Holistic. [17]

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I had expected the cold water to stain my skin and fill my nose and lungs.
I had expected my vision to be blurred by the sea when I opened them.
I did not expect the sudden flash of searing pain that caused me to release Yu's hand- then take it back soon after. What it was, I couldn't tell you.
It traveled through me like electricity, shocking every crevice and corner of my body.
But I bore the pain as it opened my senses like a scabbed wound.

I did not expect the sound of the waves to still be in my ears, roaring in my ears, and salt burning my nostrils like acid. I heard Yuu take a gasping breath as his fingers twitched in mine.
One breath, heartbeats pounding in my ears.

Two. He coughed, voice rough and raw. It pained me to hear it with such high definition.


Our eyes flew open.

He was surprised to see me, and I was surprised for other reasons. The ring gem was glistening- no. It was glowing. Very faintly, at that. But I wasn't focused on that. Expanded at his sides and curling upwards as if to shield himself, were two transparent large red wings that were located just below the middle of his back. They were glowing far more vividly than my bracelet. As his wide eyes blinked away tears, his brows furrowed slightly.
"You only have two wings." He murmured more to himself. It was so quiet I shouldn't have been able to hear it over the roaring wind and crashing waves.
I seemed to hear everything. See everything down to the tiny tear that fell from his chin, mixing in with the salt water below. I could smell everything. The smell of the cherry blossom in the school's garden that lingered on Yu's skin, the scent of spray paint and grease that I knew belonged to Min- a rough-around-the-edges scent that suited her and her personality perfectly.
"You have wings." He looked puzzled, lips tightening at the words I spoke as if it were another language. "Did you know about this?" I asked, gesturing to myself as we remained suspended in the air, his black hair nearly skirting across the waves. I didn't know what 'this' was exactly.
"Yes..?" He said slowly. "But I don't believe now would be the time to talk about it. Can you maybe bring us up?"
"Min'll see." I pointed out. He sighed, a slow and steady sound.

"Yes she will. But I'm pretty sure she thinks we're dead, so..."


I pulled myself up, our bodies lifting on their own as if reading our thoughts, feet facing towards the ocean with Yuu in front of me, gripping my hand tightly. I winced, the pain rushing back as if I were experiencing it all over again. My heart began to strain with it, breath catching. Almost as if my body couldn't take much more of the invisible suffering.
I could see red on either sides of the corner of my vision.. He got a strange look in his eyes, as if he were thinking hard about something. His eyes narrowed, lashes casting shadows over his rosy cheeks.

I seldom asked him about it, knowing fully well of the answer I would get.


It was always his answer.

An excuse to not explain something he doesn't have a complete understanding of.

My feet landed gently amongst the grass next to Yuu, our grips releasing. I all but collapsed to the floor with him. Min was gaping at us, but she soon took both of us into a fierce bear hug.
"I'm going to tear you two into pieces." She hissed, voice hoarse. I almost missed her words. The senses that were so sharp I nearly burst were gone.

And with it- the pain.

I could breathe again.

"You're not mad?" I asked quietly. She shook her head, black whisps of hair tickling my neck.
"I expected it."
"Can't tell 'Suya." Yuu said simply. There was a long silence of Min making a noise in the back of her throat.
"Oh, trust me, I'm going to try and forget this entire day as a whole. Especially the whole 'Mika being an Anemoi' thing. It irks me." She chuckled, voice still tense through her relaxed laugh. I felt awkward, but my friend's light laughter helped relieve a portion of it.

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