Chapter 10

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It's been 2 two weeks now and my subs have been efficient, 400,000 subs now but at this rate we were definitely not going to get one million by 2 weeks from now. The sub count had already started dying down, I was slowly getting less subscribers. Jerome had flew back to New Jersey to get the last of his stuff. Well there goes my partner in crime. I thought I was totally screwed until Mitch made up this genius idea.

"I've got it! Twitter Scandal!" He said bursting into my room.

"What?" I replied.

I was sitting in bed with my laptop on my lap. Mitch hopped onto my bed sitting infront of me.

"Okay so you know the number one thing that gets you famous in no time?" He said.

"Ummm... Puppies and babies?" I joked.

He looked at me with an unamused face due to my stupid pun.

"Drama." He said smiling like he was proud of something. "We are going to make everyone think that me and Jerome are fighting over you."

I paused and thought of it for a second.

"What? How the hell are we going to do that."

"Well first, pretend your going to kiss me." He said

I looked at him raising my eyebrow as if to ask him 'are you serious?'. He was my best friend, I guess it wouldn't be awkward.

"Ah whatever, kay what do u want me to do? I asked.

He pulled out his phone. "Just smile and pretend your unbelievable happy" he held the words with a tone I didn't really understand.

He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me close so that I was now sitting in his lap. My arms naturally wrapped around his shoulders. Our faces were unbelievably close and we were both smiling. Honestly something about our closeness and his smile made me almost want this moment to be real. Well, I didn't have to pretend to smile. 'No' my head told me just no. The snap of the camera brought me back to reality.

We examined the photo.

"Damn, we're cute" he mumbled.

"We are" I replied.

I was not kidding when I said we were cute. My brown hair complimenting his dirty blonde hair. My blue eyes complimenting his hazelnut ones. I smiled but really dying inside. 'Hun, it's not happening' my brain told me.

I frowned, damn it brain, stop being a dick.


Me and Mitch skyped Jerome filling him in on the plan. He said it sounded good, talked a little and ended the call.

"You ready for this?" He said his hand hovering over the tweet button about to post it.

He had simply put a " <3 " as the caption. And tagged me in the photo.

"Let the hate and attention flow." I say sarcastically.

He posted the tweet. As soon as he posted it, his twitter blew up. When I say blew up, I meant it. The app literately broke. Whenever he tried opening it, it would force close.

We opened it up on my laptop and already 1,326 retweets. We read through the reactions and they were all mostly "what the hell? He has a gf?" Or " WHY DIDNT YOU TELL US U HAD A GIRLFRIEND YOU BASTARD."

Uhhhhhhh... I didn't know what to say. I checked my followers and I had litteretly gained 500 in matter of seconds.

"I'm guessing it worked?" I say cautiously.

"Ha wait till the real fun hits." He replied.

We watched it go from 1,000 to 2,000 to freeking 20,000 retweets!

"Gosh I didn't know your fans were this serious about who you date." I say shocked by all the girls who were freeking out.

"Oh so we are dating now?" He teased giving me a suggestive look.

"In your dreams." I playfully push him.

I looked at twitter again. Oh shoot, other youtubers were reacting to it too.

Bodil40: @Bajancanadian @KatekraftMC congrats? I think? XD

TBNRfrags: @KatekraftMC @bajancanadian LIEEEESSSSSSS

He looked over my shoulder looking at what I was looking at. He saw my uneasy look and said to me "hey, don't worry about it, they can think what they want" About an hour later, Jerome tweeted us back.

JeromeASF: @Bajancanadian what the actuall fuck...

And that's when all the confusion started.

The tweets back soon turned from "YOU HAVE A GF?" To "What is going on?"

We laughed at the comments and I soon got a text from Jerome.

Jerome: It worked aha XD

Me: AHHH ikr

Jerome: how many subs?

I checked my YouTube. 420,273, damnnnnn. I've gained 20,000 from the last few hours. I quickly texted Jerome back.

I smiled at Mitch "u, my friend, are a genius."

I lay my head in his lap since we were still in my bed and just stayed there for a while. Enjoying each others company.


AHHHHH qotd: do u ship it?

And guys, there will be 2 parts to this book btw. Up to chapter 15 will be one and chapter 16-30 will be another. If u like it so far remember to vote, comment, and add to library!!! Uh let's set a goal to 450 reads!


P.S. I was really mad when he moved to Cali cuz I live so close to Montreal and I always wanted to meet him XD but honestly we all knew it would happen so whatever. AHHH Mitch come back!

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