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Much appreciation to the two commenters on my last chapter. I love your comments, they mean so much! Please, please read the authors note at the end!

Songs for the chapter :

Find You - Zedd

Laughter Lines - Bastille

Chills - Down With Webster


After getting to the college dorms, Harry turned the ignition off and just stared ahead as if in his own little world. I stared at him in curiosity and he just shook his head and hopped out of the car, not a word to be shared.

He has been acting so strangle lately, and I have the urge to uncover what he is hiding. But being the wimp I am, I ignore that urge as he is probably just stressed about everything that has been happening between our lives; complication is a word that best describes us. Not even an hour ago we were teasing along with each other, laughing and enjoying ourselves and now he just is lost in his own thoughts once again.

It feels as if he is trying to follow the light in his mind but every time he gets near, it's out of his reach. That one grip he can not grasp in his own mind, and its torturous to watch. I wish he would open up to me; tell me what is going on and let me help him.

It's probably nothing, my subconscious tells me and I agree, brushing it off. I opened the passenger door and stepped into the cool winter breeze. The harsh winds were nipping at my skin making me shiver. I followed after Harry and into the warm college air. Rubbing the excess snow from my shoes onto the mat covering the floor, I took off to find Harry after his strange disappearance. I noticed the light snow that was imprinted onto the mat from Harry's shoes and followed the tracks. After a minute, it started to vanish until it came to a complete hault in front of the boys washroom. But the tracks did not lead into the washrooms, they did not lead away, they just ended right here.

I sighed in frustration and decided to leave him to do what he needs and let him cool down. I huffed out air and stalked off to my own dorm room. It feels as if it has been ages since I've been in here, but I know it hasn't. I searched my purse, digging through the used tissues, chap stick, my phone and my wallet, finally receiving my key. Pushing it in, I unlocked the door and was about to push it open when it was opened for me. Startled, I took a step backwards, taken off guard.

"Hello?" I called out, not stepping in the room but looking around. Thinking it was the vent circulation moving it, I walked in to have two hands wrap around my waist and lift me up. Immediately I let out a shriek but calmed down as I heard Harry's soft chuckle muffled by my back.

"Not funny." I grumpily stated, crossing my arms and letting him carry my whole body weight without my help.

"Fine, grump." He said, dropping me onto my butt with a loud thud.

"Harry!" I shouted, receiving pain from my bottom, rubbing it sorely.

"Maybe if you weren't a grump." He paused, "Ebenezer." Snickering, he stalked away to lay on my bed, head rested in his arms.

"Ebenezer?" I questioned, "As in Ebenezer Scrooge?"

"You bet."

"But why?" I asked, confused.

"Because it suits you. You're just a grump so might as well have a grumpy name." He explained making me smile. 

I was still sat upon the hard ground, but now I was thinking of a cheesy name for him.

"Well, I'm sorry Cheddar, but that's just unkind and immature of you." I said, proud of my nickname because sometimes, that son of a bitch is just so damn cheesy.

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