thinking, you should move in with us. And you could start your own channel. This would solve your money problem and everything, we have plenty of room." He finished. "Well if they all agree too."

"Are you serious? Yess! I would love to move in!"

"Okay, I'll message the boys and we will have a group skype call tonight. You could hide in the back and easedrop" he said smiling.

"Sounds good" I smiled too.


We spent the whole afternoon starting a channel for me. We linked it to my twitter, Instagram, everything. We messaged FinsGraphics and he offered to make me a profile and banner. Mitch also tweeted it and so did Jerome.

By 8 o'clock at night my channel had 500 subs. It wasn't bad for a channel with absolutely nothing on it. Fin said he could have the channel art done by tomorrow.

9 o'clock rolled around and Mitch and Jerome skyped the others.

"Hey, did u call us all up?" Sky started.

"Ok so we were talking about how team crafted wasn't complete, right?" Mitch said.

"Cuz seto isn't here" Ty pitched in.

There was a long awkward silence. Who was seto...? I sat beside them but out of the cameras view.

"Well uh this girl, Kate-." Mitch began again.

"Oh that girl you used to record with?" Jason cut Mitch off.

"Will you all shut up and let me finish?" Mitch snapped.

"Ok so basically can she be a member of team crafted?" Mitch said.

"We need a girl anyways, it will help our publicity." Jerome added in.

No one said anything.

"Does she have a popular YouTube?" Asked Ian.

"Well..." Mitch mumbled.

"She can't unless she has over a million subs" said Ty.

"What the hel-" Mitch got cut off.

"No that's the reason you kicked seto!" Ty started to get angry.

"No it was because he didn't want to show his face!" Mitch countered.

"Ok everyone calm down" said Quentin.

I didn't know who this seto guy was but I assumed he used to be in team crafted.

"Ok who agrees she should not be in" Mitch surveyed.

Ty emidietly raised his hand, so did Quentin and Ian.

"Who thinks she should be in?" Sky asked.

Jerome and Mitch raised their hand.

"Is she hot?" Chimed in Jason.

"Why the hell does it-" Mitch got cut off again.

"Yea!" Jerome said.

"Fine." Jason said raising his hand.

It was a tie and everyone waited for Adam's response.

"I say if she can get 1 mill by the end of this month then she's in." Adam said.

Everyone mumbled agreeing with Adam's response.

"Ok then I guess that's that" Adam ended the call.

Mitch and Jerome turned to me.

"I guess we have some work to do."


AHHHH lol do u want her to join? Sorry for not uploading, I started a tbnrfanfic lol. But I will be uploading now:) if u like so far remember to vote, comment and add to library! Ummm 200 reads for next chapter?:3

Lol the story's just starting, I've got lots planned:)


Btw- I was really upset when the seto thing happened:( I understand why they kicked him. And I felt terrible for seto cuz he was heartbroken. I wanted to show a little bit of both sides in this so ya:)

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