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*Harry's P.O.V*

When those words spilled from her soft, cherry colored lips, it was as if I could finally breathe a breath of fresh air. For the past few months, I've been in nothing but smoke filled and non-breathable air but now, I am in a world and I can finally breath again and It's pure bliss. It felt as if I was breathing in poison and everything was slowly going to hell, but now, everything is slowly coming back into place and I couldn't be happier. I couldn't contain the smile from approaching my lips after those words leaked from her perfect mouth.

I just wanted to kiss her and hold her all day, and that's what I'm going to do. I stop peppering kisses along her jawline and carefully but swiftly picked her up off the bed and moved her over and climbed in and under the covers myself. She was startled at my sudden actions but it doesn't bother me.

"You're cute when you're flustered." I commented and she blushed just like I planned and laughed at her cuteness before kissing her again.

It felt as if it had been ages since I had held her like this. It's not the typical surroundings that I would of chose but hospital walls will have to do for now. I can't wait to go home so I can properly hold her and pin her against the wall while I-

"Harry?" Her voice broke me from my dirty thoughts.

"Hmm?" I asked, running my fingers through her soft, naturally wavy curls.

"Are we together again? Because from the last I knew we were taking a break and now we just kind of were drawn back together again."

"Well, do you want to be with me? Because I sure as fucking hell want to be with you." I state, propelling myself onto my elbow, head rested in my palm.

She shifted her gaze from her small, twiddling fingers to my own and we locked eye contact for a while before she finally spoke up. My nerves have gotten the best of me and were eating me from the inside out, dying to know what she had to say. I raised my eyebrows as a silent encouragement for her to spill the words I'm either dreading or dying to hear.

"Yes." And with that, I crashed my lips upon hers.

*Zoey's P.O.V*

"Alright, Since we caught her at Harry's house, you haven't told her anything? Nor Harry and she still thinks you are friends?" The boss asked me and I hesitantly nodded.

"Good. Now we are going to get the two of you together for a 'girl time' or whatever the hell you girls do. Then, somehow you are going to lure her to any place of my demands and then Harry will clearly go after her. The two will be in the same place to witness their fears. You got that?" He pushed and I nodded once again.

"No, say it with your fucking words. Not a shake of your head." His voice boomed throughout our small corridors but I complied to his orders.

"Yes. I got it." I said. My voice sounded like a mouse compared to his loud one.

"You can leave now." He said and I forced a smile and walked out; the cool fall breeze nipping at my skin with the harsh winds. I pulled my coat over my shoulders and shivered from the violent weather brewing. I reached my car and pulled my keys from my pockets and unlocked the vehicle. I stepped in and was protected from the winds. I rubbed my arms, trying to warm up while my car started and I sat there for a while. Just thinking.

How the hell am I going to do this to Sophie or Harry? I was once friends with Sophie until I was forced to not be her friend. She was a sweet girl and now I have to do this to her? It's a fucking piece of shit plan and I do not want to go through with it; but I have to. I have to take away her most prized possession; Harry.

I know Harry is using her either way, he's told me and there is no way in hell he was lying. His emotions are locked up and have been for as long as him and I split up. And the loss of his sisters took all sense of emotion with them, leaving him a senseless bastard. In a way, it is protecting Soph form getting her heart broken into three; but seeing Harry get hurt might just actually hurt her in a way a breakup wouldn't.

All of a sudden, my phone buzzed from the back and seat and I turned around to grab it. I spun back around In my seat and my phone would not stop buzzing but it wasn't a phone call, it was a shitload of texts.

Finally, after a minute it stopped and I finally had the chance to glance at who they were from. A couple were from Harry, two from Sophie and three from a private number.

From: Harry

I saw your car and don't you even fucking think of talking or hurting Sophie. She has been nothing but sweet to you so don't fucking turn your back on her.


From: Harry

Hurt me rather than her, I can take a beating. She can't. But, leave Sophie out of this big fucking mess so I can fix it before it gets worse.

From: Sophie

Hey girl! It's been ages! Call me?

From: Sophie

Hello? Are you okay? I sent that text a while ago, are you hurt?

I decided to call Sophie before I check the rest of my messages. It rung twice before she picked up and she sounded out of breath as if she was rushing to find her phone.

"Zoey?" She breathed through the other line and I smiled hearing her voice. How the hell am I supposed to do this?

"Yeah, it's me." I spoke and she was trying to catch her breath.

"What's up? Where have you been?" She asked and I hesitated before lying to her.

"Busy with school and stuff, you know? Hey, why don't I come visit you in the hospital? I heard you got a bad beating." I said and frowned.

"Yeah for sure. See you in a bit?" She said and I nodded, forgetting she wasn't with me at the moment.

"Yeah." I said before the line went dead. I removed the phone from my ear and put it in my hands to check the rest of my messages.

From: Private Number

You better not be going behind my back and warning Harry or Sophie about this.

I immediately knew it was my boss.

From: Private Number

This is a private business that no one can know about. You got that?"

From: Private Number

Answer this fucking phone or I will come and you will pay for it.

Knowing what he meant, I quickly typed a message back and pressed send.

To: Private Number

I am not telling anyone about anything. Calm down; I'm on my way to see her now.

I put my phone on silent and sped off out of the parking lot and to the hospital. I decided to stop and get coffee and a treat for each of us as a 'sorry I haven't seen you in a while' gift. I got two coffee's with hazelnut creamer in it and two chocolate chip cookies. I retreated to my car and finished the short drive.

I clicked the keys forward, turning the car off and jumped out with the drinks in my hand.


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