Chapter 18

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We spent the day just kind of exploring New York. Obviously, the first thing we had to do was go to the Empire State. It was close enough to walk so we did. I loved everything about New York, how busy it was, all the people, the not so hot weather.

We all stopped at some kind of souvenir shop. A hoodie that says "I only like New York as a friend" caught my eye. I started laughing.

"Oh my god guys, we need to get these!" I exclaimed.

The boys turned around and read the hoodie. There was a chorus of "yes" and "definitely" and we all decided to get matching ones.

Mitch decided to buy me a navy blue Yankees cap which I begged him not to get me but I really secretly wanted.

We spent the rest of the day exploring New York and seeing tourist attractions. The sun started going down so we headed to the Empire State Building. There wasn't a huge lineup probably just because it was a Wednesday night.

About half an hour later, we headed up the elevator to the 86th floor. We all scattered and started vlogging. I didn't exactly enjoy vlogging all that much, people look at you funny.

I looked over the skyline of manhattan. Its beautiful. The sun was down and the lights if the city were incredible. My hair blew in the wind. It feels nice being so high up.

"Enjoying the view?" Adam asks from behind me.

"Yes." I say blandly.

"Are you still mad at us?" He asks.

"Kinda" I reply.

"Come on, it's just a joke, no one really cares. And plus, you guys are cute together." He says with a wink.

I shrug. "Don't make me push you off"

"Pfftt, like you're going to push me through these iron bars." He challenges.

I push him playfully just when the rest of the boys come back.

"Woah, chill." Jason says jokingly.

"Never make Kate mad when your hundreds of feet in the air." Jason adds.

"Shut up or you guys are all going to fall to your deaths" I threat.

There's was a few whistles and someone said something about me being sassy but I didn't care. We left the building and returned to our hotel.

Jerome, Mitch and I walked back into our hotel room. I ran into the bathroom before anyone else could take it and I brushed my teeth for bed. As I walked out Mitch and Jerome were waiting at the door.

"What are you guys...?" I trail off as I notice they look ready to leave.

"Put on something warm, we're going to go exploring!" Jerome exclaims.

"Ummm okay." I grabbed the nearest sweater to me and it was a white hoodie from pink.

We walked out of the hotel and the night air slapped me right in the face. But it was a nice slap. We walked down the busy street in silence, enjoying ourselves when I felt Mitch's hand grab my arm.

"Hurry!" He yelled.

I was confused but I ran anyways. We arrived at the corner when a red double decker bus pulled to the curb.

"Oh my gosh" I say under my breath.

I've always wanted to go on one but never got the chance to.

We filed on along with a few other people. Mitch payed for my pass and I let him. We made our way to the top level and sat at the edge. As the bus started moving the air got colder. The rest of the people sitting at the top moved onto the lower level so it was now just Jerome, Mitch and I.

"Come here biggums!" Jerome says to Mitch.

Jerome and beckons Mitch to stand at the front of the bus and he does. Jerome hugs Mitch from behind and they start doing the Jack and Rose scene from the titanic. They start singing and I started laughing.

"You guys are going to die!" I yell over the wind at them.

"No we're no-" Mitch gets cut off.

The bus suddenly stops at a red light and Mitch and Jerome jerk forward onto the railing, almost falling off. They end up dry humping each other and I burst out laughing.

"HAHA you guys are actually going to die." I say.

"Then your going to die with us!" Mitch replies.

Mitch comes over to me and picks me up over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I scream pounding on his back.

He dangles me over the railing and I scream as I watch the ground pass. This was actually the most fun I've had in a while.

About 20 minutes later, we get off. I look around and see that we are at Battery Park by the waterfront. I see the Statue of Liberty across the water and the many lights of boats. The place was much quieter than the city, a few tourists here and there. Jerome buys us all ice cream and we sit down on the a bench over looking the New York City harbour.

This feels like the place where I belong. Not New York but with my boys.


HEY GUYS sry for not uploading cuz I'm writing another story:$ a lot of the earlier chapters are poop cuz I wrote them a while ago but forgive me! I'll fix them...someday.

Anyways thanks for ur patience and vote, comment, add.


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