Chapter 15

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I read Mitch's text and got in my car. I quickly called him, ring...ring...ring... Come on Mitch pickup. Finally he picked up the phone after the 7th ring.

"Mitch, what the hell? Where are you?" I said.

"Uhhhh I don't know." He slurred. "Somewhere super dank."

"Mitch, I'm serious. Where are you?"

"Ahhh loosen up G. The sign says Trefalger St." Mitch said.

"Kay look at a house nearby, look at the number and tell it to me." I instructed.


"Okay I'll be there in a bit, don't do anything stupid." I replied.

"Hey, since when did I ever-"

I hung up before he got to finish.

I typed the numbers quickly into my gps. Damn he was half way across the city, he need to do some explaining. It was far and by the time 10 minutes had past I started worrying. What if he did something stupid? What if he gets hurt?

30 minutes had past and I had finally gotten to the place the gps lead me to. All the buildings surrounding me were tattered and scary looking. There were graffiti on the walls and the smell of smoke waffered in the air. Mitch was nowhere in sight.

I parked my car on the side of the road and got out. "MITCH?" I yelled. I wandered around looking for Mitch.

I saw a figure in the distance and walked towards it. "Hey Mitch is that you-" I stopped when the figure turned around revealing a dirty old man.

"Hi, pretty girl. What are you doing here?" He started walking towards me.

I turned around and ran, I hear footsteps behind me. "Wait, won't leave!" He yelled. I was scarred as hell. I screamed for help and started taking out my phone to call the cops when the man grabbed my wrist. I tugged but he sunk his nails into my skin.

"HELP" I screamed closing my eyes not wanting to see what happened next.

Suddenly, the mans grip loosened. I opened my eyes and saw him in a heap on the ground. I looked up to see who had punched him out.

"I hate you so much right now." I said to the very guilty looking Mitch.

"Hey, I saved you-"

"You also almost got me raped!" I cut him off.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

We walked a while in silence as we got into my car, I noticed a bruise under his left eye. Rain started to fall from the sky, it was November and the weather started to shift into your average California winter. Wet and cold.

"Now explain why you are here." I demanded,

"I gots drunk, then this girl started grinding me, then this guy punched me so I punched him really hard because I am superman and he passed out." He continued still not sober "so then I left cuz I didn't want to get in trouble and I looked for the others and they were gone. So I hopped on a bus then left." he smiled as if he were proud of his explanation.

"Go home your drunk." I said frowning.

"That's what your for! Take me home, franchesco!"

I didn't reply because he was obviously drunk and didn't know what he was saying. For the whole 30 minute long car ride, Mitch wouldn't shut up.

When we finally arrived, I helped Mitch into the house. He emidietly crashed on the floor. Litteretly right in front of the stairs in the lobby.

"Mitch, are you serious?" I mumbled to myself.

I couldn't haul him to his room, I wouldn't even try. Finally, I went to his room and grabbed his pillow and his blanket and dragged them to Mitch. I slipped the pillow under him and threw the blanket over him, tucking him in.

I grabbed my own blanket and leaned my back against the railing of the stairs beside Mitch. I wrapped the blanket around me, trying to stay warm. I don't know why I stayed, it just seemed like the necessary thing to do. So I closed my eyes, listened to the pattering of the rain and fell asleep.


"UGHHHHHHH" I woke to Mitch's groans. "Kate, can u get me some water and Advil?!"

I walked to the kitchen still half asleep, got Mitch some water and Advil.

I kneeled beside Mitch. "How's it holding?" I ask.

"I feel like shit." Mitch complained. "Why am I on the ground?"

"Long story, do u remember anything that happened yesterday?" I ask again.

He furrowed his eyebrows like he was thinking. Suddenly his eyes widened. "Oh my god, Kate I am so sorry. I had no idea what I was thinking, I am actually so sorr-"

"I'm fine." I say cutting him off.

Suddenly he winced again, his head was probably pounding. I felt bad for him but at the same time this is why you don't get drunk.

"Damn, what was I thinking. I could of gotten you killed." Mitch continued.

I wrapped my arm around his neck, giving him a hug. "Don't. Worry. About. It." I say chuckling.

He rested his head on my shoulder. "I feel like shit, both mentally and physically. I don't know what I would do without you." He mumbled.


The others apparently came home at 3 in the morning stoned off their ass. Apparently they had left to go to the beach without Mitch cuz the car was full of other sluts.

As they slept the whole day, me and Mitch prerecorded a new series. At around 3 o'clock, Adam texted us all telling us to stop whatever the fuck your doing and haul ass to the backyard.

We all gathered around waiting for whatever Adam had to say. As we sat I saw Ty giving me apologetic glances every now and then. I didn't tell anyone about our little encounter, and I really didn't want Ty to bring it up again.

"Okay, so machinima invited us all to this event to promote these new headsets for gaming and some kind of new partnership they are working out. They said everything is inclusive if we promote this on our channels and stuff." Adam announced.

We all mumbled agreeing on going.

"Where is it?" I piped.

"New York!" Sky exclaimed.

My jaw dropped, I finally get to go to newyork!


HEY GUYSSSS! New chapter:$ pic of Kate on chapter 14. Vote,comment,add to library!


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