Chapter 12

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Honestly, these days have been going way too fast. The twitter scandal dies down a week ago and frankly, everyone had just about forgot about it. I had 2 days, 2 fucking days until my deadline for 1,000,000 subs. I was currently at 880,000, I needed a little more over a hundred thousand. The past few days, I haven't eaten, slept, gone out or really done anything. I was litteretly a nervous wreck.

Jerome was coming back in a day. Mitch had tried everything to calm me down. It got done to the point where I would finally fall asleep after tossing and turning and wake up screaming 30 mins later because of a bad dream.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few nights ago ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was in a dark ally way. I huddled in a corner trying to keep myself warm. The walls were sleek and transparent. The grown in the hot, thick, red liquid. A shadow appeared with a mask, obviously you could tell it was Ty. He held a knife, walking towards me.

"You don't belong here, it hissed"

I tried backing away. He scraped the walls forming the word 'bitch'. The walls were as if it were styrofoam. Suddenly I felt this unbelievable pain on my wrist and the words formed on my arm. The substance under me liquified, drowning. I gasped for air. I finally let myself go, giving up.

"Kate!" I heard someone scream.

I woke with a start. I had a heavy feeling in my chest. What you probably didn't know about me was that I have extreme anxiety. I panted, I wanted to cry but I held my tears back. I cradled my head in my hand. I couldn't see my vision was blurry. I felt as if the walls were caving in. I wanted to die then and there.

Suddenly I felt strong arms wrap around me. "Hey, your going to be ok. Your safe here with me. Everything's going to be okay."

I relaxed a little."You promise?" I managed to choke out still in full panic mode.

"Relax, I'm here. No one will ever touch you as long as I'm here." He said softly.

I simply nodded. We stayed like this for a while, he finally let me go and tucked me back into bed. As he got up and was about to leave, I stopped him.

"Wait Mitch, can u please stay? At least until I fall asleep." I mumbled.

"For sure" he replied.

He slipped into the bed next to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me close. I rested my head on his chest. I breathed in his sweet cinnamon scent. I soon felt my eyes slowly close and I fell asleep for the first time in 3 days.


"Are you ready for this?" Mitch asked.

"As ready as ever." I say in a sarcastic tone.

He clicked the live stream button and we were on air.

And yes, this is what we had to resort too. But I came up with the marvellous idea to stream on YouTube itself instead of twitch so we could get more views. We did silly things that we wouldn't usually do like tags and challenges, as soon as the broadcast reached 200,000 viewers, we told the legit truth.

"Honestly, I feel like you guys all need to know the truth." I say. "You see the last month, you guys probably all realized that I'm on a mad dash to 1 million subs. Now before you guys start calling me 'needy' or anything like that, let me tell you the truth. And since you all have givin me so much support I think you guys all have the right to know."

I took a breath until I started to talk again.

"Now you see, I went through some hard times before I moved in with Mitch and Jerome. Now you see this place isn't exactly permanent. It's your choice if it is going to be or not. All the team crafted guys agreed that if I reached 1 million subs in this month I could join TC."

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