Part 2 Chapter 13

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Pic of Kate on the side! shes one of my really good friends, and shes really fucking gorgeous and im jelly :$


I sat in the living room by myself, waiting for the others to arrive.

That night Mitch had group messaged all the boys and they all agreed that I was officially in team crafted. No one was super exited but no one objected.

No one understood how truly happy I was, it wasn't a big deal to them but being in team crafted is a dream. It felt good how 'involved' I am. I can't really explain it but it's the feeling that there are people there with me always.

They added me to their skypes and joined me to the group convo. I talked to Adam, Jason and they seemed pretty chill. We soon became pretty good friends. They were the only people who welcomed me, I didn't have the guts to message Ian, quintin, and Ty.

They all told me about the launch for the new team crafted channel and for upcoming events and stuff. Sky messaged Bluemonkey and Weedlion, our animators too add me into all the pictures and the launch video.

Sky tweeted about their new member which gave me a lot of freeking publicity. Most people seemed super pumped but some absolutely hated the thought of a girl in TC. I didn't mind the hate, they didn't personally know me so it didn't matter to me.

It's been a week now and everyone was coming today to film our first video and have our fist photo shoot. I was in nothing fancy, my hair was in a bun, shorts and a hoodie from Abercrombie. My legs were shaking, damn what if they hate me?

I was still lost in my thoughts when I felt the couch dip down beside me.

"Hey, not feeling so good?" Jerome asked.

"Uhhhhh" was all I could get out.

"You're going to be fine, relax" he said laughing,

"I'm scurrreeedd what if they don't like me"

"What's not to like." He said wiggling his eyebrows and scooting closer.

"Jerome, you are such a perv" I say shoving him over.

"Hey! That wasn't nice!" He pouted, on the ground.

"Well your just a big baby" I replied.

Just then the door flew open.


I clapped "what an entrance" I say jokingly.

"OMG is Kate, the rare and exotic Pokemon!" Sky said.

"That's me!" I replied.

I waved a little, he pulled me into a unexpected hug. "Now I can say this in real life, welcome to the team!" He said.

It made me happy that at least Adam liked me here.

"Hey, I don't get a hug?" Jerome piped in.

"Fuck off fluffy" Adam replied.

I laughed at Adams response.

Just then Mitch walked down the stairs. "HEY BIGGUMS" Mitch yelled.

"HEY MITCH" sky replied.

They had a little bro moment. Jerome was just standing there faking crying.

"You guys all suck" Jerome said as the door opened again.

Ian walked in. Damn, he was really tall in real life. I mean he was only a little taller than Mitch but he was really thin so he looked really tall.

"Hey doods! He greeted everyone. He turned to me. "And I'm assuming your Kate?"

"Yup" I said.

"Welcome to the team!" He smiled.

We talked and Ian was actually really cool. He had a girlfriend what was not surprising and I told him I wanted to meet her sometime. We got along really well, and we both agreed we were starting a mini series together soon.

Okay this is good. I didn't have to worry about Adam, Jason or Ian. Ty I really didn't even want to see because he scares me. I don't even know him but I know he doesn't want me here because of someone named seto or something? I don't know but Quentin I don't really care about.

Jason arrived half an our later greeting me with a "dayum, I'm happy your living with us now" with a wink. I knew he was joking so I didn't mind. Mitch seemed to a little though, I know he's kind of protective but I didn't know what way he meant.

I went up to my room and did some editing letting the boys have bro time or whatever. Ty and Quentin arrived later and they were all downstairs talking and catching up. I went on my Instagram and took a photo.

I took a photo of them all secretly and tagged them. "Spying on you guys;)" I put as the description.

Seconds later I heard Mitch's voice. "Kate get you lazy ass down here and join our bro time!"

I sped down the stairs and squeezed in between Jerome and Mitch, pushing them and earning a groan from each of them. We all talked a little and decided to film the introduction video for the channel which we are releasing in the next few days.

We got out the camera and we somehow got everyone on to one 3 seated couch. Quentin was on the ground and I was on Mitch's lap. Jerome was sprawled across everyone. We managed to film the first part of our video.

We all had little sections on our own. Mitch was going to destroy the kitchen, Jerome was going to flip into the pool, Adam was going to be pelted with butter, ect.

We filmed mine, Ian's, Jason's, Mitch's and Ty's, then it was time to do Jerome's. It was 12 midnight and we went outside to film. Jerome stripped down to nothing but boxers and a tie. We filmed him as he screamed and did a front flip into the freezing pool.


He took one of the water guns and started spraying everyone. We were all running around the house trying to get away from him. Me and Mitch hid in the small storage shed outside. We were huddling, trying to keep warm because the shed was in their backyard.

"If if we die tonight, remember that..." He started really dramatic "I'm better at pvp than you"

I got out of the shed, "JEROME HES RIGHT HERE"

Jerome dashed through the door, passing me and completely soaking Mitch.

I laughed so hard I had to grab the fence to keep me standing. Jerome left to find his next victim.

"Oh you thought that was funny?" Mitch said evilly. His dripping self started walking towards me.

"No, pls, no. I fan!" I screamed.

He tackled me in a hug, lifting me up and throwing us both into the pool getting us soaked. He wrapped his arms around me but I refused to hug him back.

"I hate you!" I yelled.

"I love you too!" He replied.

I could get used to this.


Yes, and we are back! With part 2 of a little more than friends. This is not going to be your average sappy love story btw, not saying there no Mitch and Kate. Trust me there will be. And this chapter was kind of just a filler/intro to part 2. So vote, comment and add to library!

Sorry if something's arnt too clear, just comment and I will fix! And sorry if I mess up Kate's name sometimes cuz I'm writing another fanfic on another account so I sometimes call Kate Taylor by accident :$

xox -Anna

Luve u my beautiful bananas<3

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