Chapter 9 (unedited)

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In the comments tell me what you think and your eyes. 


The ship grew closer and closer approaching us. Lights came from it searching for us. It was a mat black in the shape of beetle. The wings went up and down. The air grew cooler. The whole ship was made out of stone and was not making a single sound.

" What do they want with me?" I asked tears threatening to come out.

" I don't know," he sighed.

" Please tell me they won't hurt me."

" I am not sure."

" Sa... Conran make sure they don't hurt me."

" Yes," he said with a hint of bitterness in his words.

" Thank you."

We stood there in silence waiting for the inevitable to happen. I stood there shivering my pulse rising. M neck and  head feeling way too hot to be comfortable. Why did the originals even leave? Why do they want me? What did I do?

At that moment Conran placed his hand on mine and  gave it a little squeeze for reassurance. Before putting it back to his side. Even though he was wearing a glove there was a tingling feeling all over my hand. They had nearly come to us and I couldn't bare the anticipation of waiting. See, I am very impatient. You probably didn't notice.There was a low rumble when it finally landed on the darkness.

The door underneath the flying machine came down. A man who was dressed the same as Conran approached us in seconds speeding over the ground. He was powerful.

" You must be Aliara no? I am the commander of the first legion." he asked unsure looking me up and down. That was just rude why do all races have to be sexist. One being can achieve anything.

" Yes."

" Come we want to welcome you to your family."

The word family hit me in the gut. I was so close to punching him where the son-don't-shine. If they were my family where have they been all my life?

" O.K."

" Please follow me."

" Wait are we going in there?" I said pointing to the air craft.

" Yes why is there a problem?"

" It doesn't look too safe."

" You can teleport with Conran then."

" Why isn't he going in there?"

" You have to have someone to follow."

" Oh yeah sorry." Speaking of Conran why wasn't he talking? In a flash he was in the spaceship. When he had  finally left. I turned to face Conran.

" Why didn't you say anything?" I shouted at him.

His face was blank and when I looked into his eyes I saw nothing. He then turned to looked at me. He shook his head and rubbed at his hidden eyes.

" What just happened?" I shouted in a demanding tone.

He gave me a three word answer with fear in his eyes.

" I don't know."

I stood there unsure what to do. 

" We must get going."

" Where to?"

" You can come in my own tunnel of power."

" Sure."

" You have to come real close." I could see the cloth covering his shift up. He was smiling , how dare he?

" Your annoying." 

Then I  heard a melodious laugh fill my ears like music. It was strange to hear laughter in a world where all I have ever seen is war and chaos. I smile grew upon my face.

" Shall we get going?"

" Yes." 

I placed my hands in his and at first he seemed surprised my gesture. He look dup and was sucked inside of his vortex. It was a red laced with a black. I stared at it in awe. I had only seen my tunnel no others. The person had to trust someone to take then in their tunnel because it was part of their powers. Our powers are like our souls and the tunnels reflect our powers into their true forms. Creating different patterns, swirls and colours. There were strange ways that the colours collided with each other.

" Why is your vortex have little colours?" I asked.

" The tunnel reflects me. The red shows the love for the universe and the black is something I am not quite sure."

" Maybe it shows the quietness in your  soul something hidden. Like it is hidden but is right there. A secret."

" What colours are your tunnel?"

" All."

" What?"

" Yes."

" That is nearly impossible."

" It isn't if mine is." 

After that we stayed silent keeping our hands together tightly. Final I saw the tunnel ending. We landed on hard ground. I looked around to see carvings written in a blue that seemed to light up. We were inside a building. It wasn't like anything she had expected it was disappointing. I had expected tall buildings o fa vast empire. Things I had never seen scattered around. Science beyond my understanding used for healing.

" What is this?"

" Where we live."

" It's underground."

" Yes, what is wrong?"

" I thought you would be high in the sky."

" We are a fallen people."

" Fallen?"

" Yes we didn't leave. There are things that even we don't know about that are so much powerful. They believed we were not wise enough to use the power but the universe has turned on itself anyway. The war is a civil war."

After the last comment we walked on through the corridor.

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