Chapter 44

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Alex's POV

I finally settled down after an hour of crying and screaming.

I missed him. So fuckin' much.

"How could you?! You left me without a real reason and you don't even call me to check if I'm okay without you here."

I was ranting to myself until the door to the rooftop opened up and he rushed to my side.

"That's it! Tell me where he is."
He embraced me in a tight hug and all those tears came out again.

"I don't know Cg. I don't know."

He shushed me and kept telling me that everything's gonna be okay.

"Please don't tell the others about this. I don't want them to be worried."

Cg looked at me and concern was all over his face.

"But it's not fair for you. We're all your friends,Alex. You need us. And we want to be there for you."

I shook my head.

"No,I want it this way. Promise me,Cg. "

Cg let out a heavy sigh and nodded.

I knew it was hard for him to act like he knew nothing in front of the others, but it's better that way.

"I promise. Let's go. You need some rest. Come on,I'm taking you home."

I nodded and left the rooftop with him.

No one was home when Cg sent me home.

I asked Cg to make himself comfy while I went to my bedroom to change to more comfy clothes.

I took a random oversized shirt and matched it with a pair of black shorts.

I was walking downstairs when I saw my reflection on the mirror at the end of the stairs.

I looked down at the shirt I as wearing.

It was Ray's. I was too lazy to went back upstairs to change so I decided to just let it be.

I ordered pizza and we watched The Secret Lives of Pets.
My favourite was Snowball.

"That rabbit is using cuteness as its mask."

"I know,that's why I like him. He's cute and fierce at the same time. Snowball is the best."

"Sorry to spoil your mood honey,but Max rules."

I frowned but let it go.

"Hey,I miss you,you know?" He said suddenly.

"I miss you too bro."

He put his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his chest.

"I'm here for you if you need anything."

My eyes were getting heavier.

I mumbled a 'thanks' before dozed off.

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating.

I blinked few times before reached out for my phone which was placed on the desk next to my bed.

I widened my eyes as I saw the name of the message sender.

Ray Baby♥

I couldn't believe my eyes.
I sat up and looked at the screen again. It was really him.

I read the text he sent.

Alex,please stop hurting yourself ,baby. It hurts me to see you like that. And what's worst is that I am the reason for everything that's happening. I love you,and I need you to love yourself too. Take care love.

I didn't know what to do at that moment. I didn't want a text. I need him now.

"Damn it,Ray."

I threw my phone on the bed and lied down. Drowning the cries I was having under the pillow.

I stopped crying and thought for awhile. He saw it. He was still in the country. Maybe I should reply to his text. And I did.

Come back then. I need you Ray. Please... I love you too.

I waited for a reply but nothing happened. I looked at my phone.

"Are you gonna ring or what? Please make a sound."

The phone was still and quiet.

"Great,now I'm talking to a cell phone."

I gave up and went up to get a shower.
I looked at the girl in the mirror.

"Damn,you look bad Alex. Really bad. Ray really did it huh?"

I shook myself and took off my clothes. I had to stop talking to myself.

Once I was done,I change into a white  dress with purple polka dots on it. It fit me perfectly. Not too long and not too short. Just perfect. I put my purple hair band on and went downstairs .

It was Sunday and me and Mario was now waiting for our parents to come down and then we'd be off to the church.

While we were waiting,Mario was smiling at the screen of his phone.

Well,someone got a new girlfriend,I guess.

"Someone I know?" I said suddenly.
He looked up from his phone.

"What? I don't know what are you talking about." He was looking at all directions but my face. He's too easy to read.

"You're not looking straight into my eyes. You're not telling the truth Loopie."

He put his phone away and turned to me.

"Fine,you got me. It's Feli."

I widened my eyes.

"Feli? Are you guys officially dating now?"

"No,not yet. I'm taking your advice into use,sis. I'm getting to know Feli.  I wanna confirm my feelings for her. I wanna love her as who she is."

I smiled. This is good. At least I don't have to worry about them. I trust my brother.

"That's great,Mario. Best of luck."

And by that time, Mum and Dad came downstairs and we're off to church.

Me and my family sat the second row and the Mass started five minutes later.

I wasn't paying much attention to the preach. I looked around and someone caught my attention.

It all reminded me of the first time I laid my eyes on him. That person really looked like him.
I asked myself.

Is that really him?

But I decided to let the matter go. It's not a really good idea to not pay attention to the Mass.

I went to the chapel to pray as soon as the Mass ended.

I knelt down in front of the cross and looked at the statue of the Virgin Mary .

"Help me. Heavenly Father,help me to get rid of this anger in me. I don't want to live a life full of hatred and I want to be close to you again. Mother,pray for me. Amen."

I stood up and bowed to the altar before turning back to meet my family outside.

But I stopped in my track when I  saw the same person I thought  was Ray stood in front of me.

They really looked alike. Except for the hair. This guy was a blonde.


"Um,yeah. Who are you? "

"I'm Will,Ray's cousin."

Surprised? Well,keep on reading to find out why did Will approached Alex.

And was Will really a cousin of Ray? And where's Ray?

Well,the next chapter will give you the answers.

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