Chapter 21 ( Unedited)

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In my moment of weakness they attacked. How could I be so stupid? None of them had touched me. I had used my mind to hit whilst I dodged attacks from everywhere. I had just found out about this power. Ashton was knocking one by one down with his fist. Throwing one at another so he can focus on someone else. One thing troubled  me. Why did  they attack?

I felt something inside of me. A power that always thereatened to come out to consume me and finally it did. I closed my eyes and felt a sensation covered me. I opened them and I was hovering above the battlefield. Everyone watched as my hand sliced throught the air in front of me. A white light echoed the movement. I was encased in the light only a thin layer. Even my eyes. Then  I saw the side it was encased in black. I was covered in darkness and light.

" Stop," I commanded. Something inside me told me what to say." I am the dragon of purity and chaos come to walk in the universe and I command you to stop. I have come to change the fate of the war and what do you do? You treat me as an enemy when all I have done is given you hope. I am the saviour and the destoyer of this universe." 

All the words I spoke came out naturally and I knew it was the truth. Everyone stopped not only did the black warriors kneel before me Ashton and lord did too. It was a  strange feeling. Like I ruled everything but Ashton and lord were also kneeling. That was the only thing that kept me from coming back and resting my feet upon the ground once again. I looked upon Ashton again. He made me think he had done so much wrong but in truth he did not do anything but good. 

He changed my memories so that he was the one that did everything. I still don't know why? I stood on the ground all  eyes watching me carefully as if i would do the same thing again. I had always felt that same energy stir inside of me all the time. Sometimes it is more powerful like when  screamed at Saron. I don't know how to feel about his death.

I barely even knew him.

" Stand and take me to your leader."

One out of the many stood and walked towards whilst the others slowly stood. He grunted and signalled for me to follow. The others quickly vanished I saw each of their mmovements as they left. Such agility. These creatures were trained throught out their lives. Still they did not seem strong nor powerful but their numbers were many.

I signalled for both Ashton and Lord to come. I followed  the guide. As we all travelled further into the darkness of the forest the less safe it felt. They could attack as at any moment especially since we no longer knew where we were going.

Finally, I saw a gigantic stone temple in the horizon. The guide quickened his step. Thoughtlessly we  all did the same. When we reached iit I was abled to see it in more detail. Each giant brick ad a story carved into it. I instantly recognised the symbols.

The first brick I saw was of a story of a black knight who saved a many lives. He faced a great foe who died with on a massive battle. 

These are some weird stories. I wonder if they are true? We trekked to the enntrance of the temple. The guide grunted again  and motioned that we carry on without him. The inside held no light just a tunnel of darkness. I headed inside unsure of what was inside. A shudder racked my entire body. What ever lied ahead was not good. My vision quickly adjusted to the darness and I could make out every little detail.

We approached a door. As soon as I got close to it I willed it to open and open it did. We came ino a large stone room where a figure sat on the throne in the middle. Light had come rushing in from the gap in the ceiling.

" What  are you doing here?" Asked the figure in a deep raspy voice.

The power stirred within me. No longer feeling the need to keep it in. I felt the power envelope me and I felt it had taken over me and my eyes had only changed this time.

" We are here to speak to you. I am the dragon of chaos and purity. We know you can speak to her. we need you send her a message," I answered with my voice mixed in with I vory's. I had no idea what I had just said.

" You come into my throne room and order me?"

" Yes," I simply replied.

" Your title does not make me fear you. It makes laugh that you will think I believe you."

" Your right," at those words he was shocked but I knew I had not finished." What will make you believe."

" Show me the dragon of purity or chaos."

Wait what? There are two dragons. He is lying.

I felt Ivory and summoned her from deep within me. I could feel a funny sensation on my tattoo. Suddenly, it turned white and in a flasho of a blinding white light Ivory appeared but she was too big to  fit in the room. She flew through the ceiling. She hovered above the gap she made.

" Holy moly," he swore.

When I looked upon Ivory her eyes were not white like the rest of her but black. Strange?

The eyes are the window to the soul.

She is not the dragon of purity but chaos. Why does chaos look so ............. pure? If he said both where was the second one. Where was purity? Something crazy is going on. The guy just stared at the dragon. I still couldn't see his face.

I called upon Ivory and she came crashing back into my tattoo. 

" You will tell her I will make a decision and if she does not change her ways a war is coming. This time she cannot win. From her darling fake ex daughter. You will tell her I am the balance and she should not tamper."


This one was a little filler to get a few things started up.

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