Chapter 24 ( Unedited)

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Angelica laughed emtionlessly at his threat. His face grew red and he clenched his jaw.

" Why are you laughing, girl?," he spat.

" You make me laugh," she bluntly replied.

" Let's see how funny I am when I have your head decorated my fireplace?," he said raising his sword.

Angelica laughed even harder. With a small wave of her hand the sword fell onto the ground. 

" If you can pick up the sword with out straining too much I will come willingly but for my sister she will need more persuasion," she offered.

" Fine," he laughed. His moods changed very quickly.

He walked swiftly towards his sword and gripped the handle. He then began to pull but the sword stayed in the ground not even shaking. The others around shifted uncomfortably and murmured.

" Witchcraft," he spat with the most amount of disgust his being could show. Angelica merely smiled but Devilina shook her head.

" No, not witchcraft but science of a level your kind may never understand in a million years," she said softly but in the silence  it was loud.

" Science?" he asked." You mean science can do this but all it does is use those pointless numbers."

" You will never understand," was all she said to his question.

He grunted with effort before he finally got his sword back." Now come  willingly."

" Me," Angelica said innocently and pointed to herself.

" Yes," he sighed.

" You did not fulfill the deal."

" Oh, you will pay little girl."

Angelica dared to take a step closer to him but then the wind started to blow harder. He looked as if nothing had happened but his eyes told another story. The others were taking steps back. She walked slowly and purposefully. Devilina just watched. Angelica had a devilish smile over her face. The wind began to blow harder but it did not effect Angelica she just carried on creeping closer. Her hands quickly lashed forward then back. The leader was brought forward on his knees. She gripped his jaw and his head and with great force a loud crack was heard. All that was left was a limp body slumped on the floor.

" Stop, Angelica," said a deep voice behind the crowd.

" Finally," she said.

The group parted to show an old an old man who had a stocky build ehich was dtrange because he looked so old.

" Stop!," he shouted again laced with exhaustion.

" So nice to meet you , Darius," she politely said.

"Stop," he whispered. Devilina stood by her sister and grabbed her hand.

" Stop? I haven't even started," she whispered.

" I do not wish to harm you. Just come."

" You don't mean to harm us. Devilina will do a little test. She will see inside of you and if you are lying or .....  well .... you will find."

Devilina stepped forward and stared into Darius's eyes.

" Tell me once more," Devilina asked quietly but it was heard by everyone due to the deafeninig silence. 

" I do not wish to harm you ," he repeated.

Then he fell to the ground and grunted. Then a scream protruded from his mouth. It stopped suddenly and he lay crumpled on the floor coughing. Before he stopped coughing he uttered one word.

" Attack."

First everyone stood still then all hell broke loose. Devilina and Angelica moving their bodies and hands in stranged ways and the world around them change. The elements attacked their enemies. The enemy were raising their swords and charging before being taken by the sister's powers.  When all their foes ahd fallen they stood panting. 

The old man on the floor began to rise like a puppet. His movements so strange unrealistic almost swaying barely touching the ground. He came closer and closer slowly but with a purpose. Before anyone could react a clear, smoothly cut blade made of clear crystal shot out from his hand and embedded itself into one of their hearts. A gasp was heard and a body crumpled to the floor already covered in blood. The other knelt beside her sister grabbing her hand. Crimson seeped into her white dress covering her in a blanket of her own pitch black blood. 

Devilina dipped her head down to hear the last words of her sister. A single tear left her eyes before she felt her sister's hand fall limp in her own. Devilina stood up and with her strange eyes looked deep into Darius. He fell back down but a scream was heard not that far away. She beagn to run. As if she were the wind she ran never slowing only getting faster before she became a blur. I moved with her watching everything unfold before me. I still did not know where I was but this story seems so important but it doesn't ring a bell. 

We stopped and before me was a man hidden under a hood cape writhing and screming with such force it was hurting my ears. Devilina looked upon him and did not flinch and the screaming began to get louder and louder. It stopped when Devilina touched him and ripped the hood form across his face. She gasped slightly.  The screaming began again. It was a young dashing man with bloody tears dripping down the sides of his face. He was on his knees and clawing at his head and drawing blood. 

" Devilina, Please help me," he screamed at her but she stood still. A single tear fell down her cheek and deep pain  within her usually her emotionless eyes.

" Why?," was all she could make out before her voice broke.

" Help me," was all that he said.  

She waved out her hand in front of her and he collapsed oon the ground and started panted panting as if he had felt what breathing was for the first time. 

" Devilina, please listen before you come to a rash decisions," he pleaded.

" Rash decisions?," she asked" I trusted you with my life and now all I can trust you to do is lie and betray me."

" Listen to me."

" Oh, I am listening."

" It was all me doing my job but then I met you-"

" Oh, it was me? Do you take me as a naive girl? I know enough you took this time and pended on the decision and not let me alter your choice. You were the only person responsible."

" Sorry."

She started laughing an emotionless laugh which sent cold shivers to rack my body and my hair to stand on their ends.

" Sorry? You can only say sorry. You atleast actually tried even though it wouldn't have worked. You fool! It is your time to die."

" Devilina, I love you it makes my heart so terribly about me being your pain."

" Don't" was all she said.

" Then what?"

Before she could answer his question a black jagged knife punctured her heart. I looked down at the ache in my heart and saw the blade lodged into my chest. I had become Devilina in a way. I turned forcefully to see a tall man hidden under the protection of a cloak. I quickly collapsed to my knees my a hands clamped over the blade's handle.  Darkness began to cover my sight and I let the darkness take me away from the pain.


I woke up panting and gasping for air looking at the sky which had the most beautiful stars and moons. I was in water that had a warmth to it that made me feel safe. I remembered where I was and what has to come. Was it all a dream? Who were those girls? Not ready to face my life I closed my eyes and let myself relax  and rest for what seems like forever.

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