Chapter 6

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The creature was circling them taking a step closer each time. It was a moving blur it seemed to be coming towards me. Me and Conran kept back to back so we could be able to spot it from all angles. Conran had his scimitar vertically above his chest. It was mad out of moon stone from the top one percent ever made in the world. My pulse quickened as it got closer and Conran.

I started panicking. I had no powers what was I meant to do? I was defenceless at least he could have given me a weapon. I knew how to wield one. I felt like a human with no powers all they had was their brains to guide them into the future. My eyes quickly shooting at the blur as it quickened its pace. Every second it was closing the gap. " What are we going to do?"

"Keep close to me."

" Does this happen normally?"

" No."

" WTH?"

" What does that mean?"

" It is human."

" Keep your eyes on it."

" Do you know what it is?"

" No."

"You have been a tour guide for years , right?"

" No, I am only seventeen."

" What?"

 " Yes. Your can't talk your only sixteen."

" Conran!" I said pointing to it as it charged towards with its weapon pointing at my chest. It struck his weapon down. Conran quickly countered keeping the enemy weapon at bay it was millimeters away from my face. His face was strained turning red.

" Stop," shouted Conran. " We are both originals."

It stopped and froze in its spot before. It was just the mould of a man with no features. It held out his hand. " Touch it," whispered Conran. I  reluctantly approached the being cautiously. I placed my hand in his. Electricity surged through my body  at its power. He pulled his hand away and disappeared as a blur.

" What just happened?" I asked.

" He was testing if you were an original."

" Why?"

" Because my naive girl other creatures aren't allowed to know the secrets of the universe."

" Why?"

" Because the other creatures will react irrationally or die in the process."

" How are they killed?"

" They are too weak to process this knowledge."

" What was that thing?"

" A walker."

" What?"

" Why does it matter?"

" I don't know it could have killed me and you said before you didn't know what it was. So your a liar." I said whilst I stomped ahead.

" I am sorry."

" You don't mean it."

" Your right." He shouted before muttering your an amkonon.

" Well your an A hole."

" What is that ?"

" It is human." I said. I  realised the whole time we were speaking the language of the resistance.

" What does it mean?"

" It means - -."

" Never mind. I don't want to know."

The Child Born in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now