Chapter 14

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I woke up curled up on the couch. The whole living room was a wreck. Mitch and Adam were spooned on the floor, Jerome was on the counter. Quentin was still in the backyard, Ian was nowhere to be found and Jason and Ty were on the other couch.

"Damn. " I mumbled getting up. My clothes were dry but there were really stiff because of the water incident last night. We had probably all fell asleep at 3 in the morning and it was not 9am.

I went to my room and changed into black skinny jeans and a long sleeved baggy shirt with the Starbucks logo on it. I'm sorry, I'm a typical girl and I love Starbucks. And tumblr!

I threw my hair in a messy bun and walked into the living room where everyone was still passed out.

I sat down on the couch where I was before and I pulled out my phone, opening Instagram.

"Psssstttt, make me food!"

I looked over and saw a half sleeping Adam.

"Make your own you lazy ass" I replied.

"But your a girl!" Adam complained.

"Ok, now I'm really not making you food." I said slightly offended. But the truth is I couldn't cook for my life.

"Fine, I'll go with you to buy breakfast?" Adam offered.

"Ummmm... with you looking like that? I replied.

His hair was messy, his shirt was crinkled and he had huge bags under his eyes.

"It's California, no one will notice." He said.

I shrugged and grabbed my wallet. After all, all you ever really need is your wallet an your phone.

Adam grabbed his keys and wallet and we left, making sure not to wake anyone up. As soon was we started his car up we blasted the radio.


The people in the car beside us were looking at us weird. Screw them, they don't even know us!

We got into McDonald and spent a shit load of money on food, our hands were literally filled with food. I didn't eat that much so I just got chocolate milk, a hash brown and muffin. But I swear the amount of food Adam got could feed an intire army.

"WAKE UP PRINCESSES!" I screamed as we burst through the door.

Everyone was startled and was upset that I disturbed them from their sleep. But emidietly happier because of the food we brought them.

"I-love you-guys-so much right now-" Jason mumbled through a mouthful of food.

Everyone nodded agreeing with Jason.

"Hey don't we have that photo shoot today?" I asked everyone.

"Yea makeup people and camera people are coming at 1" Quentin responded.

11:00 the clock read, we had plenty of time.


The people arrived at 1 o'clock sharp and they got to work. They dressed me in a simple sleeveless top tucked into an orange buttoned high waisted skirt with a belt. A white form fitting cartagain which only reached the top of the high waisted skit and brown ankle boot heels. They curled my hair and plastered my face with foundation, bronzer, blush, mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow. I looked the same and I already had good skin so I don't know why they had to do that. (Pic on side)

I walked into the lobby of out house where we were shooting greeted by a very good looking Mitch in a suit.

"Dayum." He said eyeing me.

"Keep you eyes too yourself" I joked.

He walked up to me putting his hands on my waist pulling me close and looked me in the eyes.

"Seriously, you look absolutely stunning" he complimented.

"Oh, so I don't always?" I smirked not being serious.

"Oh-n-no that's-" Mitch stuttered.

"Relax, I'm just kidding" I laughed putting my arms on his shoulders also. "You aren't looking to bad yourself."

"Your a butt" he pouted.

"You love me." I reply.

"Woah, what's going on here?" Quentin walked in.

"I'm apparently a butt" I replied to Quentin taking my arms off of Mitch.

"If there's one person here that's a butt, then that's Mitch." Quentin said.

"Fine, I don't need you guys! I'm finding Jerome." Mitch said as he walked off.

2 hours later~~~

I changed out of my clothes and put on a comfy sweater. The photoshoot was done and the guys were going clubbing or something. I stayed at home because honestly, I hated clubs. Sweaty and disguising pervs asking to get laid.

I opened up my computer and started editing my pre recorded videos. Just then I heard a door click. It seemed to had come from the balcony door in the hallway. I slowly opened my door.

I tiptoed down the hallway and peeked around the corner to see a very sad looking Ty sitting on the balcony.

My one weakness was seeing people I know sad. I didn't talk to Ty much and I am pretty sure he hates me but I still want to know what's wrong.

I walked to the balcony and sat down beside him. "What's wrong?" I asked.

He looked at me slightly startled. "Nothing" he mumbled shaking his head.

I didn't say anything back. We just sat there in silence, obviously, Ty didn't want to tell me what's wrong. I didn't know if he liked of hated my company. After a while I tried again.

"Ty, what's wrong?" I said more firm this time.

He took a breath.

"Why does it matter?" He replied.

"Because I hate seeing people sad and I could maybe help." I insisted.

"What if your the problem? You just walked into this group like your no ones business, team crafted used to be a group of friends having fun and obviously this had turned into more. All they ever are about is money, they kicked one of our original members out because he was 'differnt'. No, it was really because he wasn't famous enough. And now he's in depression and suicidal. He doesn't talk to me anymore, he hates me and probably thinks all I want is money and fame too..." Ty snapped.

Those words hurt. A lot. But I understood, I did really just walk into here. I felt bad, Ty lost a friend and now he's miserable and now this new girl comes and replaces his friend. I looked down and started to get up to leave.

"Wait." Ty said. "I'm, sorry. I'm just upset."

I shook my head. "It's fine, I understand" I mumbled and walk away.

I threw on a hoodie and white lace shorts. I grabbed my phone and my wallet and left the house. Was I really just a road block? I mean I knew Ty didn't like me but did he really want me gone that much? All I tried to do was to be his friend.

It was chilly and I regretted wearing shorts. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Mitch: I'm drunk and lost, wanna come get me?

Damn it Mitch, not again.


Hey guys! I hope your liking the story so far! Btw no hate on Ty, I luve him and what he said about team crafted, not true! I just wrote that part off of what seto had said because Ty was on setos side when all that was going on. Again, no hate on anyone. Lol hope you are enjoying so far!

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LOL btw, check out my youtube!!! ----> or search  "KeepinUpWithAnna"

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