Chapter 40

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Alex's POV

Ray took me on a small boat that night and said that he had something important to tell me. I was nervous.

Now that we're on the boat,he set up a dinner for us and it was just the two of us. No Carl. No butler or waiter.

"This is beautiful,Ray. Thanks. "

He smiled and served the dessert.

"Alex,there's something I need to tell you. "

Here we go.

"But before that,I want you to know that I will never stop loving you."

"Okay... go on."

He took a deep breath before started talking.

"I have to leave, love. I mean,I'm not coming back. I'm so sorry. I never wanted this to happen. Please don't be mad at me."

Alex was so surprised that she couldn't even say anything. However,tears were forming in her eyes. And it was hurting me to see her hurting. Not only because I loved her ,but because I was the cause of her crying. Mario's gonna kill me.

By that time,the boat reached the shore already.

"We need to break up."

With those five words,I hugged her tightly and gave her a peck on the forehead before leaving her on the boat. I know it was so irresponsible of me,but I had to. For her and for me.

I called Ivy earlier and asked her to get Alex.

"Lisa? Send Amelia for me right now."

Carl's POV

I took Ann out for dinner at Blue Waves,a small family restaurant Ann had always wanted to go to ever since yesterday.

"So,Pooh Bear,there's something I need to tell you."

Ann wiped the corner of her mouth with the dining handkerchief and looked at me.

"Okay,what is it?"

I took a deep breath before told her everything.

Ann nodded and  let it all sink in.

"So,you're gonna choose Ray over me and leaving me?"

"No,I'm not. Look,Ray had been there with me through everything. He helped me ever since I was 14. And he never forced me into doing this. I volunteered. "

Ann was silent for a moment before she spoke again.

"So,you're breaking up with me?"

"No. I'm not. We're just gonna be in  a long distance relationship. I  mean, if you're willing to do it. I love you so much Ann. So much that it hurts me when I did this decision. But I need to be there for my brother. My best friend.  He really needs me right now."

Ann hugged me. Which to my surprise, she agreed.

"I love you too,Carl. So,I'm gonna be understanding for you. But promise me we'll be in contact every week."

I smiled at this beautiful creature that I called girlfriend and kissed her.

"Thanks baby. I'm so lucky to have you as a part of my life."

And after dinner, we drove back to Ray's house and Ivy was rushing towards us and we weren't even inside the house yet.

Ivy grabbed my shirt collar and looked at me furiously. I guess she knew about the news already.

"Ivy? What are you doing?" Ann  asked her to release me but she refused to.

"Hold on,Ann. I have something to ask your boyfriend. What happened?  What did Ray said to Alex that she was crying when I went to get her from Ray's boat? Why did he broke up with her?!"

I was dumbstruck for awhile. He didn't tell me he was gonna break up with her. I thought he would tell her to wait. Just like me and Ann.

"Wait. Where's Ray?"

Ivy let go off me and raised her eyebrow.

"He's gone,dude! Without any single word to any of us. Except for Alex. But she wouldn't tell me what did he said."

"I need to see her. I don't even know about this. Where's is she?"

"In Ray's room."

I gave a peck on Ann's cheek before going into the house.

I didn't care the looks the others gave me when I ran into the house. I needed to know what exactly happened between Alex and Ray.

I knocked softly on the door and Alex didn't open it.

She was yelling inside.

"Go away! Please,I just need to be alone. Unless you know where that bastard is."

I knew she was talking about Ray.

"Alex,it's Carl. And I know where he is. Please open the door."

I waited patiently for about five minutes when Alex finally opened the door. Her eyes were puffy red and swollen. What exactly did Ray say that Alex was crying that hard.

I looked at her and opened my arms for her.
She ran into my arms and started crying again.

I rubbed her back softly.

"I'm sorry that this happen,Alex. I'm so sorry."

Alex release the hug and looked up at me.

"It's not your fault. Please tell me where is he. I need to ask him to stay. "

I sighed and asked her to take a seat.

Once the both of us were seated,I  started talking.

"Actually,he didn't tell me where he was going to. I needed you to open the door. Please,tell me what did he said?  I promise you I'll try to help you."

Alex nodded. "He just told me that he had to leave. That he's not coming back. Please tell him to come back to me. I love him so much that losing him cause me lots if pain. I trust you Carl. You're like an unofficial brother to me. Thanks. "

I hugged her again. I hoped that she could be strong.

"I'm always here for you sis ."


Okay,that's the new chapter for you guys.  Thanks a lot for still being with me.

What do you think will happen to Ray and Alex? Will Alex ever come back?

Will the long distance romance between Carl and Ann works?

Well,you'll find out in the next chapters.

Love y'all!!


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