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*Sophie's P.O.V*

I jumped off of Harry's back and onto my own two feet. This can't be happening. Not here, not now. It's hardly been a week at this college and everything is going wrong. I'm not scared of my brother shooting me. He wouldn't. I'm scared for Harry. Harry took a step sideways, so he was in front of me. I shook my head, even though he couldn't see me and walked in front of him. I know he should be protecting me, but James is my brother. I was shaking irrationally on the inside, but I had to try my best to keep calm.

"Soph.." Harry warned.

"Yeah, listen to the old man." James smirked.

"Stay here." I whispered to Harry, looking up at him and waiting for a response. He shook his head but I nodded. He finally gave up and I took marching steps towards him.

"James, what is going on?"

He started talking but I wasn't listening. I was too busy staring at the gun in his big, sweaty palms. Just then, he rose it and straightened his arm in front of his tall frame. I followed his arm to where it was pointed and it was right at Harry's chest. I gasped and watched him get the gun ready. Right before he pulled the trigger, I jumped in front of it. There was a loud bang, and that's the last I heard, or saw.

*Harry's P.O.V*

I watched as James extended his arm in front of his body, and pointed it right at me. I squeezed my eyes shut, and heard the trigger being pulled. I waited for a second, expecting the blast but nothing. I opened my eyes to see James staring at the floor. His eyes were wide and watery. I followed his eyes and faced the floor myself.


"What the fuck!" My voice boomed throughout the quiet hallways. James didn't respond. He was frozen.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!" I shouted again. I marched up to him and punched him in the face. He fell to the ground and I was hovering above him. I was punching his all over, everywhere I could reach and within seconds, he was passed out. I didn't care.

I jumped offJames and was at Sophie's feet within a second. I looked, trying to find where she was shot and then found a pool of blood at her stomach. I ripped off her shirt and looked at the wound. My eyes then traveled around her upper-half. She was beautiful.

"Fuck." I cursed mentally. I did not just do that at this time. I gently sat her up, and carried her bridal style back towards the nurse. If I would have just fucking left her in the fucking nurses room, where it was locked and she was safe, we wouldn't be in the shitload of a mess. Why don't I ever think ahead of time. I set her down on the clean, white sheets and opened the cupboard full of medical shit. I was knocking things over, trying to find anything. I finally found some bandages. I unraveled the brown, piece of fibre and cut it off. I carefully, yet quickly wrapped it around her small, delicate waist. My heart ached at the sight of her. There was a dried up tear stain on her cheek, the hole in her side and pain, twisted onto her beautiful face. Although she was unconscious, she looked drained. Her face was pale and cold, and her body was shivering ever so slightly. I looked around and found a blanket. It was light, and had puppies all over it. I scoffed at how cheap this was but set it overtop of her small figure.

I left the room and James was still lying unconscious on the cold ground. I continued walking around, trying to find someone to help. I heard a muffled cry coming from around the corner. I followed the weak sound and entered a girls bathroom. I actually don't give a shit at the moment. I needed someone's help.

"Hello?" I whispered, trying to sound as non killer as possible. As soon as my voice spoke, the girl shut up. I walked further into the small restroom, opening every door. Finally, I found her. It was that quiet girl, Drew that Sophie ate lunch with everyday.

"Get away!" She shrieked.

"Hey, shh. Calm down, it's just me. I'm not trying to hurt you." I began.

"But I do need your help. You know Sophie? She had been shot and I need your help." I added. Her eyes grew in shock and she cried louder.

"She's dead?" Drew croaked.

"No, she was just shot on her side. She is passed out but I need you to help me find an exit." She nodded. I stood up from my crouched position and extended my arm to help her up from the toilet seat. I laced our fingers together to keep her calm and lead her into the hallways. We tried every door and window and they were all locked. Drew's crying had subsided but she sniffled every now and then. We then gave up and faltered back to Sophie.

Once we crept up to the room, we heard sobs. She was awake. I jumped into the room and ran to her. She looked so fragile. Her eyes screwed shut, hair covering her face with tears falling down her cheek. Her hand was clutching her wound and she was almost screaming in pain. I heard Drew gasp at the sight in front of her.

At that moment, we heard footsteps marching down the hallways. Every seconds they grew closer. I stood up and motioned for Drew to go to Sophie. I peeked my head out the door and saw police officers.

"Hands up!" They shouted.

"I need your help, there's-"

"I said, put your hands up!" He yelled again.

I obeyed what they said and raised my hands above my head. "I need your help, there's a girl in here. She was shot." I said and pointed with my finger. They opened the door further to reveal the two girls. One pulled out there walkie talkie and ordered someone to come with a stretcher.

"Do you have any clue as to where the shooter is?" The police officer asked.

"Yes, he's down that hallway and to the left." I nodded.

He nodded and headed off. About 5 minutes later, a woman with a stretcher came running around.

"Over here." I shouted.

She nodded and complied. She made her way to me and turned into the plain, small room.

"I need your help." She pleaded.

I walked over and grabbed one side of Sophie. We carefully grabbed each side of her waist, around the wound and lifted her delicate body onto the stretcher. The nurse then, ran out again and I quickly followed behind.


Okay that was the shortest chapter of all time. But I will be updating Friday and it will be super long.




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