Chapter 4

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When Aliara came Saron had a deep puncture in his chest. Blood was pouring out without stopping. His shirt soaked in his own blood and all around him all you could see was his  thick blood making its way around room. All the colour from his face was gone and placed in his stained hands was a note.

She picked it up from his cold dead hands. She looked at his at him one last time before reading what was inside the note. It said : How many more?

She read the note over and over she felt like she was missing something. It hit her who was this mystery person.   She checked his pockets and found a black crystal in his pocket. She studied before stuffing itinto her bag. She vowed to come back to bury the body but o first see if she could find the killer.

She ran for miles around the planet to see if she could find the killer but he had disappeared without a trace he was a perfect assassin. She wasn't haunted by the sight she saw like most the image wasn't burnt into her mind. She had seen so many dead people to last a lifetime. She unphased by his death because she might have done the same anyway. She might have killed him it always seems to happen. Whenever her father tries to pair her someone she somehow ends up killing them anyway.

She can't even remeber how but all she can remember is standing on top of their dead bodies with a puncture in their chest. She didn't even remember doing it. One minute they would be standing infront of her full of life. The next they would be bleeding out onto the floor, limp.

She didn't know who had killed Saron but whoever it was she was in awe. The assassin had left no traces of him actually being there. She looked up at the now fading sun holding onto its forgiving light before the darkness come without mercy. She wandered around the planet unsure what to do next.

There she saw it a stone fotress. It was covered in golden carvings. She quickly ran inside to see a stone altar in the centre of the room. Then she realised it was here she had to  make a decision to change the war of the universe. A war so big that everyone is involved without even knowing. She must make a decision to change it all. she walked up to the large stone altar. she touched the cold rock. There was an electric shock that run up her arm. There she saw it a vision. Her father and mother were together talking. She was concentrating  she wasn't surprised by what she saw in this vision. In the last few days everything had become so clear. Since that box she hadn't been the same. It has healed her completely from her wound. 

A wound she got as a young child. Someone had sliced a poisoned blade into the back of her head. The poison was effecting her and her powers. When she had that box , she felt strong again but it was hard to control. The scar had gone completely too. There was something going on and she knew it had  to do with something in that box. 

She was bought out of her thoughts when the large stone started to glow pitch black. Aliara spotted a crystal on the side of the rock. She looked up at the sky to see the dark moon starting to crossover the the sun. It had began Aliara somehow knew what she had to do.

She lay across the rock nervously. The light of the moon began to travel upto the crystal when it was hit she was out cold.


At the safe house 

Aliara's father stepped into the safe house to be treated by a corpse. He looked down at Saron's colourless face. He started to examine the wound and he realised Aliara had already got to him. Where is Aliara he thought. He walked outside and saw nothing but sand. He went back inside and touched his skin once agian it was ice cold he has been dead for hours. 

He started to panick where was she? Then he looked up at the sky the moon was beggining to cover the sun.  He realised his plan was beggining to crumble into many thousands of peices it was happening all too quickly he needed more time. He took out his ancient and torn book, he quickly skimmed through the book to see the title the solstice. He began to read understanding that he wasn't too late and he could change everything.

He looked up and vanished. He was sucked indie the vortex full of gold. He landed infront of the temple of Davrosan.


At the edge of the Universe

" Your crimes against the Originals are unforgivable and you will be punished with sacandron," said the bieng standing on top of the middle column whilst it looked down at a figure which was sprawled against the hard stone floor.

" SIr, it has begun once agian."

" Shut up,  Lord is speaking," the creature sitting on the left hand side of the Lord spat at the new person.

" Let him speak, Jordaica," calmly said the man sitting on the right hand side of the Lord.

" Enough," shouted Lord," let him speak."

" Thank you, Lord," said the messenger," the solstice has begun once again."

A smile appeared on his long face which was covered under a large black cloak hiding his face in a dark shadow.

" Prepare the portal it is time for the Originals to return to the universe," laughed Lord.

The others joined in but the creature injured on the floor realised he was the only sane original left to stop all hell from breaking loose all over the universe. He lay there silently observing them. He looked up and vanished from that very room. Lord looked down to see the prisoner was gone.

" You fools, stop standing around," roared Lord," Get him!"


In the darkest depths of the universe.

In the darkness you could see two yellow glowing eyes piercing the universe." It is time I must come to the world and take control of another child beacuse the originals cannot handle it and the universe itself doesn't understand," shouted the creature with the eyes that could see into your soul, " I must come and once agian infront of the universe because the child is vulnerable. Her mind weak because she is so young. All will be lost if her mind falls into the wrong hands or darkness will rule once again."

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