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*Sophie's P.O.V*

I woke up to a strange, unfamiliar room. It was a plain, small room with white walls, beige curtains and some dying flowers. I then realized I was in a hospital. It was really a sad sight. I looked around some more and saw a little closet, TV and a box of what I assume is clothes. Within seconds I felt a shooting pain coming from my stomach and screwed my eyes closed. I felt tears coming and called out for a nurse. Then, two nurses can running in, one carrying a needle and she walked to my side. I watched as she injected a needle into my arm and smiled down at me.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?" She questioned. She had blue eyes, and long brown hair tied into a ponytail.

"Painfully alright." I stated.

She nodded. "I'll be right outside. Call me if there are any problems." and with that, she left me alone with my thoughts. I looked at my stomach and pulled the light gown up. It revealed a bloody, white bandage wrapped up around my side. I winced in pain when I ever-so-softly dragged my fingers along it. Just then, there was a faint knock on the door. I thought maybe it was on someone else's door because it was so quiet until it repeated.

"Sophie?" I quiet voice wondered, as the door slowly creaked open. Finally, a familiar looking boy walked in, pulling up a chair. He sat down and looked at me.

"How are you feeling?" He repeated the nurses' question.

"Absolutely lovely." I sarcastically answered. I wasn't feeling anywhere near good because of the intense pain shooting through my upper half. He chuckled and looked at my stomach.

"Do you mind?" He questioned.

I shook my head and he pulled up the fabric and I watched as his face turned into guilt.

"I'm so sorry Sophie. This is my fault, if I would've left you in the nurses office, this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry, I'm-" I cut him off because he was blaming this on himself. I would rather it be me than him. Wait, when did this become a soap opera? I hardly know him for a week and a little bit and I already sounded like a love dove. This was a bit over the top.

"Harry, it wasn't your fault." I simply replied.

"I know."

I weakly smiled at him and he returned the favor.

"How long have I been here?"

"3 hours. They put you on strong medication to keep you sleeping so you weren't in pain."

"Oh. What happened with James? Where is he? Is he alright? Harry did you hurt him?" I bombarded him with questions.

"He's in the hospital, he is ok I think and I didn't hurt him." That bad.

"Are you hungry?" He changed the subject.

"Kind of."

"I'll be back." He smiled and left me alone with me and my thoughts.

Harry looks exhausted and drained. His normal bright, green eyes were darker and had bags under them. His hair wasn't styled, it was messy like he ran his fingers through it multiple times. His voice was raspy, like he had just woken up from a nap. He was probably resting in the waiting room. His smile wasn't his normal, cheeky dimpled one, it was a forced smile.

About ten minutes later, he walked through the door with a tray full of food. He set the grey piece of plastic onto the nightstand and pulled out the arm table attached to the bed. He set the tray on it and sat back down on his chair.

"There wasn't much, but I grabbed jell-o, yogurt, fruit, and some tea. Do you like tea? Because there was tea and coffee but I didn't know. I also didn't know if you liked sugar in your tea or not but I put it in anyway. Do you need help eating?" He rambled.

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