Chapter 1

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Warning! This may not have good grammar and spelling


Aliara sat at her desk deep in concentration whilst her teacher Mrs Mantacar explained equations to the class. She wasn't listening to the teacher, she was concentrating on that subtle noise that was far away. She concentrated then she heard it in the distance, getting closer and closer. It sounded like a drum beat which was getting louder. Boom boom boom. She felt a light tap on her shoulder which brought her out of her trance.  Annoyance flared up inside of her, gripping her insides violently as she tried to return to her trance but failed. She could not stand this girl at all. Everone annoyed her. "Aliara, are you alright? For a second there you looked frightened and shocked," she asked.

" Leave me, alone!"  Aliara whisper in frustration. The other girl seemed shocked by her harsh words but Aliara just stared at her with a look of frustration.  A silence fell over them as her glare burned into the other girl who hung her head low showing submission. Aliara had that effect on beings who she deemed lower than herself. The bell rang indicating the end of the day. " Aliara, can I see you for a minute?" asked Mrs Mantacar.

"yes,miss?" Aliara replied whilst walking to her desk. She was to play the part of a human student so had to lower herself and listen to teachers.

The teacher sat at the front of the desk. She approached the teacher but before she could react a white cloth was put it over her mouth and nose. She felt some strange liquid against her lips. She shivered at the touch of the foreign liquid. When she smelt it she started coughing.  The liquid was invading her insides quickly and she was helpless under its power. How?! She thought infuriated. Aliara struggled against the teacher's grip but it was too late all she could see was a blur. She slammed violently against the floor. Aliara saw the blurred teacher standing over her talking to someone on the phone. Before darkness could grip her being and drag her away she heard the teacher's conversation on the phone. " She is right here unconscious. Ok .......ok, I understand. Right away."

Aliara awoke with her hands tied together with thick scratchy rope. Fools she thought and then she ripped the rope as if it were cotton. She looked around to see she was in a small room made of dull grey concrete as she rubbed her red wrists gently watching them fade away. There was a large metal door infront of her. She walked towards it, waved her hands to the side to the door and it just turned into dust and fell on the floor. She walked out the door over the remains of the now destroyed door.

She walked down the corridor and saw a camera, they were observing her. She then realised they were testing her again. In her annoyance she looked at the camera and made it burst into dust. The pieces falling down slowly like snow.

She wandered around the building. Trying to find the only person who would dare to do this against her. She found a wooden door with a carving of the eye of Horus. This time she didn't even wave her hand the door just bursted into thousands of pieces. When Aliara marched into the room there was a silhouette of a man sitting on a large armchair with wheels."Welcome, to my temporary humble abode Aliara,"announced the man.

" Why didn't you just pick me up. Your so annoying!"Aliara replied in anger. The feelings would always grab her by her shoulders and shake her like a doll. She was always vulnerable to them.

" Is that anyway to speak to your father?"

" Just send me back."

" Your mother wanted me to give you your presents before the solstice. I decided it was best to give it you now" My mother? What would she want with me now? I never cared for her.

" What presents? You told me she didn't care for me." Curiousity and confusion leaked into her words.

" No, I didn't say that she didn't care for you. She just can't meet you beacuse of what she did the last time." What she had done was something she was too young to remember but was told it was bad regularly but never what she had done.

"Just give them to me." She was beggining to become fatigued as she waited for something she doesn't want. 

"Aliara the gifts work with your powers so if your powers are great then the gifts will be as great as you." She didn't want know at all. All she could think about was leaving.

" Ok,ok. But why are you telling me all this now. Why not before? There is something your not telling me isn't there?" She was astute as always.

" Look your mother wanted me tell you that the presents may do something to you."

" Why not just tell me?" She said as she narrowed her eyes at him accusingly.

"Look the government of this planet is coming after me. I must leave, now. Look, my child, when your mother and I met the last time we didn't have that much time to talk." My child, she mentally spat.

" I know you still know." The look in his eyes was guilt and something unreadable but enough for her to understand she was being left in the dark.

"Goodbye,"he said then he looked up and disappeared without a trace.

" Great! He always leaves without telling me everything," she muttered to herself as she turned around and shuffled towards the exit. She looked up and was sucked inside a vortex. The vortex was dancing around her, the colours spinning out of control. She was in control of this place. A different dimension.

 When she landed she arrived into her lowkey hidout whilst being on Earth. It was a small hut with a bed, a desk , a cupboard and a lamp. Nothing decorated the room. It showed nothing about her. She sat upon the small bed and sighed. She realised one thing, where was the magnificent gifts that her father was talking about. She didn't understand how hard it is for her very own father to give her all the information. She sat there annoyed. Then she realised he must have known she would have noticed and made sure she could find it.

She concentrated and felt something strange. It was in the cupboard. In an instant she had box in her hands. She gripped it firmly. It was decorated with symbols carved into the dark wood. It was a story she realised. She stared at the beauty of such a simple box. 

It was a story of a child who came from the stars and found the queen of the highest order of the universe. The child showed her the future. The queen realised the child was destined for greatness. One of the queen's loyal servants sold the information. Rumours began to spread. A group of people decided the child was too dangerous. They sent a carvian assassin but the child knew he was coming before the assassin killed the child. The child showed the man something. The child said he must die now or he will consumed by the darkness. The assassin reluctantly killed the child. With his final breath the child turned himself into a box which would aid the carrier.

Aliara ran her fingers over the box feeling the bumps and the smooth wood. This couldn't be the box thought Aliara. As she examined the box she realised there was no possible way to open the it. It opened as if it was reading her mind. There was just an empty void inside showing nothing but the darkness of the universe. She put her hand into the box but nothing happened.

Out of nowhere a blade appeared on her bed. It was a purple metal blade, the hilt was smooth and untouched. It was covered in Red glowing symbols carved all over the dagger in a laguage that Aliara couldn't decipher.

She approached the blade with caution. She slowly picked it up it was very light. She threw it up and caught the smooth the hilt. This blade was perfect for her. Her father said gifts not gift was there more? she thought. She touched the egde but the blade did nothing to her. A strange light twinkled in her eyes. She then tested it out on the lamp. Quickly she sliced into the lamp it was sliced perfectly, the two pieces fell on to the floor and shattered. She looked at the blade with awe she had never seen anything like it.

She picked up the gift and put it in a bag which was in the cupboard. A second item appeared at her side. She looked down to see a scabbard. 

 She sighed and looked down at her watch. It had many dials, numbers, and knobs to tell and do different things. It was telling her that in just 10 days the solstice would happen. She would have to make a decision. A life changing decision that could change the war.

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