Chapter 11 ( Unedited)

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Spike made me follow him to the rest of the clothes.

" Aliara each of them is alive but they have half-lives. They choose the perfect originals for them. They are connected soul to soul like a partner."

" Soul mate?"

" No. Soul mate is your lover whereas the suit is like your BFF."

" Your the only orignal so far that I have seen that uses any human phrases at all."

" Most of our kind thinks that the human languages should be only learnt for communicating purposes. Which means no informal use."

" Originals are too serious about everything."

" We are bought up like that."

" What do I have to do?"

" Each suit is made up of the gloves, scarves, hood, cape, boots and body suit. They are made up of slightly different materials too. You have to go inside that tube thing. It will connect you to each piece of the outfit. They will eventually come to you they stick to you like it is your skin. Don't worry it will listen to your command and can come off. Then we will test it. Please step into the tube. You have to learn the rules about how to wear your suit at different occasions."

" Is it safe?"

" Yes," he laughed.

I approached the tube before stepping into it. The doors closed. Sweat poured down my face. This could be trap. Just play it cool. The tube started to glow blue. The clothes around me started to shake. Then it happened some of the clothes started to rise and made the shape of a girl. Spike had stayed behind pressing buttons on a stone panel. It was getting closer and closer. 

Finally it was next to me. Then it came into me with such a force that I was pushed against the glass. It latched around me covering all my skin. Then I felt my clothes underneath disappear. My scabbard holding my sword came in front with the rest of my belt which hung loosely around my waist. I clawed at my hood feeling it had wrap around me.

Don't worry. something said straight into my head. It was a shy quiet voice.

Who are you? I thought

Your outfit.

What is your name?

I have none. You must give one but tell no one or they can use me against you.

Afterwards tell me more about you. 

Of course, master.

Don't call me master we are one. We are equals.

We are together forever.

" Aliara?" said Spike.

" Yeah?"

" How are you? You stood there with your eyes closed."

" I am good but should it talk to you ?"

" That is normal."

" Good."

" We must now test it ."

" How do we do that?"

" You must feel it in your head reach out towards it and draw her closer until you completely feel like one. When you first bond you feel so close but you can't fully feel and understand each other it  is like a wall."

" Can I get out?"

" The tube make sure nothing harms us. Your energy is harmless to your self but ot us it is dangerous."

I closed my eyes there I felt her in the back of my head like a memory. I pulled her forward. Until finally she was next to me. Then she came into me once again. Then I felt a thrill like  could do anything. This time we completely understood each other. This time we were truly and forever bonded together. Not side by side but merged together.

My body lurched backwards my back making an arch as the so much power left me. I had too much energy. I gritted my teeth. My body aching. I had to stop. Fast.

It had stopped. The doors opened and in seconds Spike had me in his hands.

" That too much than normal. That should not have happened."

His touch were like fire spreading through me. I groaned slightly before standing up and keeping my balance. My energy came back suddenly. Spike looked at me in awe.

" Aliara your suit is like a kaleidoscope. Different angles it is a different colour actually two.The sign and the embroidered bits are one colour and the fabric is another. If you look closely you can see it is stitched together with gold. You are just wow. OMG."

" What do you  mean?"

" Look into this mirror."

There was a long mirror now placed against the wall. I stood in front and moved around a little bit. To see it changing just the way he described.  The whole actual fabric was one colour and the sign an the swirls another. Also you could clearly see it was held together with thick gold thread.  It changed showing so many matching colours.

" Is this normal Spike?"

" No."

" Is that good?"

" Yes."

" What should we do?"

" Tell the elders about this."

" What?'

" The colours."

" They are like my tunnel."

" Yes the colours are very much like your tunnel so yours is -."

" Multi-coloured? Yes. Why? Wait you tunnel corresponds to your colour clothing. Saron's is black and red so his was red with black stitching. Correct?"

" Yes. He showed you his tunnel."

" I had to come in his tunnel to get here. I did not trust your space ships."

" Oh I was just wondering."

" Is this your job?"

" Yeah, I they said I was the best at using the panel over there."

" So your a computer nerd?"

" No I was ironically born to work here."

" So someone forced you to do it?"

" You have to work in your family business or join the war but my father went because he thought I would disgrace his legacy."

" How?"

"  He is just jealous that I beat him in all of our battles."

" Then why would he go?"

" My father is a very confusing person."

" Well at least you have a father."

" Don't you know who they are?"

" No."

" So any originals could be your father or mother."

" Do you know?"

" What?"

" Who my parents are?"

" No, it could be anyone."

" How so?"

" If it were someone powerful they could not handle the disgrace of losing a child and others don't have enough money."

" O."

" Let's take you to the elders to see what they say about our .... situation here."

He beckoned me to follow him to the door I came through.

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