Chapter 8 (unedited)

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I had been walking around for hours trying to find anything. All I could see was darkness. I don't know why I ahad left Conran but I couldn't trust him anymore. I wish I could. My were aching, my throat was dry and my stomach was rumbling.

WHy does my life have to be like this? What did I do to desereve a life of betrayal, hatred adn secrets. Why was there no one to help me? Why do I have  to carry the burden on my shoulders when there are so may more who are stronger. Does the universe hate me? I looked into the sky and thought of a world where it was fair but I knew that wasn't true.

I thought maybe Conran had come after me and explain it was all a lie. Wait where had that come from? They made me read too many romance novels at the Earth schools. I can do this all by myself right?

" Aliaara!" shouted Conran. He was close sooner or later he was going to see me out here. Where ever here was? I decide to sit down and rest. He probably was going to find me anyway.

" Aliara," he said.

" Hi, traitor."

" I am not one."

" Why did you lie?"

" I only knew you were going to present yourself to the originals."

" Don't you think I might want to know?"

" I wasn't thinking straight."

" Yeah right. Don't talk to me at all."

" I am sorry. I haven't felt freedom like that all my life and I wanted to bask in it. with someone."

" Just tell me how to get out of here."

" We can't unless we get our powers which will happen in a few hours."

" Who even created that teleport?"

" It was designed for prisoners but they realised they could use it to travel. If you use it more than you don't loose your powers. See this time you didn't freeze."

" Seriously what don't you know?"

 " You wanted to know."

" Calm down. it is just a joke."

" Well I am soory for not being like you."

" You should be" 

Whatis your problem?"

" You!"

" May be I should just leave," he said laced with pain.

" Wait it was just a joke. Please, don't be like that."

" Sorry I just don't get your style of joke."

" It is alright you must have had a hard childhood."

" I don't know because everyone is bought up like me."

" Really, so your a clone."

" No, we are just bought up the same."

" How is that then?"

" We are all artificially born. We are taken to a school. We learn how to be strong. We also learn how to use our brains to their full potential. We are taught hwo to be disciplined."

" Let me guess you hardly get a life until you finish this mission."

" Yeah."

" Thougth so."

" What has your life been like."

" Well, I have just travelled around the universe like cargo. I learn at schools around the universe. I ahd to train myself because no none knew how. I had to be alone and learn everything i know by myself."

" You must have felt so alone."

" My fath... I mean my guardian visits sometimes."

" Well we can bond over bad childhoods."

" Yes we can."

There was a rumbling in the distance. 

" That must be the originals."

There was a great ligth coming towards us. Conran stayed calm but I was fraeking the hell out.


Sorry it is so short had to study.

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